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Everything posted by dale77

  1. Damn that sucks!!! i had mono the summer of '98 and i lost 15lbs and have only gained back about 5lbs! Just be prepared to feel like SHIT for the next three months! Sorry hun! ------------------ You're only young once
  2. Tasty: I read the whole series!!! I loved those books. They've been showing Further Tales of the City on Showtime. Quanto: I haven't been into Sci-fi since I was a little kid. And what kind of fantasy books are you talking about? ------------------ You're only young once
  3. Drugs are ALWAYS the answer! ------------------ You're only young once
  4. false memory sounds familiar, what's that about? ------------------ You're only young once
  5. I say celebrate your bday at SF this Saturday!!! ------------------ You're only young once
  6. prolly b/c she hit the shift key ------------------ You're only young once
  7. When my boss talks alot, he gets this huge wads of spit in the corners of his mouth. And they get bigger and bigger the more he talks... I just want to yell at him and say, "swallow goddmit, SWALLOW"!!! ------------------ You're only young once
  8. Say Anything. I love that movie!!!! John Cusak, what a cutie! ------------------ You're only young once
  9. Okay, Lauren...yet again, i hate you!!! You're always doing fun stuff!!!! No Fair!! Jeter, yeah, yeah. he's cute but Bernie Williams has my heart! ------------------ You're only young once
  10. I'm soooooooooo bored! I need a good book to read. I just read Girl, Interrupted for the 5th time and now I need something else good to read. No sci fi, and I'm not really in a mystery or horror kind of mood, and no **cheesy** love stories please! So what out there is good? ------------------ You're only young once
  11. AND eat breakfast at home! ------------------ You're only young once
  12. Licking is nice but it's the SUCKING that gets me going!! Get with it! ------------------ You're only young once
  13. and bring your own lunch! ------------------ You're only young once
  14. Get the monthly or weekly tickets, they'll save you a bunch!!! ------------------ You're only young once
  15. Three very simple things you need: First, get really HUGE fake boobs. Second, become a size zero. Third, have little or no talent. I'm sure you'll get a job w/ no problem! ------------------ You're only young once
  16. Well here I am, a few days away from a visit from my little friend dressed in red, and I'm even LESS horny than I was before! WTF? ------------------ You're only young once
  17. I think I'd have to say emotionally fulfilled. I couldn't be in a relationship with someone who wasn't in tune with me. I think being with someone who makes you feel good about yourself, someone who truly cares about you, someone who likes you for who you are, and someone that you can have a good time with whether you're out at a club or just home sitting in front of the tv. And if you can reciprocate then what else can you ask for? Well, good sex and then things would be perfect! j/k But if I had to pick one, it would be emotional b/c I don't think good sex necessarily makes for a good relationship. ------------------ You're only young once
  18. Nice try Bush! We all know he's a homophbic asshole. Just another reason why I didn't vote for the prick. Bill Bradley woulda! ::sniff:: ::sniff:: I'm still bitter. ------------------ You're only young once
  19. Right now i'm saying now way b/c I'm very pessimistic when it comes to marriage but who knows, true love has been known to make you do crazy things! ------------------ You're only young once
  20. Prolly ------------------ You're only young once
  21. Yeah! That speaker is ours!!! I tend to say "so" alot. As in "I SO don't want to be at work right now" and "Isn't he cute?" -"SO" or "So very",(another variation) ------------------ You're only young once
  22. dale77


    LOL. ------------------ You're only young once
  23. What a great game! God, I love them! What's up SOJO!?! You da man! ------------------ You're only young once
  24. Lucky bitch!!! ------------------ You're only young once
  25. ------------------ You're only young once
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