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Everything posted by dale77

  1. Oh great! I'm one of the last to get one! Figures. ------------------ You're only young once
  2. This is what happens when you stop reading the newspaper b/c it's too depressing....you miss out on all the good info! I have no fucking clue as to what you're talking about! LOL. I should probably stop posting on CP and check out www.cnn.com a bit more often, huh? ------------------ You're only young once
  3. Charming. ------------------ You're only young once
  4. Ha! What tax refund? I think I'm the only 24 year old who didn't get a refund. Partially, it's because I claimed single and 2 dependants like a jackass but whatever! I just handed over LOTS O' $$$ the gov't this year. 2 months later, it still hurts. ------------------ You're only young once
  5. I have 2 more questions 1. Do any of you know how much a cab would prolly be from midtown (37thst) to Giants Stadium? 2. For those of you who have taken the bus from Port Authority to G.S., can you buy tickets in advance or can you only get them on the same day? Do I even need to get them in advance, do they sell out of seats? thanks in advance. ------------------ You're only young once
  6. dale77

    Who Does Drugs Here?

    What? I was being serious! ------------------ You're only young once
  7. you are SO gross. SO! ------------------ You're only young once
  8. Most people have no fawking clue as to what I am. They I'm either a really tan white chick, Spanish, Asian mixed w/ something, Hawaiian or my favorite, Polynesian! I'm actually Black but I have Irish and British blood running through my veins. I have a picture but I can never upload b/c of java script errors. WTF. There's one on this board somewhere in the archives but I'm too lazy to find it! ------------------ You're only young once
  9. I'm so glad it's the weekend! ------------------ You're only young once
  10. Who could resist having sex regularly?!?! ------------------ You're only young once
  11. I expect you to be the first one on line to get into the support group, there shall be no sleeping!!!! ------------------ You're only young once
  12. dale77

    Who Does Drugs Here?

    ME? Do drugs? Are you on crack? No way, no how, not me, never! I don't need that stuff and I especially NEVER do E or K whenever I go clubbing. Oh, and I never drink or smoke pot either. Tuhu. ------------------ You're only young once
  13. I'm going to DC but not for what you guys are going for. My friend has an extra tket for Dave Matthews so I leave tomorrow!! YIPPEE!! ------------------ You're only young once
  14. don't we'll have to start a support group!!! I'll bring the coffee, bottles of Poland Spring, Red Bull, whatever we need to get started. ------------------ You're only young once
  15. Nope, nothing, nada, zip, zilch, I agree. Do want you want, do whatever makes you happy. Live life for you. It's usually *other* people who have such a problem with it and make your life miserable by imposing their beliefs on to you. ------------------ You're only young once
  16. OH! this is so cute! ...the HELL are you talking about??? did ya figure it out yet you dumb bunny? (what a maroon) ------------------ You're only young once
  17. Resident: It's all about proportions. ------------------ You're only young once
  18. Got it CLQ (Caps Lock Queen) ------------------ You're only young once
  19. dale77

    Just curious

    Marketing Assistant but not for much longer!!!!!!!!! ------------------ You're only young once
  20. I'd have smaller shoulders so my boobs would look bigger. Why not just have bigger boobs? Well, if I did then my shoulders would look even bigger and I'd look like a linebacker! ------------------ You're only young once
  21. Wear the dress. Less Chafing. ------------------ You're only young once
  22. There's a scale called the Kinsey Heterosexual - Homosexual Scale (scroll down to find it). Check out this website. Iit kinda drags on but I thought some of you would like to see this. http://www.biresource.org/klein_graph.html ------------------ You're only young once
  23. I LOVE THIS MOVIE!!!!! It's just soooooo funny! That girl, whatever her name is, is actually a really good actress and she's a lot less funny looking as she gets older. Great flick. Good suggestion. ------------------ You're only young once
  24. They don't bother me. Often they're nice to look at but I have to laugh at the guys who walk around with their arms sticking out because they *think* their muscles are too big for their arms to hang normally. Who are they kidding?!!? LOL. ------------------ You're only young once
  25. Fabulous! ------------------ You're only young once
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