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Everything posted by dale77

  1. The weather, the people, the water! Everything is just beautiful there! I wanna go back!!! ------------------ You're only young once
  2. dale77

    BOB's vibratorz...

    I don't recall your posts but the stocking stuffer thing is a GREAT idea! LOL!! ------------------ You're only young once
  3. Thanks dale77................So what are you doing this weekend????? J/K! !
  4. dale77

    BOB's vibratorz...

    Gotta love Ricky's. So I take it you like to use toys on women? ------------------ You're only young once
  5. dale77

    BOB's vibratorz...

    Haven't heard of that one but it sounds VERY interesting!!!! ------------------ You're only young once
  6. I was supposed to go to Hawaii last fall but my plans fell through. I couldn't even get my $$ back so I have all this $$ with Continental Airlines that I could just to Hawaii on a whim, so I'm ready!!! ------------------ You're only young once
  7. dale77

    BOB's vibratorz...

    I dunno if this question was just for the guys, or if by BOBs you meant battery operated boyfriends but whatever, I'm answering anyways! I have a Pocket Rocket with the two attachments. It's great! But I'm thinking about getting another one b/c I'm getting kinda bored with it. ------------------ You're only young once
  8. These were fuh-nee ------------------ You're only young once
  9. That sounds nice but I say we go to Hawaii and cuddle on the beach instead! You've got me on such a Hawaii kick lately!!! ------------------ You're only young once
  10. Well that's no fun. At least summer is on it's way and you can meet lots of tan, hot chicks. ------------------ You're only young once
  11. This works for me too but not for 60 seconds! But teasing yourself definitely makes for a better orgasm ------------------ You're only young once
  12. Of course it makes sense. You have to be careful b/c you can get some really fucked up diseases and basically that would just suck. I think knowing the person's history is very important but if you don't get tested then you can never be 100% sure. But not everybody takes the time to do that before getting with somebody, it's mostly like an afterthought. But for me, just knowing that somebody has or had an STD is enough to make me not want to get but so physical with them. It's a mental thing that I can't get passed. ------------------ You're only young once
  13. Well I saw this safe sex porno by the GMHC and this guy fisted this other dude anally and he got it up to his wrists. Now I have yet to see a penis as wide as a man's fist but I think with practice a guy or a girl can prolly get just about anything up their ass. Practice and LOTS OF LUBE that is. ------------------ You're only young once
  14. I'm definitely not high maintenance. I do what I need to do to look good but it doesn't take me like 2 hours to get ready. I'll almost always have makeup on, but just enough so that my natural beauty still shows and I don't look the makeup girls at Estee Lauder or Clinique. I wear clothes that are flattering w/o being to revealing and when I go out, if I'm wearing a short skirt or really tight pants, I won't wear a skimpy top. I'm all about balance. As for guys...well i'm not into these musclesheads, who THINK they have to walk around with their arms puffed out. I like normal looking guys who take care of themselves but aren't totally consumed by their looks....but still look good, ya know? Basically, conceded people annoy me. ------------------ You're only young once
  15. Wow. She's absolutely beautiful. I'd definitely say she's a 10. ------------------ You're only young once
  16. dale77

    sleeping naked

    I can see how the '77 in dale77 may have led you to think I was 30 but I just turned 24. ------------------ You're only young once
  17. dale77


    wow. you are a brave girl. i'm tempted but too chicken. ------------------ You're only young once
  18. Hot-te ------------------ You're only young once
  19. Awe man. you guys all had fun without me! But I had a good time hanging out with my friend and her sister. Hopefully, I'll make it to the next meetup! ------------------ You're only young once
  20. Luv the last one. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! ------------------ You're only young once
  21. Mel, You caught on quickly. You found the dungeon and you're still a clubber. Emily's been on for months and she JUST decided to join us down here. LOL. (she's not at work today, btw) ------------------ You're only young once
  22. dale77

    OH NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Awe, that sucks. I was excited to meet you...but I can't go either so it works out! Next time. Good luck with your car. ------------------ You're only young once
  23. Her sister hasn't been home in months so I'm sure she wants to stay home and hang out with her family. She's only in town for the weekend and time is limited. Plus, I like dinner at their house on Fridays, it's PIZZA NIGHT!!! Yippee!!! Plus, we have the game tomorrow.. Everything's all fucked up! ------------------ You're only young once
  24. As you should be. LOL!!! ------------------ You're only young once
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