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Everything posted by bouncyboy

  1. dating is not always a bad experience, it's just a bad experience if both people aren't in to it. But when you meet someone that you click with it is the funnest thing ever. And yes B2B, you will find someone, or as Scratch said, that someone will find you. That is how it works, when you look you come up empty, but when you quit looking someone finds you.
  2. B2B, they don't talk about Brad Pitt, I heard them telling eachother, "damn girl, that David, he's so fine. I just want to eat him alive." I swear B2B on my pocket full of pills... lol :roll:
  3. bouncyboy

    He's Back!

    see scotte, I told you she liked that type of thing.... nasty girl!!! uh oh, nasty girl!!!!
  4. I should have known that UN-Silente would come on with some issue of morality. We are men, we think with two brains. When we see a good looking girl, the little brain below the belt kicks in and we get drawn into her tractor beam of hotness. It's the way nature works babe. Love it or leave it.
  5. B2B always wears a shiny shirt. He likes to kick it Roxbury style. lol Tracy is a cutie... you are all right. So Tone? When is the next event???
  6. no he won't, that Wombat is a cranky bitch when he first wakes up.
  7. bouncyboy

    He's Back!

    they let me back on there. I mean shit they better, I have over 500 posts in under 2 months. It's that damn moderator over there. Deleting posts and moving posts and sending shitty PM's.. Fuck that dude.
  8. good Idea Silente, us crackheadz don't go over well in churches...
  9. alright feminazi... I on the other hand would go to see her for how she looks. Cause in that picture she looks damn fine. and a mistress too?? oh boy can I lick her boots. lol
  10. I think that if you walked in to a church babe, the candles would blow out and the stained glass would shatter, "for the antichrist has arrived" LOL
  11. You a nun?? Don't make me bust a gut laughing.. lol lol
  12. B2B, in order to get sick of dating, you need to go on dates.. lol I'll take you out this weekend, you'll fall in love trust me lol
  13. Tom-E, you already insured that I am going to have a good time this weekend.. lol see you next weekend...
  14. bouncyboy

    He's Back!

    Watch it Scotte, she might like that. and yes scratch, Medusa catered to the under 21 crowd back in the day, with Alcatraz and the original Medusa's...
  15. Bro, you are soooo lucky you are on the east coast right now, alright Bbitch? Better stay there too... You are all going to die a painfull death, for no one messes with the bouncybitch, uchum I mean bouncyboy... lol
  16. aww to hell with the both of ya, it just goes to show that woman of the world ain't nothin but a big ass headache...
  17. alright woman. One more word out of you and I am feeding you to the dogs... Although you would probably annoy them too, and they would end up running away from you. lol bouncy- silenteisafuckingsmartassthatneedsanasswoopinrealsoon
  18. bouncyboy

    He's Back!

    Bro, your post was deleted, and he just banned me from posting. I sent the following to Pete at Chicago fusion...Pete/Georgia I just received numerous amounts of rude and insulting private messages from our good friend Chris a.k.a. Gator. Finally after trying to be civilized with him for about 10 messages, and after having about 5 perfectly legit posts deleted he banned me from the board. I think that he conducts himself in a rude and unprofessional manor and I wouldn't want someone like that representing something that I stood for. I truly admire what you guys are doing, devoting extra all your extra time into helping people in chicago have fun. Just remember that the best advertising is word of mouth. And I can tell you that from reading posts on other message boards I am not the only one who doesn't appreciate Gator's actions. I think that I have earned my time on CF, with over 500 posts in under 2 months. And now I am banned? I come to the board to meet people and to have a good time. It helps the workday go by a lot faster the without it. I don't understand how you can allow someone so anti fun to moderate your boards. I mean I spend some time on other message boards too, and the posts never get deleted, they may sensor them, or warn you on them, but they don't delete them unless they are illegal or threatening to another person. That is what my idea of a moderator is. Someone who moderates to make sure that everyone is having fun safely, not someone who tries to make sure everyone is pissed off all day. I just don't get it. and you can tell Chris, since I am unable to post at this time, that I really don't appreciate his rude emails and private messages at all. Thanks for you time. Hopefully I'll see you all on the fusion boards again soon. Brandon a.k.a. BouncyBoy
  19. bouncyboy

    He's Back!

    tell me about it bro. I posted something right after that telling the guy that we are just trying to have fun. And that he should back off a little. I said that club trivia is informative and helps people learn more about the back ground of the scene. He fucking deleted the post. I have met the guy in person and he is a total asshole. I don't think he smiled once the whole night. He sends me these totally rude and inappropriate private messages telling me shit like "oops, your post disappeared" so here is my tribute to Alligator from www.chicagofusion.com :finger: :finger: :finger: :finger:
  20. hey Ed, too bad you aren't going to be in Chicago, we have a promoter here, Pure, they are always looking for good international talent. www.purefuture.com or maybe they can help you find someone in NY
  21. dude, you got rashes from E?? What the fuck kind of pills did you take. Yikes. As for the Red Anchors, totally agree, awesome roll, but the come down hit like a ton of bricks. Mixing two different types of pills is ok, just as long as you aren't taking substances that aren't compatible. Say for instance you took DXM and MDMA, DXM will raise the body temperature, as will MDMA, but DXM will prevent the body from cooling itself therefor you are screwed. Just make sure you know what you have, if both pills are MDMA or MDA you are fine.
  22. sorry my friend, Wombats not here. I killed him and fed him to my turtle... He likes wombats... lol Lightweight suburbanites huh sucka... again I say in the words of the famous Easy E, "break yo self"!!!!!
  23. you are loved my man. Everyone that comes to Clubplanet gets instant love... again I welcome you.
  24. bouncyboy

    He's Back!

    Yeah Scotte, welcome to clubplanet, where unlike chicago fusion your posts will actually remain where you post them. They won't move them around, delete them, or bitch about the content here. Welcome and enjoy...
  25. oh and Kimberly?? Screw you too you backstabbing traitor... lol I'm gonna pop a cap in yo ass lata woman!!!!
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