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Everything posted by bouncyboy

  1. I would post this question in the music forum or in the Tech forum, they are usually really quick on answering questions like that. Or, if you have A/V hookups on your computer, might I suggest hooking up a recorder to your computer, I know tapes are a thing of the past, but if you are left with no choice then what are you gonna do? Just a suggestion.
  2. a Carl Cox CD that a friend burned for me Muzak's Ibiza by Night Blink 182 Dude Ranch and Enema of the State Misfits - Greatest Hits Naked Raygun - All Rise The Beatles - Abbey Road, Sgt. Pepper
  3. I must say, I am impressed once again. I take it you have heard that one before?? I have a few more, let me look for the emails and then I will post them.
  4. oh and to make it a little easier for our smart ass toddler friend, you can ask 3 questions before you guess. So go ahead genious.. bouncy- lindseyisntassmartasshethinks proofing text books won't give you the answer to this one.
  5. alright smart beotch. If your intellect and intellegence is so broad, then solve this riddle. A man lives on the 30th floor of a 30 story building, every morning when he leaves for work he takes the elevator down to the first floor, and then drives to work. When he gets home from work he only takes the elevator to the 15th floor, and then he takes the stairs up to the 30th. Why?? and Kimberly, nothing out of you, since you already know the answer, and keep in mind Silente, that I got this one on the first try. bouncy- bettingthatlindseycan'tgetthisone bouncy- goaheadandgiveitashotsmartgirl
  6. nevermind, www.rocketdownload.com
  7. and where can we download these programs??
  8. Make sure your stomach is semi empty before you roll. You know don't eat anything for about four to five hours before you drop, then drop and it hits quicker and usually lasts longer for me. I found that 5HTP may make a difference, it isn't noticeable, its just usefull in helping your brain get back on track after you roll.
  9. yes "G" or "Liquid G" is the same thing as GHB... defenately some fun shit if you are careful and use it responsibly.
  10. www.dancesafe.org www.ecstacy.org those two are very informative. I think dancesafe actually has a slide show that shows the exact way X works on the brain.
  11. Thank you trance, for keeping with the "Men have to stick together" motive. bouncy- themottooflifeformenisbrosbeforehoes bouncy- silentecalledmepoopyheadwaaaaaaa
  12. Beeeeotch, I'm funna pop a cap in yo ass better reconize!!!
  13. captain and coke man, can't live without it.
  14. they can try.... "I'm strapped nigga, boy you betta tell them fools I'm strapped" quote from Grandma Klump from The nutty professor II
  15. Don't worry about drama, it won't last long, it only takes a couple of seconds to pitch someone overboard... lol
  16. Yes he is. Dave from Clubplanet that is, not the dave that posted the above quote, just to clear that up. LOL
  17. OK, someone needs to get laid... lol
  18. Silente, you are a genious. That is exactly what I do every day. Wow... Well some days I do like B2V says, and I just don't do any work.
  19. and for that comment go fuck yourself...
  20. First of all, I was not trying to make someone feel unwelcome, I haven't met Tone, so I can't judge tone. I am sorry if I made it seem like I was attacking him in anyway, but what he posted even I found insulting. There is no need to say things like that about anyone. Even though I fuck with people on the boards, I would never say anything so childish. You can ask B2B, Bmitch, Wombat, I am a down to earth guy that has fun when he is out. I am not some dick that attacks people on message boards. We are on a message board about clubbing, not about insulting people. And kimberly, I recall you bitching me out totally for saying things not even close to the things that Tone said at the beginning of this thread. I mean it was immature, and uncalled for. and B2B, go fuck yo self you austin powers soundin' mofo... lol God damn everyone is sooo sensitive today.
  21. Not agitated bro, you are a promoter, do you think anyone really wants to hear about cum dripping from you? I didn't think so. Just go back and read what you typed? How grown up did that sound. Just be the bigger guy and express your opinion, name calling and baby cracks like that cum statement are just plain childish. It is in fun, but when people start insulting other people like that it isn't cool. Just grow up. Kimberly/B2B, I know you both, so I can rightfully tell you to fuck off. lol
  22. Hey, buddy, I think you need to grow up a little bit. The above statement is completely immature and uncalled for. I see now that you are totally sinking to his level and playing like a little kid. Grow up. We are adults here, just because one person jumps into the board acting like a juvenile dunce, that doesn't give anyone else the right to act the same way without sounding like an idiot themselves.
  23. No worries Peeps, we still love ya... It's just Blowball or whatever this twats name is needs to go back to Staten Island then.
  24. Hell no, he came on our turf and started stepping on people's toes, so I am going to stomp his feet, and stomp his feet until I feel I have redeemed myself.
  25. That my friend is not being a dick, that my friend is professional competition. Get used to it or go jump off a bridge, because if you can't take competition you aren't going to get anywhere in life. Live with it crybaby. bouncy- onceagainbitchslappingnewyorker
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