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Everything posted by djfrosty

  1. Until I have an issue there I will still go. Luckily, I have never had a problem there. But then again, I only go there 3-4 times a year.
  2. I guess I am a light weight. However, I do remember ol Johnzy had a meal at Willies to soak it up. Uh, I definitely had more than 2.
  3. closing out Space is pretty impressive. Twice even more impressive. I think the latest I made it was 9 AM but I had been there since before 1 AM. I would have to get to Space at 5 AM to close it. (with a huge power nap between midnight and 5)
  4. HELL YEAH. Sanchez rocked it. Best DJ of the conference.
  5. Oh no, not the fawk Space threads again. I remember these complaints from years ago (old Space) Not that the complaints didn't/don't have any basis.
  6. Alright I will give you that. Here is a good comparison...It's like when you test drive a ferrari, porsche, mercedes, then test drive a Honda last (which would be Guetta) Now if you just went out and test drove the Honda by itself you would probably be happy.
  7. You fawker...joined the message board you rookie. Nah, Guetta was the worst DJ of who we saw period. Not better than Morillo, Radio one DJ's, Tiesto, Sanchez. Please admit that.
  8. Sorry you had a bad time Friday. Although I bet overall you had a blast.
  9. I would agree that I had the best time of all the times I have been in Miami. Saturday ended up being a drag but oh well. Probably didn't help that I was tired as hell for sleeping a total of 3 hours the previous days. Picture says a thousand words. This is me dragging ass waiting in VIP line at Mansion. Oh well, I should have taken a nap before and gone to Crobar instead. Hindsight 20/20. Can't wait to come back to Miami in June...
  10. We stayed 55th and Collins. Paid $10 for 3 of us to cab it in South Beach. Wasn't a pain ever. Sometimes we drove down (which was a SERIOUS pain)
  11. Don't like art deco? You must like Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island architecture better. I didn't even look where this comment came from and I knew he/she was from New York. How could you not like art deco? My comment? You get what you pay for in South Beach. El Cheapo cost = el cheapo looking sardine can rooms.
  12. This is the funnest thread I have ever read. I agree don't cheap it out. I couldn't imagine staying at a downtown Days Inn. Although who cares if you screwed ho's on a balcony and then have to brag about it to total strangers. That's pretty tasteless. I can see shooting the shit with your buddies... but on a message board? Hope you wrapped buddy.
  13. But he is still an asshole regardless. Hip hop section...are you fawking kidding me? We should have just said fawk off and walked to Crobar.
  14. Roger Motherfuckin Sanchez easily first. Distance second Morillo, then Radio One Party DJ's were banging it around 11 PM till it closed. I have no idea who was spinning. Wasn't really paying attention to the booth just the tunes and the scenary. Tiesto distant third. David Guetta...will never go see him again nor will I go to Mansion again. See my review below about this night...Wish I went to see Carl Cox at Crobar instead. Only thing I would add to my review that was positive....a lot of hotties there. http://bbs.clubplanet.com/showthread.php?t=265873
  15. Would have gone but couldn't miss the Radio One party. Actually, glad I didn't. Maybe next year.
  16. Uh, Marc couldn't speak. He was completely FUBAR. As for me, I know I only had four. I knew I had a big night ahead.
  17. Won't ever go back there. When I called to get table reservations the guy told me two bottles for 6 people. We needed to have a 1:1 ratio of guys to girls. We get there and Freddy the dickhead makes us wait about 45 minutes and made us buy a third bottle. He was the rudest guy. Probably got it from that asshole french guy Stephan who used to work Space who happened to be working front door as well. In addition, they stick us in the hip hop room which pissed me off. They wouldn't let us up in the front VIP by the DJ. As for David Guetta...blah. Wasn't terrible but I stood around a lot. Probably the worst DJ of the four nights of my conference (Subliminal, Tiesto/Sanchez, Nikki, then this) Left at 4 AM. If I would have known that ahead of time I would have spent the money on Crobar VIP which ended up being around the same price. ($1100?) Anyway, Freddy you short little French faggot. Fawk off.
  18. Not hot in the inside at all but the patio can be after 8 AM. There were a lot of dudes on the terrace with shirts off sweatin balls. Didn't notice the smell since I was fawked up. Just try it next year. Gotta be better than that JP party you went to. Man I got trashed at Willies on Thursday.
  19. I like David Guetta "World is Mine" (Clamaran mix) I heard 2-3 times at Space and once at Nikki for Radio One.
  20. I agree. Sanchez was awesome. Bomb after bomb plus the kryogenix helped me cool off a lot. I left around 9 AM since I ran out of gas. Passed out in the cab on the way home. I am so happy I am still in Florida right now. The weather was AWESOME today.
  21. Space is a great venue period. Especially the patio. Don't know why people dislike it so much. Cool Maria. PM me the pics and I will do the same.
  22. You should have gone to Nikki Beach. It was PHAT as hell. A little hot inside but overall a great party. Good to meet ya Maria. (and Marc) Maybe next year we can hang some more. I will post some pics my friend took of us when he sends them to me. (from his camera phone) Ciao, Greg aka Frosty
  23. Nice but expensive ass drinks. But I guess they were expensive everywhere. e.g I ordered two pina coladas with an extra shot each. 42 frickin dollars. And they weren't even that good.
  24. I thought Tiesto was pretty good. Although I thought Roger Sanchez was on fire. He killed the patio. As for Morillo I was rather disappointed.
  25. Roger Motherfucking Sanchez destroyed SPACE
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