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Everything posted by bouncyboy

  1. You didn't just go there man... you are too damn funny... can't wait to hang out. Did you finalize your trip yet??
  2. Dave, just stand in line next to me and they will think you are my dad you old bastard...
  3. I think it would work better if you used my ID and said that your face was badly burned in a car wreck... lol :bigfinger:
  4. B2B, I might be able to dig up a traffic ticket, that might make it a little easier to bribe them. As for the ID, I don't think so, but I'll check around.
  5. baaaahhhhh, I loved him, sha right. He was lame as hell as usual..
  6. Yeah, and his head could double as a shaving mirror.
  7. Does this give you a flashback??? David: Are you serious? Bouncer: Do we look serious? David: (peering around then flinching) well he does...
  8. bouncyboy


    I know man. I was just messin wit ya. Did you go and lose your sense of humor??
  9. bouncyboy


    Peeps bro, you alright? Do we need to send a shrink out to talk to you?? You wanna borrow some Prozac or Celexa?? Man you are starting to worry me with all this heart felt talk... Still love ya though..
  10. Yeah, get some ID numbnuts... This crazy wanker almost got us beat up by this really mean security guard yesterday. You see he couldn't get a bracelet to drink, so I had to buy the beers and do the ol hand off. Well security stopped us, argued for a minute, looked b2b up and down, and finally said fuck it. But man that was close... It was actually pretty funny... This is my tribute to Tweeter Center Security... " :bigfinger: :bigfinger: :bigfinger: :bigfinger: :bigfinger: :bigfinger:
  11. Hell yeah peeps, spoken like a true genious. Will you marry me??
  12. Kim, it's really easy, he lives like 2 blocks from Aura/Excaliber.. I don't think you need directions for that.
  13. No transit my man. Transit closes at 2am too. I am thinking Crobar or Zentra. B2B, I will hit someone, if it takes me all night.
  14. 1 was Paul, and I am sure the other two were some nice young lads that wanted to play with your british meat.... I don't really care too much for Moby. I saw him about two years ago and I wasn't too impressed. Not to mention by 930 I was ready to kill a certain someone if you know what I mean. B2B, we need to set up some defenate plans for this weekend.
  15. bouncyboy


    Nope, b2b is proud of who he is. He was doing everything but moping all day yesterday.... Damn he was even getting hit on. Too bad it was by a 19 year old guy... lol :bigfinger:
  16. Man, I totally agree, Carl Cox totally stole the show. Man what a set. My legs are so damn sore right now it isn't even funny. B2B, come one man, your little boyfriend was a nice guy. Kim, thanks once again for giving me a truly unforgettable day. Wombat, fun as always Bouncy-maybeifb2bwasgayhemightgetlaidlol
  17. I refuse to pay 20$ to get into Kustom. If it was free? I'm all about it. Marshall Jefferson??? Like I really care. Never heard of him. Not well enough to pay $20 for Kustom... I would rather save that $20, to pay for plastic surgery so I can fit in at that place. I will be meeting you at your place B2B. Unless you want to come to Lombard, I can pick you up at the train station or on my way home from work. Either way. Tommy is coming out with us too, but like me he refused to go to Kustom. We will meet you guys somewhere after Kustom closes at 2am. You know what Kustom stands for don't you??? It's because everyone in there has been surgically Kustomized...
  18. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. I want to make my own mixes at home, but don't feel like shelling out the cash for some expensive program... Also it needs to be a program that you can burn off of. thanks a shitload...
  19. Glowsticks should be banned from production. Especially the fucking glow ropes. I got belted in the arm with one the other night and it hurt like a motherfucker. YOu wanna play with glowsticks do it home or I'll-----
  20. I have the same problem with my burner. I don't think there is anything that can be done except maybe new software..
  21. Sometimes when I talk about rolling, I start to get that jaw clenching feeling, and then I get this funny taste in my mouth and a wierd tingling in the back of my throat. I guess you could consider that sort of a flash back...
  22. I have never seen any of the movies you are talking about except traffic and Kids, but two pretty good drug related flicks are GO and Trainspotting
  23. If I am not mistaken you told everyone in the Marshall Jefferson thread that you had a guestlist hook up. Now you are telling everyone that they have to pay 20$, and addmission isn't even guaranteed... wtf...
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