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Everything posted by avalondon3

  1. shhhhhhhhhhhh;) Can one of our great mods make this post a sticky??
  2. Jp at Arc on Saturdays? *dont kill me for that one*
  3. Peter Rauhofer mix is niiiiiiiiicce blows the other mixes away.
  4. Ok,guys. I'll tell ya... maybe not..hahahah you'll have to find out. right, mods?
  5. You cant consider yourself a TRUE BuMp and "..." member if you dont know what that date signafies.
  6. at times like this, seems like everyone is "friends" with JP.
  7. Those who know, know!
  8. agreed. This mix is awesome. It blows the Riddler/al b feg. mix out of the water.
  9. I think youre taking Dt's use of the word "evil" out of context. By "evil" i doubt he means the occasional drug user, or the partier who parties responsibly, but rather the two scourges of the club world; drug dealers, and people who ABUSE drugs. With abuse, its one thing to pop a pill, or smoke a joint, but its another to let the "partying" get out of hand. Popping massive amounts of pills, and Swigging gallons of G are not gonna help yourself, or clubs. This abuse leads to problems such as Od'ing, addiction or even death. Once a club gets a rep for sending out half conscience kids out into the streets after an event is over, sooner or later the authorities are going to get involved to see "whats up". In regards to drug dealing, I feel this is the real "evil" of clubs in NYC. Drug dealing benefits no one and harms everyone. Clubs that turn a blind eye to it, will only hurt themselves in the long run. Mgmt, security, and owners support this. Their continued support of such an evil trade will only, again, get the attention of the city which will have no choice but to shut down a party thats getting out of hand. I hope more people will heed the words of DT. The man's right on all points, and I respect him for taking a stand on such a senstive issue. DT
  10. Well, not exactly. Appearently, SF's vibe, crowd and music moved up 6 blocks to Float. First, the crowd. It was over flowing with juiceheads in Dior sunglasses and cut off A/X shirts and girls who were petty and pretentious. The music, for a while, was very SF'esque. I think I saw a few SF circles going. The club itself sucks. Small, smelly, and ONE bathroom per floor. WTF! Oh, and the drinks were waaaaaaaay over-priced. $10 per drink--fuck that. I, myself, will never go back there again. Float is a poor excuse for a club in NYC. (the only highlite of my night was hearing the Jackie Nova Bonus Beats)
  11. If they're getting raided, I would say its a safe bet that they're next. however, if not, im sure security will be extra,and I mean extraaaaaaa tight. Im almost positve that they dont want to have one fuck up ruin it for the whole club.
  12. I see where you're coming from, and I agree. Its too bad the hard work of a few, who really cared, was spolied by the laziness, greeed, and evilness of the many who cared only about themselves. If we had more people like bugout and co. that cared more about the music than the "scene", perhaps NYC wouldnt be in this mess. Unfortunatly, the bugouts are few and far between. It'll be a long, loooooooong time before the drug culture is rooted out of the dance music scene(and at the rate things are going,I somehow doubt that). As far as pointing fingers, I feel that's easy. The finger needs to be pointed at ourselves;meaning the ones who let this drug use culture flourish. Perhaps if all of us had said" enough is enough" things wouldnt be this bad. However, you reap what you soe.Its sad that "popping pills, snorting Coke, and drinking G" are the "cool" thing.
  13. :laugh: You would think, from this post, that the Factory people are some sort of ethnic tribe that wants nothing to do with another ethnic tribe--the Arc/Vinyl heads. grow up..a club is club thats open to EVEYONE. Unless there's a guy at the door picking out people from a crowd, NO ONE has the right to tell people where they can, and cant go. If I wanna rock my A/X shirt in Arc, fuck you cause I am If I wanna rock my UFO pants in Centro, I am, so fuck you.. enough with this" this is my club" petty bullshit. Unless you own it, shut your mouth, and be grateful that you have the "privilege" to attend arc, or Sf or wherever the hell you guys frequent.
  14. Not trying to start drama, but why even worry about the closings of Exit & SF? There are sooooo many more important things in life to worry about. A club is just that--a club;a venue which plays music at all hours of the morning. If you're fretting about them getting shut, perhaps its time to re-evaluate your own life, and re-arange your priorities. I, for one, will not lose any sleep over it. My life doesnt revolve around clubs or going out and getting high. I'll just have to adjust my schedule and go somewhere else if the need arises--no big deal, right? I know by posting im not helping the situation, I just feel that its pointless to cry, point fingers and get all pissy that a building is closed.
  15. Since SF&Exit are closed, I think I'll take up normal activities such as : reading, watching TV, spending quality time with my family/GF,sleeping, thinking, studying, taking up a new hobby..Wow, I didnt realize there's a whole world outside of a few old warehouses.
  16. I was hoping a few juice heads would hang themselves on SF's flagpole.
  17. Arc, without a doubt , is next on the city's hit list... I hate when people blame the city and Bloomberg for the shutting down of Exit & SF. Do you really think their closings are some sort of vast right-wing conspiracy? If it wasnt for the blatant and rampant drug use, the city wouldnt give two shits about them--after all, they do contribute to the city's tax base. The only one to blame are the people, owners, and promoters who let this behavior get out of hand. Can you blame the NYPD for what they do when people are getting carried out on strethcers over-dosing on G? Honestly, I couldnt give two shits that they're closed. Clubs ARE NOT a way of life(at least for me). Granted, they provide an escape from the grind, but there is more to life than a few buildings with music. Life goes on, and the world turns. Maybe the people that contributed to the club's closing will look at what they did and realize they're destroying not only themselves,but a way of life for so many people.. look, clubs are a dime a dozen. you shut one down, another opens. I certainly will not lose any sleep over it.
  18. Exit meetup--2am behind the booth Sf meetup--8am behind the stairs
  19. this mix rocks..seems like non cheesey quality trance is making a comeback.
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