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Everything posted by dale77

  1. I'm thinking that most likely a dictionary's definition of virginity and sexual intercourse is going to be from a heterosexual POV and may not be relevant to homosexual intercourse for obvious reasons. I think saying "technically" a lesbian is a virgin b/c there wasn't penetration is looking at if from a heterosexual POV and I am looking for a homosexual POV. I'm pretty sure there are lesbians out there who've been having sex with women for years and don't think they're virgins. Hence my question, how do two women lose their virginity together? ------------------ You're only young once
  2. (just checking to see if my reply poseted) ------------------ You're only young once
  3. dale77

    Hello everyone

    and you're on the sex board. what a fine place to start. welcome aboard! ------------------ You're only young once
  4. I'm talking about two chicks who have never had sex with a man, full on lesbians here, always have been, always will be kinda thing. So in order for two lesbians to lose their virginity together, they'd need something other than fingers to lose their virginity? Or do fingers count? C'mon it's 10:15 already. Are all of the lesbians still sleeping or something? ::wink:: ------------------ You're only young once
  5. My friend and I were talking and we got on the topic of lesbians and he asked me how lesbians lose their virginity with one another. It's pretty clear how a man and woman do it but I couldn't answer his question as far as lesbians go. Do you any of you know? Are we talking eating each other out, fingers, strap-ons or what? Does there have to be some sort of penetration or what? How does it work? (This isn't intended to be a joke either. I am asking legitimately b/c I had no freakin' clue) ------------------ You're only young once
  6. ha ha hee hee ho ho TUHU! ------------------ You're only young once
  7. that requires too much effort, searching and all. so unless that was a really funny post and worth going back to look at, i say everyone humor me and tell us what you boys like when a girl goes down on ya! ------------------ You're only young once
  8. I like the pic in your sig alot. ------------------ You're only young once
  9. Yer funny! ------------------ You're only young once
  10. well now that was pleasant. ------------------ You're only young once
  11. so what drives you boys crazy? ------------------ You're only young once
  12. I don't get bumps but I read in cosmo that using a little hydrocortizone cream helps reduce the redness for bizarre reason. ------------------ You're only young once
  13. dale77

    So Very Happy!!!!

    Good luck Claire!!! ------------------ You're only young once
  14. dale77

    Have you ever.....

    nothing like having someone burp in your mouth... ------------------ You're only young once
  15. Here's one rule I like to follow: I don't date anybody prettier than I am!!!! Depending on the guy, I don't mind if they're kind of feminine. Being a drag queen or a former drag queen would be pushing it for me. But if it doesn't bother you, then go for it, maybe he's a really nice guy! ------------------ You're only young once
  16. with my track record on serious relationships, I'll never get married. I'm 24 now and it's possible that I could meet somebody within the next 2 years who I'd date for another 2 and be married by 28. That would be ideal for me. I want to have 2 or 3 kids and I don't want to be really old with all these babies. ------------------ You're only young once
  17. Good one. ------------------ You're only young once
  18. H&M is great. Very reasonable prices. ------------------ You're only young once
  19. dale77


    what happened to the little black cat? i love that one! ------------------ You're only young once
  20. those are my favorites. how bored am i right now??? gotta go to bed... ------------------ You're only young once
  21. Saturday. In the park. I think it was the fourth of July. Central Park is the best. ------------------ You're only young once
  22. My occupation is being totally unsatisfied with the workforce in general. I need to be on a 365 day vacation. ------------------ You're only young once
  23. I never called home when I was in school b/c I never wanted to deal with the crap that was going on at home. Then my mom got breast cancer and then I especially never called b/c I didn't want to deal with just how sick she really was. (DENIAL DENIAL DENIAL) After I graduated and moved back home I came to realize how hurt she was by me not making an effort to keep in touch. It was a terrible feeling even though she understood that it was hard for me to deal with her disease. It IS important to let your family know everyone that you love them b/c even though they know you do, it's always nice to hear it once in a while. ------------------ You're only young once
  24. Guilty. Being with another girl can be a lot of fun but it's just not the same with women....like there's something missing,ya know? I can be physically attracted to another woman and be totally taken aback by her but have absolutely no desire to hook up with her. It's hard to explain. I guess when it comes to chicks I'm kind of indifferent. With men I find attractive, well that's another story. Tuhu. ------------------ You're only young once
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