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Posts posted by heretic909

  1. Originally posted by lordess

    I just heard from a friend, who heard from another friend, that this weekend is SF's last weekend (JP's b-day was moved), because Mayor Mike is closing down SF....

    If what you're saying is true... then I still don't give a flying fuck. Even the rats that roam around that shithole during the week are from Jersey.

  2. Originally posted by jimk29

    Originally posted by heretic909

    And the sound of the whip echoes throughout the boards... heh [/QUOT

    that was harsh... just for that I may have to prove myself and make it. Or at least make it to this Flamingo East.

    heh heh

    Sorry, couldn't help it.

    Drag your girl and her friend to the meetup and then Flamingo East. Her friend might even find someone... ummm... interesting at Fun House. :D

  3. Sorry to hear that, man. But like you said, at least you get to spend more time in the studio. Yeah, there's no income, but at least you got more time to work on what you love. I couldn't believe that amount of recording I was getting done after I got laid off last year.

  4. Adam Ant committed to London mental hospital

    LONDON (AP) -- Adam Ant, the flamboyant pop singer who scored hits in the 1980s, has been committed to a London psychiatric hospital after being arrested for firearms offences, police said Wednesday.

    The singer, whose real name is Stuart Goddard, was taken to the Royal Free Hospital by police on Monday -- just 24 hours after he was accused of pulling out a gun at the Prince of Wales pub in north London.

    Under the Mental Health Act, doctors will be able to hold Ant for 28 days while they assess his condition.

    Goddard was charged on Saturday over the pub incident with possession of a firearm or imitation firearm with intent to cause fear of violence, and with criminal damage and assault. He was bailed to appear at Highbury Magistrates Court on Friday.

    The Mirror newspaper reported receiving a rambling phone call from Ant from inside the hospital.

    "They've put me in the Alice in Wonderland ward because they think I'm crazy," the tabloid quoted Ant as saying. "The whole thing's a conspiracy and they are out to get me. I'm not mad."

    The singer, famous for his painted face and flamboyant dress sense, scored a string of hits including Stand and Deliver, Prince Charming, and Goody Two Shoes. He was scheduled to headline a 1980s nostalgia tour this spring.

    Here's the link

  5. ...heh. No one, actually. It's been a pretty good week so far. :)

    · Was woken up by a call this morning and found out that people in the scene want me to replace last year's headliner in this year's industrial DJ battle because they like my shit better.

    · I was hanging out with my favorite death metal band, Kevorkian, last night.

    · Even though my g/f is in Europe, I've had a lot of girls jockin me lately which wasn't happening when my g/f was around. I ain't cheatin or nothing, it's just nice to feel the love.

    · Found out this morning that everything is set for Fun House this week and that we're expecting a good turnout from the feedback that we've been getting.

    · I've got some new tracks for Fun House this week as well as a new remix I just finished that I get to showcase for this larger crowd.

    · Found out that another promoting team wants me to replace one of their DJs for their monthly parties.

    · One of the girls that has been jockin me lately is gonna try to hook me up with her friends' series of monthly parties where they actually pay the DJs well.

    · Another cool girl I just met has started giving our Fun House party free promotion thru her mailing lists.

    What a rare occasion. I actually feel good. I guess the yin and yang are in effect since my entire last year was so shitty. :)

  6. I was at the Guitar Center by me in Queens tonite which is on the same level as this Chuckie Cheeze. Well Guitar Center has windows for walls facing out to the hallway, and this crazy mofo had grabbed one of those big-ass machetes that they use to cut the pizza and was running down the hallway with it. Those things are like two feet long and it was still dripping with cheese. Then I see about 10 CC employees come running out after the guy. They ran down to where I couldn't see them anymore, but I guess they got the guy since one employee came walking back holding the machete. When I was leaving, all of these moms were out in the hallway on their cellphones and I could hear them freaking out about how this maniac had been waving a machete inside. I don't think the guy had cut anybody luckily since when I got outside there were only cop cars and no ambulances. But either way, wtf is wrong with some people?!

  7. Originally posted by northnjguy21

    hhmmmmm so just cause your sh1t is slow u espect people to not put sh1t in ther sigs lol crazy lil kid i mean damn i had like 10 pics in mine in the begining and it never slowed my sh1 down let people live and worry bout your self kid cause just cause u don't got pics in it don't mean u gotta hate on others ofr exspressing them selfs lol lol as george read wut he type's he admire's him self in a the full lenth mirror maken the pec's jump knowing that people will hush

    It has nothing to do with self expression. It's just plain consideration since people with slow connections have to wait an extra long time for peoples' sigs to download before they can read the entire thread. Your sig for example is over 100kb which could take over 15 seconds for a person with a phone connection to download. Now imagine everyone had a sig that size and multiply that times 15 seconds and you'll see why it can be aggravating for some.

  8. Yeah, I've thought about that every so often after checking the filesizes of some peoples' sigs. I imagine the dialup people aren't too happy about it. I took my skulldeck outta my sig for a couple days cause I thought it might be too big for slow connections, but then I was asked to put it back in my sig, so I compressed the filesize with a webgraphic optimizer.

    I suppose the people that have never designed a site actually consider those details.

  9. Originally posted by bebby6919

    Well, I cant really say much b/c i dont know Lainie like most of the CPers. But im gonna put my 2 cents in anyway. She used to not like me, why? I have no idea..... So, in return I didnt like her.. lol Well I just didnt bother trying to be nice of kissing her ass like a lot of people do but she was such a sweet heart to me last friday and I think shes mad cool. I thought she didnt like me, but i guess I was wrong. I dont think that conversation is the whole conversation. When you have a convo with someone you can use copy and paste and re-write what the other person said to whatever you want.. Whos knows you didnt mess with that convo??


    I think this thread is about how blowflyii should be leaving tilly alone...

  10. Originally posted by jimk29

    What is the dress like at this place? I wouldn't mind checking it out but I like to dress appropriately.

    Basic black is always good, but there's really no dress code. The suggested dress is cyber, fetish, goth, vamp, etc. which is what a lot of the people wear, but we've had all kinds of people in there from ravers to sorority girls to b-boys.

    If you mention that you're there to see DRÄCOS at the door, they'll let in you regardless of what you're wearing and you'll get a reduced admission. But if you want to blend in, then you can't go wrong with black.

  11. Fun House at Flamingo East is only $5, and it's a very uninhibited atmosphere for those that didn't get the kinkiness outta their system at the meetup. Last Friday this girl got up on top of the block, took her shirt off and started dancing while a drag queen smeared day-glo paint all over the girl's body. Plus, there are guys there that like to give foot rubs or let a girl walk on top of them. There are also Masters and Mistresses there if you feel like getting spanked, flogged, or tied up in the sensual art of Japanese rope bondage.

    Plus, I'm DJing, so you know you're gonna hear some good, hard beats. :D

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