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Everything posted by bouncyboy

  1. OK B2B, you made this too easy, considering the vast majority of Chicago Board members are male. The only two female DJ's you put were Psycho and Tracy... Come on.... not to tough of a choice as the poll results show....
  2. now if only every club could have the a/c system that Rive Gauche has... Never sweat your ass off in there. Or if only Rive Gauche had music like some other places... I would find myself a new home there.
  3. B2B, get back to the chicago board where you belong.... trader... JK:blown:
  4. Don't get me wrong. I love Crobar, I love the people that hang out at Crobar. But you would think with the money that place takes in they would be able to get a better air conditioner. Yes it is like that. Every saturday night. This time I was a little fucked up, so the sweating was partially due to that. But it is always way too hot in there. Oh and watch out for the big muscleheads running around with no shirts on sweating on you too.... lol (Tommy)
  5. :puke: I'll just take a gold star please
  6. You didn't miss much unless you like saunas... Transit was good, it started to get crowded later in the night... Crobar, all I can say is fucking yuck. That place has a great vibe, but it's so damn hot and sticky and dingie feeling in there. I have never felt so dirty in my life. It must have been like 110 in there. When I left my shirt was entirely soaked, front and back, my hair was soaked, even my socks were soaked. And from what I hear after we left they started playing madison avenue and fragma tracks... we'll see you next time, hopefully feeling better...
  7. but I don't wanna gold star... I wanna scratch n sniff.... preferably strawberry or cherry...
  8. I voted for Silent-ay It sounds more mystical or something.... did I spell that right punk ass??? Mystical right???
  9. You have the email addy my friend, so speak to me whenever you feel it's time. peace....
  10. Ha Ha, they were drunk dialing and they called you. Those morons.. and sober state of mind?? I was rocked silly this weekend and I feel great today. It's all about rest/recovery on sunday. I sat on my ass all day, which made for a good days rest, good nights sleep, and now I feel great... Don't stay sober, it isn't good for you.. Bouncy - keepinpeoplefuckedupforlife
  11. They didn't lose their liquor license, just their license to charge for entertainment. Isn't it called a PPM or something?? It's still 21+ sorry... I guess you'll have to hook up with a fake still. Silente, it was a typo, I swear....
  12. B2B, Zentra lost their license, they can't ever charge a cover. That is why it's guestlist only. zentranightclub@aol.com for guest list requests. Eat shit on the dyslexia comment punk....
  13. I didn't go to college. But I usually don't spell anything wrong.. uchum (coughing) must have been a typo??
  14. god damn text book proofreader... god damn clubplanet for not having a spell check... screw you both... lol
  15. And on top of it all, Zentra is free. Can't beat free. Too bad I have a fundraiser for Luekemia to attend. See ya'll later...
  16. yeah B2B, WTF??? I'm kinda still in recovery too... And after Wednesday I will be beat from Area One, so talk to me like Friday or something...
  17. B2B, were you guys messing with peeps? Or was he just that wasted....
  18. bouncyboy


    that Totally sucks. It's Kim's birthday too.
  19. bouncyboy


    Yeah B2B, I have to be in Bensenville at 10am, but only for an hour. If you want to go I can swing out and pick you up? Just an Idea. Let me know.
  20. this weekend? I don't think I am going to be doing much. Friday I am going to chill probably. Saturday I have to play DJ at a party to benefit Luekemia that my Mom is hosting. Who I am to say no to free food and liquor and my own choice in music the whole night? What about wednesday Area One??
  21. bouncyboy


    Ha Ha, B2B went home early... Now who can't hang??? JK David, you gonna make it to Area 1??
  22. Looking for an address to where? Transit? www.transit-usa.com it gives the address. You guys should have met us up at Crobar. We ended up having a total blast. Maybe next time.
  23. bouncyboy


    Tommy, we all left Crobar at like 2:30, I was totally soaked in sweat and couldn't take it anymore. Transit got pretty damn good after you left, but it still wasn't as good as it was last time Cusick was spinning. B2B, you couldn't hang huh??
  24. bouncyboy


    yeah, it was cool to finally put another face with another name. See you wednesday. Today I spend in recovery. Woah what a night.
  25. bouncyboy


    and you ditched us dude??? Where did you guys go?
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