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Everything posted by bouncyboy

  1. I tried the solid white one's Saturday night and holy fuck. I haven't been that rocked in a long time. Eye fluttering, jaw clenching and just plain loved up. I highly recommend these. Thanks to the awesome supplier that hooked me up once again, (you know who you are) looking forward to another weekend of the same one's real soon. Peace
  2. is always the case with Crobar....
  3. Tight arse??? B2B what did you try to do while I was passed out Saturday???? Hmmmm???? Is there something you aren't telling everyone??? :eek:
  4. Oh, yeah, Vodka Redbull specials?? So they are going to charge 8-10$ instead of 12-15$??? Yipeee.....
  5. Tommy, or should I call you Tomm-"E", we need to hookup before you leave for NY, I need you to take care of the mind if you know what I mean Igloo boy. Hook it up.
  6. B2B, you are going to that thing at Venue?? I might head up earlier, or straight from work to chill for a bit. I'll let you know.
  7. Nah, but I know a nice 19 year old white kid that is just itching to lurk inside B2B lol
  8. all is cool. We had a good time over at Zentra. Although for some reason B2B was digging the hip hop later in the night? What was up with that B2B?? You going hard core gangsta on us?
  9. Does everyone agree that B2B likes RedNoFive??? Defenately RedNo or Rive Gauche on Thursdays. Fridays I would stick with Zentra or Crobar Saturdays, well almost everything is going on Saturdays. Crobar seems to draw the biggest crowd, but it gets too hot and packed in there most of the time. Zentra is usually just right, good music decent crowd. Transit is awesome if they have a big name spinning. RedNo, really isn't a hot spot for saturdays unless they are having a special event.
  10. and you mr. peeps, need to come out here and enjoy one of these good weekends with us sometime soon.
  11. actually I have a pretty big car.. No A/C though.
  12. B2B, I might be up for this. I will drive if you are up for splitting gas and Hotel.... Let me check my weekend schedule, um I'm free.. Email me and we can talk about it.
  13. B2B, we went to Zentra, not Kustom. As for the room and board?? The check is in the mail... haha
  14. and then there was that certain someone you know that works there that wouldn't vouch for you....
  15. nope.... I'm sure B2B has though, I am pretty sure he is the king of Trivial Knowledge..
  16. Why would you have to Bribe the bouncer? Just tell them you are on the guestlist, when they check the list and you aren't on it they will just make you write down your email address and then they will let you in anyway. Trust me I have done this a million times. Or to make it really easy on yourself just put your name on the guestlist zentranightclub@aol.com attn: Seth
  17. Actually I think Cabrini is less then $150 a month, (I looked already, don't tell anyone lol) Bullet proof vest and an Uzi would probably run about $2000. Maybe we will stick to just north of you...
  18. bouncyboy

    Paul Van Dyk

    I'm not gonna make it. Oh well maybe next time.
  19. Maybe when someone throws something good on a weekend I'll make it. It's too hard to go to the City on a weekday and then make it to work back in the city by 8:30am the following day. It sucks but until I win the lottery I'll have to deal with it.
  20. WTF, why does everything that sounds good have to fall on Thursday... don't these promoters know that we have jobs. :bigfinger:
  21. I too was totally amazed to see Der at Zentra. What a surprize. Didn't make it over to Crobar because they wouldn't let B2B in without ID, too bad. Zentra was slammin, a little crowded upstairs, but the music was on.
  22. bouncyboy

    Paul Van Dyk

    B2B, I thought the ugly crackheads were just your cup of tea??
  23. bouncyboy

    Paul Van Dyk

    yeah baby yeah.. she is sitting right next to me, and she thinks you are hot. I showed her your pic on clubplanet. You ready??
  24. ugh, it might be time to drive my beater to Detroit...
  25. Once you come to Chicago you won't want to go back. So when you come out pack heavy my man.... see you soon. Have a good weekend.
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