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Everything posted by dale77

  1. Never be ashamed that you love Felicity. I'm 24 and I watch a show about college juniors and ya know what? I LOVE IT!! I LOVE FELICITY! haha. I agree with you on the fake boob thing. They almost never look natural. Too many girls are walking around with cantaloupes w/ nipples attached. I ------------------ You're only young once
  2. dale77

    Meet up Pics...

    They were here and now their gone...how very Twilight Zone. ------------------ You're only young once
  3. That peas and carrots crap is what put me over the edge with Keith! ------------------ You're only young once
  4. They need to wise up quicky!!!! If Colby doesn't win immunity, he needs to go. He is really tough to beat in challenges and chances are, when he makes it to the final two, the jury will pick him. I would. I think he's the most deserving out of all of them!! I really hope Keith gets the boot. He rubs me the wrong way. And could his fiance be any younger?!?!!? ------------------ You're only young once
  5. oh this is soooo annoying. she looks like this girl i met through a friend but i can't remember what the girl's name was. i met her at twirl and then we went to sf afterwards. it looks JUST like her. if she's reading this, hey vampie does that sound familiar? do you know elena and her bf jarrett? Wow...good memory Em. I'm bad with faces but the name sounds really familiar! But I don't think she came with to SF after. For some reason I remember it just being you, me, J, Elena, Reana (SP?), and that really hot guy she was with..... (Damn, that a good night. So much for O'Neil's!!!!) ------------------ You're only young once
  6. Everyone looks so cute! Now I'm bummed that I missed it! ------------------ You're only young once
  7. And run QUICKLY!! ------------------ You're only young once
  8. I'm definitely addicted to CP. Especially the sex boards. I have no sex life of my own, so I have to live vicariously through the freaks down here. Where and When are the CPA meetings? ------------------ You're only young once
  9. Didn't you see Felicity last night? Apparently it's okay to have (+)(+)!!! We can still be beautiful w/o ( + )( + )!!! ------------------ You're only young once
  10. all what crap??? my car key, $ and license? i can fit that in my underwear ms. hoberman's sphere, rainbow glasses, handcream, vicks vapor rub, candy, flicks bracelet...need i go on? You forgot about the grapes and the orange Ms. Smarty Pants. ::fruit:: LMAO!!! ------------------ You're only young once
  11. Birthday cake!!! yellow cake with buttercream frosting... Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!! ------------------ You're only young once
  12. i'l is that a trick question? ------------------ You're only young once
  13. All of this is fine and dandy but just remember Em, I LOVE YOU JUST THE WAY YOU ARE You've come this far already, you can do it! ------------------ You're only young once
  14. ummmmmmmm...okay, just not too hard. OUCH! ------------------ You're only young once
  15. That works for me!!! ------------------ You're only young once
  16. SO. Call me crazy, but isn't this the sex board??? Since when do people not get intimate down here? I'm willing to bet a lot of guys are afraid to admit their true size. ------------------ You're only young once
  17. Sorry you've been having such a hard time up there...all you need is some lovin' from the freaks here in the dungeon and it'll all be better. ------------------ You're only young once
  18. I'll remeber that the next time you need me to hold all of your crap at SF!! LOL! Love you too, Em! ------------------ You're only young once
  19. Unbound and Orchid sittin' in a tree k-i-s-s-i-n-g!!! ------------------ You're only young once
  20. Ever notice how Angela always called him, Jordan Catalano? It was like she wasn't worthy enough to call him just Jordan...even when they were going out, Jordan Catalano. I loved that show. They used to repeat it on MTV a few years ago. I miss it. ------------------ You're only young once
  21. I need an alternative to the french vanilla coffee i got at dunkin donuts this morning. All i had was a medium and i'm STILL bouncing off the walls!!!!!!!! I don't know what's wrong with me!!!!!! I'm driving myself crrrrrrrraaaaaaazzzzzzzyyyyyyyy!!! ------------------ You're only young once
  22. It goes, "I like big butts and I cannot lie. You other brothas can't deny" and my $.02, I don't like big butts, especially when they're flat. ------------------ You're only young once
  23. it's amazing what a little copy and paste will do. thanks ------------------ You're only young once
  24. Hey, that's not fare! That was supposed to be mine, you rat bastard!!! I'll get it sooner or later ------------------ You're only young once />http://www.yesterdayland.com/images/popopedia/shows/saturday/sa1300.jpg
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