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Everything posted by cooljunkie

  1. Oh Yes... Don't forget to check CoolJunkie for free entry. Should be huge!
  2. You missed an absolute treat, but don't worry the set will be re-broadcast, and we'll post here as soon as we know when. I think that was the best set that I've heard from Frank. Kicking off with some sweet deep / vocal house, and then moving into some wicked breaks before easing back into the deep stuff. Add in the scratching, spinbacks, and improvised breakbeats and it was a set to remember! Hopefully we can use that as his demo and get the man some nice lounge gigs.
  3. The CoolJunkie show will feature Frank Fernandez this week. Tune in from 6-8pm on www.thewomb.com
  4. We'll be there along with the rest of Miami When are Tomas & Joe getting the key to the city?
  5. I'm sure you'll be back soon in some way, shape, or form. New venues will pop up all over the place during season, and sometimes it just takes a change of location to kick off a night. Au Revoir, not Good Bye Nick
  6. Marick, whatever your issue is with bookings and contacts, it has nothing to do with CoolJunkie. We don't book DJ's, we just promote. The reason you weren't in any previews or reviews is because you never told us you were involved in the night. Why didn't you just drop us an e-mail and let us know? All this ME and MY shit just makes you look bad. Rather than try to make us look bad on a message board, it would be far more mature and professional to contact us directly if you have a problem. Send me a PM and I'll give you my number. Nick
  7. Hey Marick, What changed between here: and here? The 'whole thing' started when we tried to bring Layo & Bushwacka! here 3 months ago and couldn't get a venue. What the scene needs is support not pointless drama.
  8. update - we're doing free entry from 11-12, and $10 until 1am. You just need to sign up at CoolJunkie to get on the list. It's an Ocean Drive party from 10-11, so the place should already be packed by 11 when the doors officially open. Nuthin like a full club to create a great vibe!
  9. Yeah should be a blast. The plan is to bring in regular talent if the support is there, so things are looking good. Living Room are also doing a refurb to make the place a bit more snazzy. Check CoolJunkie next week for guest list stuff.
  10. Following the Stadius / Tripwire night we've decided to go for Wednesday guests, and here's the first... Mr. C (formerly of the Shamen / now of The End) will spin at our Greed night @ Living Room South Beach on Wednesday October 30th. Not something we get very often in Miami and well worth a trip out! Check CoolJunkie.com for guest list on Monday 28th. cheers...
  11. Cafeteria is a 24 hour diner which takes up most of the corner at Pennsylvania & Lincoln (I think). Not sure about the Phazon...
  12. We have loads of passes for comp entry and open house bar before midnight tomorrow at Crobar, so drop us a PM if you're coming down and we'll hook you up... NIck Junkie
  13. Yeah just NYC stations (if there are any). thanks!
  14. Does anyone know of any NYC stations, aside from KTU and K-Rock, that have any dance music shows? Even college / web stations? thanks...
  15. I'm gonna give you a for that Lee, but you kinda freaked me out too. I'll try not to switch off the server during your session...
  16. We have free passes for comp entry and open house bar from 10-12 on Friday for Dave Seaman & Jon Cowan @ Crobar. Just PM us or check the site to get em... cheers, Nick Junkie
  17. 'Sup peeps, We have passes for free entry and open house bar till 12 for Dave Seaman and our own DeckJunkie Jon Cowan! PM us or check the site later today to get passes... See you there Nick Junkie
  18. Dan's photo of Michael Louis at the 2002 CoolJunkie Winners Party @ Space got printed in Mixer this month. Nice work fella! Wish there was a :camera: one of these...
  19. Without doubt the finest guest DJ's in town on Saturday. Not to be missed! The Junkies will be out in force. And a not-so-subtle hint - if it's as good as we're expecting, it can definitely happen more often. See you there!
  20. Hey guys, We'll be doing the meetup at Blue from 10.30-11 for the James Z passes (free entry / open house bar till 12). See you there, Nick Junkie
  21. PM us for comp entry / open house bar before 12. See you there
  22. this just in - DeckJunkie now covers not only your DJ needs, but percussionists as well. Let's see if we can kidnap the guy tonight and get our Sean on those Timbales.
  23. We have passes for comp entry and open house bar till 12 if you want some. Jus drop me a PM. cheers, Nick Junkie
  24. We'll be there - last week was fun. Live percussion and some killer tribal house. Can't wait
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