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Posts posted by djfrosty

  1. All ages mate, from toddlers to retirees. it's not a place for young people to gather. it's a place for progressive thinkers to unite. Well then, you stay home..."old man". ^_^

    No, just meaning I have changed. In 1994 I went to Woodstock in New York. Remember one of the best times was seeing Green Day at the front of the stage and was in the huge mudfight. Had the time of my life. Doubt I would twelve years later today. I just like different things...like going to NYC this coming weekend to shop and see Roger Sanchez at Crobar then maybe DT and Carl Cox at Pacha later. Not a bad lineup I might add.



  2. Mr. Frosty..... Obviously it's about the money. It was allways about the money but I really dont think 100-300 less crackheads is really going to hurt there pockets when they charge 25-50 at the door and 10+ a drink. Half the junkies they let in buy one water then fill there bottle up in the bathrooms, so what they really just losing door admission. And you cannot tell me clubs like crobar and pacha are not making a fortune and cannot aford to turn people away from there doors.

    I agree...out with the crackheads and in with the hot babes! AMEN!

  3. I really think the door policy at clubs sux. I myself have no problems getting in (I'm 31 very successful) but what I do have a problem with is the scumbags they let in. Why they let alot of these crackheads in blows my mind. I'm no cop or anything but I can pick a junkie out of a lineup no prob. and yet most clubs are filled to the tee with them. Back in the day clubs like twilo,limelight,palladium all where very strict about who they let in. If you wore a orange shirt your not getting in, if you look drunk or high your not getting in, you didn't shave your not getting in. I can go on and on. I have never met any of you guys so I cant pass jugement on anybody on this forum but I like the idea that the premiere clubs are getting tough at the door. I remember waiting in the line for twilo and watching people get turned away left and right. Thats the way it should be.

    Mr. Gekko...you should know it's all about the money baby! If the clubs are making $$ then they can afford to pick and choose who gets in.

  4. take an RV, and use the generator a bit when you sleep. the breeze helps, and at night it's so cold (dips down as low as 45 -50 degrees), you'll want blankets.

    I took saris to decorate my bed and ended up wearing them just to stay warm at night. damn I looked so gorgous when it was cold out! ^_^

    well if you're cut out for this:The Freedom To Express, then parhaps it is for you. things liek creature comforts become a distant thought while you're there due to all the excitement, but as soon as we got out, a warm shower for more than three minutes felt SOOOO luxurious, among other creature comforts we had forgotten about. it was like discovering luxury all over again for the first time. :)

    Yeah, I heard it's a pretty unique atmosphere. I think I would have liked it 10 years ago but now that I am old man, not sure if I would.

  5. Whatup everyone, me, my gf, and a friend of mine just moved down here from Detroit. We're looking for cool people to meet and cool places to chill. My gf is under 21 so if you know which nightspots are 18+ let us know. Looking forward to fun times down here. Drop us a line.


    I bet your glad to get out of Detroit!

    You may want to leave your girlfriend at home since she is underage. She will rarely get in places. As i like to say don't take "sand to the beach" :)

    Thank me later!

  6. I went to burning man and apparantly I was a latent hippie. Clubbing as we know it has harldy any appeal to me anymore. c'est la vie! ^_^

    How was burning man? I couldn't imagine going since I don't like sleeping without AC and all the amenities, camping, etc. Although I heard from a friend who went years back and said it was nuts. He had a great time. (which I was surprised to hear)

    but back to the point of this thread...yes the board is borrrring!

  7. It sure has. From all the friggin burritos you guys eat!


    I blame it on the "server is busy" error. It happens daily. They need to upgrade the hardware and/or application. It's junk.

  8. thanks for your responses. Such a shame.. was really looking forward to Miami.. so there is no leeway on this even during spring break? Where would you suggest to go in US for British students for partying during spring?

    I think it's pretty strict. Maybe Panama City, FL. Maybe NYC if you can stand being cold. If spring break happens to fall during WMC you definitely have to come to Miami. WMC is usually the end of March. Lots of stuff to do if you are underage.

  9. there is this bad ass place for under 21s to go to ....... chuckycheese....off the chain....google it and check outsome of the pics....!

    :laugh: wait your turn! 21 will come soon. Plenty of time to party. I would hate for you to come all the way here and the only place you can go is Chuck E Cheese...New York City has plenty of 18+ nights with good dj's. Miami is rarely 18+.

    Or you can stand oustide and listen to the music and smell the food. Watch everyone go in :)


  10. Dang. I think my friends already bought presales for Sanchez. Maybe he will spin a little better this time since he is straight back from Ibiza. Last time I saw Sanchez he ripped it but that was in Miami.

    Thanks for info. I will mention Cielo or Sullivan Room. I will try Tao for Saturday and hit Sushi Samba on Friday.

  11. OK...I need some advice.

    Friday night not sure what I will do. I am staying with a few buddies who live in lower Manhattan. They mentioned going to Sushi Samba or Tao for dinner then didn't know what to do afterward. What's good on Friday nights? I saw that Shiram was going to be at Crobar but didn't want to go there two nights in a row. Prefer a more intimate setting, good looking crowd. House music is preferred but I am not too worried about the music Friday night. Definitely 21+ crowd. Saturday hitting Crobar for Roger Sanchez. :bounce: For Saturday what times you recommend getting to Crobar for Sanchez? What time does he usually spin from?

    Thanks for the help NYC peeps. :clap2:


  12. Who isn't trying to get laid??? but i keep my practice professional. I want to make $$$...

    "In this country, you gotta make the money first. Then when you get the money, you get the power. Then when you get the power, then you get the women. " - We all know who... ;)

    Just joking like I always do. :) Good luck to ya.

    One footnote to your comment...if you're ugly then the women are using you only for your money. :)

  13. Hi girls,

    I am a photographer in Miami looking for local models or aspiring models that are interested in creating or adding to their portfolio. I am a giving you the opportunity to have more pictures without any charge. I'll give you the CD full of your pictures as long as i can use those same pics as my photographic portfolio as well.

    If you are interested write me to photomanmiami@yahoo.com and i can show you some of my current work.


    I should have been a photographer right out of college. Looking at hot chicks all day rather than crunching numbers on a PC. :clap2:

  14. nope.....not yet. and what's this thing about a third person being present in the room before he died? are they suggesting foul play?

    and as much as i never really liked anna i do feel bad for what she's going through right now.

    True...has to be a horrible experience. A huge loss to lose a child. In the end she is still human no matter how messed up and greedy she is perceived to be.

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