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Everything posted by kandekyd18

  1. I was very pleased watching the Swiss Miss go down in straight sets to Capriati. JenCap is pretty cool, but I think she's had enough success for the year, lol. As long as Hingis never wins Roland Garros I will be happy. And as long as her drought at the majors continue...I am evil. No, I respect Hingis' talents and abilities, it's just that ever since she combusted in the French Open final 1999 against Steffi Graf, I have looked at her as an immature soul.
  2. 5-HTP is one of the chemicals formed in your body that helps produce serotonin, which is necessary in order to roll correctly. If you take E more than once every 2 weeks, your serotonin supply is never fully replenished. Serotonin is a hormone( I think, or chemical, whatever) that is released when you take E. E tells the serotonin to be released into your brain, thus creating all of the wonderful effects(emotional) of E. After you take a MDMA pill, your serotonin is gone. It takes 2 weeks to recover, and that is because your body takes a while to produce 5-HTP. The 5-HTP pills, which can be purchased at virtually any GNC or vitamin store, help restore the 5-HTP in your body quicker, thus enabling serotonin to be reproduced at a quicker rate. I, for one, have to buy these pills before I leave the country for my vacation, because I roll every week, and I probably will do so in Europe as well. So, if you roll a lot, you should invest in these pills, if you see that you feel more depressed after you roll, or just really fried, etc...
  3. I would take the yellow Pikachu's....they are awesome!
  4. Unfortunately, i left at 2 because my friends wanted to go chill elsewhere. Now I regret leaving after hearing all the good stuff that happened after I left, lol. Who was spinning until 2 o' clock anyway? The music was a little interesting, but I am sure it got better after, like all of you have said.
  5. I feel the same way...staying straight or drinking Red Bull allows me to dance my best, while rolling hinders me usually because I tend to sit and relax throughout the entire duration of my peak. Unfortunately, I have been rolling a lot, every weekend. I think I need to stop, but then I always do it anyway. I think I am about ready to get help because I do not want my brain to fry completely by the time I am 19 in a few months.
  6. How would one go about getting to Jefferson, NJ? Where exactly is it?
  7. i will be in Europe for the entire summer and i hope to be attending the Love Parade this year. i just have to convince someone to drive up to Berlin from where I will be staying...otherwise, I will take a bus or something if i really feel like goin at the time. ich gehe nach deutschland...lol...time to brush up on some german.
  8. Pikachu's are crazy, =D I had them in yellow, white and orange speckled. The yellow and speckled are the best. They are crazy and definitely worth the money.
  9. I feel the same way...during my peak, I always love to sit and enjoy all of the emotions swallowing my mind. I just feel so relaxed that I can't dance. Then, when my peak starts to come down, I start the dancing. I feel very energetic and I hope around like crazy....all of the energy is released when I come down. So, therefore I also never get depressed. Only once in the past 3 months have I felt depressed the next day. So, 1 out of 12,13 pills that I have taken in the past 3 months has done that. Otherwise, it is like I said above.
  10. Hell yeah! I can't wait, I know it will be hot.
  11. I wish I had some to give...
  12. How long have u taken them before you stopped? Perhaps you built up a tolerance, but that should have been gone by now, considering you didn't take it for 2 months or so. I think it has to do with your chemical balance being off. For me, my rolls are always the same....during the peak I never want to move, nor can I...maybe that's because of the Vicks, but regardless, I don't want to dance, but then when I start to come down and get off the peak, I always dance like crazy...lol
  13. Lol...I would hope so, but romy20 is right, we'll be too old and therefore our views surely will change. Now that doesn't go for all of us, just probably 75%, lol.
  14. Well, I don't wear any ripped up t-shirts, and i don't look like a bum...but I hate dancing in shoes, so I guess until I feel like looking like a guido, I will not go there.
  15. I was about to say, lol....well, was it a fast paced or slow song?
  16. I've never been to EXIT and nor will I go, until they change their dress code rule. Do they really enforce it? I honestly want to know.....what can you not wear there in other words?
  17. Hmm....I honestly don't know. I don't think anything is going on....I read that that was just a rumor going around when that last incident happened, OUTSIDE of tunnel, not inside. I go to tunnel every saturday and NO I don't believe it is closing down anytime soon because that is exactly what the hostess said this past saturday after the live performance of that group, "Da Buzz" or something. Unfortunately both clubs have these bad reputations, which I guess can be said are well deserved, but those days are over. The clubs are fine and there is nothing to be worried about when in one of them. Security is kind of tight(I was forced to empty all my stuff out of my pockets because a bouncer thought I popped a pill this past Saturday - but duh, I do that before I enter the club, lol), but if you don't have anything illegal on you, you have nothing to worry about.
  18. Hmm....I have taken it on average once a week for the past 3 months....and every time it has been cool. The last time I took it, I didn't take it for 2 weeks and it hit me really hard. Or maybe it was because the pill was pretty strong? But yeah I should do it every 2 weeks, because serotonin does take that long to replenish. I think I should invest in 5-HTP pills. Perhaps before I go away to Europe this summer...I might need it over there, because I will probably increase my intake due to the cheaper prices I will pay for pills. I took 2 pills in one night and it seemed as if my serotonin was there, but probably not...just the speediness of the pill.
  19. hmm...i have never thrown up. once or twice i get anxious before i take a pill, but it never really affects me....eat dinner. that helps somewhat.
  20. Hmm, interesting. The bouncers are different with various people, that is true. I usually take it before I go in, but recently I have just bought it inside from my friend, so I usually don't worry. lol
  21. Really interesting stuff here. I hope someone can provide us with more info.
  22. Hmm....you know it is really wierd that I have not smoked weed yet while rolling, lol. I heard it makes it last longer, or is that just the effect you feel, cuz weed makes everything seem like forever, lol. Plus, I am always inside a club when I start to come down, and I can't exactly start smoking in there, cuz the security is really annoying. However, in Limelight, they don't give a crap, lol....everyone smokes up in there. Regardless, it's fun combining the two, from what I've heard.
  23. Hmm....do what I do, I just take whatever I need to take in the morning to afternoon hours, like up to 6 hours before I take any other substances. For example, take your antibiotic and allegra for the last time like 6 hours before you take E or K. The inhaler is fine, it is just a steroid made to open your bronchii....even if you need it while you roll or whatever, you can take it. There usually is no effect, it never has affected me.
  24. Unfortunately, the US Govt. views E as the worst only because it has become the fastest growing drug amongst the people. I disagree with it being placed in Class I...is it really as bad as heroin or cocaine? I don't believe so.
  25. Lol...I have been rolling every weekend for at least the last 2 months, and only once has my roll returned the next day...I was at work and I felt all wierd....fortunately it wasn't that strong and I could control myself, considering the fact my boss was there...lol. I guess it's just left over, but it could just be the after effects, who knows....it was funny though.
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