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Everything posted by malanee

  1. Maybe it is just me - but it is hard to find a partner in those sort of environments for straight, gay and bi people. I can't remember the last time anyone decent (ie smart, employed, has all their teeth) hit on me. Wish I had more advice for you! ~Malanee
  2. Hey Vic - they can't give people ecstacy and study them. But they CAN study current ecstacy users. They actually do that a lot with cocaine and heroine users.
  3. Sooo, maybe we should have it next weekend instead? Or we could say screw Crank and Vic...
  4. I would also like to see studies comparing the long term effects of ecstacy use with the use of other drugs/alcohol. I read somewhere that the effects may be no more harmful than the effects of anti-depressants. I fully believe that long term use of ANY drug has an effect on brain chemistry. But I'd like to know the hard facts - not media hype and BS. Educate and inform - scare tactics never have and never will work with the younger generation. ~Malanee
  5. I'm thinking it may be cool enough to throw a little shindig at my house. Which night works better?
  6. Every time I read "TB" I think "tuberculosous" *lol* Hurry back safe!
  7. Nope - I called - he'll be back on Monday.
  8. Hey! Stop putting down my people! Peace is the answer!
  9. Well, parking is crappy everywhere - even down in SE. I always thought that the 14th street corridor would be a good place to start a club. It's just sketchy enough, but still close to the main part of the city. The Saint and The Black Cat are there. In fact, there's an open building right across the street from Meta Track that would make an awesome place for a club. There used to be a club right on 14th at the end of Swann Street - and it was a great space - but didn't fly. Wonder why?
  10. I like Adams Morgan or Dupont - but only because I can stumble home from both. In the end, the venue doesn't matter all that much. Long as the music is playing decent music!
  11. I'm def. down to throw a few house parties in October. It'll be cooler and since I'm leaving I don't give a f*** about the neighbors! Kuro, Buster, Mizsupersonic - can I get a DJ??????
  12. Please tell me you didn't just say ass lard!!!!!
  13. chipotle= Oh yeah - I'm a burrito snob!
  14. I love the Delerium CD. I wish I were feeling better - I'd go!
  15. I dunno, looks like one of those ecstacy parties to me. I mean - wouldn't you have to be on drugs to dress like the guy on the left???
  16. I may go just for a little while - since I'm supposed to be taking it easy this weekend. We'll see!
  17. The Urban Institute is soooo liberal - they are allowing us to take annual leave tomorrow if we don't want to come in. Hmmm, I wonder if the b-to cart will be there...
  18. Lena - Hellooooo! Spinsaikel - your avatar is so nasty!
  19. ***warning**** If you are outgoing and like to go to clubs YOU TOO could be at risk for sextacy use!!!!
  20. You should know - you gave it to me!
  21. Can't make it - I'm on antibiotics. Sauvee still hasn't heard from the condo board - so who knows when he is leaving! The moving people are packing up his things tomorrow, though...
  22. malanee

    VIP club

    *&^%$ I can't view anything because I don't have Flash. Damn work computer!
  23. Ahhh, another "literate" member of the Jersey board!
  24. I think their use of the work "celebrities" was pretty daring. When's the last time you saw Lorenzo in anything????
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