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Posts posted by heretic909

  1. Originally posted by mugwump

    As a recovering Goth

    I find it interesting and bizzare

    that the concepts behind that era

    and music could adapt to techno..

    I remember a time when the "LOOK"

    was about something all together different..

    a "poetry..of why we all felt so issolated"

    a time when DEAD CAN DANCE, DEATH IN JUNE,



    I'm not sure I understand what all of

    that turned into.


    There are still goth parties where they dance like they're walking thru the forest and brushing away the branches, but this ain't one of them. I think the crossover happened when "gravers" started sprouting up everywhere. People that got sick of the happy techno shit and wanted something with a little more edge to it. Rivethead dancing is somewhat similar to a raver stomp, only more pissed off and aggressive. I think why we're getting goths at our parties is because some of the scenes are actually starting to get along since they realize that it will just spread the whole scene too thin if they just stick to "their" parties. Rivetheads are starting to get along with goths, vamps are starting to get along with the fetish crowd, and there have even been ravers as well as 'mundanes' coming in off the street and they've been liking the music, and people have started being more accepting and friendly to each other. I remember one week some raver came up to me and said he hadn't heard beats that hard at any other joint he'd checked out.

    But basically, I think the fusion happend when some goths got sick of sad shit and some club kids got sick of happy shit. So they kinda created this cyber-rivethead-graver kinda style where they could combine darkness with techno which is fine by me since I've never liked goth music, but I do like my dance beats to have an evil edge.

  2. It's a money issue most definitely. I've organized my own parties, secured locations, booked DJs and live performances, and promoted the shit outta them, and lost significant amounts of money in the process. I did it because I loved the music, but with certain underground genres that I'm into, I can't always expect a packed joint. And a lot of these clubs expect a bar guarantee which has to be paid out of the promoter's own pocket if that amount isn't met. I could keep throwing the parties regularly and try to turn more people onto it, but I don't have the funds to pull that off. And even though I lost a lot of money, I still paid the DJs and performers out of my own pocket because I felt they deserved it and I know what it's like to feel like your skills/talent are being taken for granted.

    So if I ever win the lotto, expect a weekly gabber and schranz party. But until then, I'm going to have to rely on getting paid for my cds and DJing just to make rent. Blah, the life of a starving artist.

  3. Originally posted by mugwump

    Been there done that..

    Looking at those guys

    is like looking through a window at MY 80's.

    To each their own...

    "Bella lagosi's dead" (indeed)

    Except I don't play any of that shitty goth or new wave music for this party, just hard dark beats. Schranz techno, power electronics/industrial and gabber. :D

  4. go411:

    You mean to one of the Nuns' performances? I know they played at Downtime last Saturday, but I've seen them before so I hit up the Hidden Shadows party instead. They were hangin at Fun House the other week also, so they've been making their rounds.


    DarkStar was spinning at the Hidden Shadows party last Saturday, and she's usually at Fun House every Friday hanging out. And yeah, she's quite the sexy thang.


    I'm going to assume you meant the second best part, because the #1 best part about Fun House is that I'm DJing obviously. lol

    If anyone wants to come check out this party, email me at nroth@speakeasy.org and I'll hook ya up with a reduced admission. Or, if you wanna get some of the freaky clothes you see in some of these pics, I can hook ya up with discount cards for Fun House's sponsors: some of NYC's best fetish/club gear stores like Ian's on St. Marks, Purple Passion, Underbelly, and DV8. ;)

  5. Originally posted by tastyt

    Yeah, but what if you don't know what path you want your life to go in? And how can you know unless you have all the facts and all your options are clear?

    Well everything around us is constantly changing, so one could be at the end of their life and still not know what they wanna do because they are still waiting for those facts and options to solidify which will never happen. If chances aren't taken or options aren't explored, then one will never gain any insight on those options and thus won't be able to make any decisions about the direction of their life. The human mind is extremely malleable and is built to progress and adapt. But there won't be anything for that person to adapt to if situations aren't confronted and options aren't explored.

  6. I dunno, but I wish you girls would knock it off. There was this girl over at my place last night, and I guess she thought I was her therapist or something because she went on for a couple hours about how she's so sad and depressed lately, and how she's searching for something but she doesn't know what, and blah blah blah whatthefuckever. Then she asked what I thought, and I told her she was analyzing shit too much. Not that my advice has ever helped anyone, but I told her to just relax and let go of the bullshit.

    Either take life as it comes or direct your life in the path that you want it to go, but don't sit there and dwell on the negative shit and just bitch and moan about it.

    This isn't directed at anyone on here, the thread just reminded me of last night.


    Dark ambient/noise or old skool industrial


    Lycia's "Cold" album


    Big Rooms "Deep Space Network"

    Mordor "Odes"

    Tricky "Pre-Millenium Tension"


    Anything from black metal to electronica


    Lately, I've really been into Schranz and it's been getting a good reaction from the crowd


    Country and jazz

  8. princesslolita just made my list of hardcore bitches that I wanna hang out with. ;)

    That pic reminds me of an incident in Norway in the early 90s when Dead from Mayhem blew his brains out with a shotgun, and his bandmate Euronymous cooked up pieces of the brain into a stew and made a necklace out of pieces of the skull before he finally called the authorities. If I can find my book, I'll scan the picture they have in it of Dead leaning against the bed with his brains in his lap. :D

  9. ...being that I still haven't slept yet.

    Started off the night at Flamingo East where I DJ, and Adam X was there to guest DJ which was cool. What was even cooler was that he was asking me the names of some the tracks I was playing, so I'm guessing he was liking my shit. I played my first set right before Adam went on, and then got to listen to him throw down some obscure, yet sick beats.

    After his set, Rexx Arkana went back on, but then he found out that his daughter had a fever, so he had to leave early. That meant that I got to close out the last couple hours of the night with my own brand of rhythm madness.

    Matt Harding made an appearance while I was spinning, as well as Ian Fford who just quit his residency at Zenwarp. So all in all, it was a pretty good night. Lots of fun people, some great DJ talent, and a friendly vibe for the party.

    After we shut down at 4am, I got offered a lift, so I headed down to Vinyl to meet up with some friends. I dropped a pill as I was waiting in line, and then I see my friends walking out of the club. They had gotten kicked out for drugs, but whatever, at least I didn't have to pay the admission. We all decide to split up, and so I end up going home with a go-go dancer and a stripper and I'm starting to roll pretty good. I offer them both the rest of my E, and we end up back to the go-go dancer's place. Ah, good time... good times.

    So now it's after 8pm, and I still haven't slept at all, but I'm feelin pretty good. Hopefully I can work in a nap before I head up to the Realm of Darkness in Harlem tonite where the Hidden Shadows crew is throwing their monthly party. Another cool thing is that I gave one of the DJs from the Hidden Shadows crew one of my cds. Well she showed up at Flamingo East last night and told me that she liked my shit, and wondered if it was cool to play it for the party tonite. Of course, I had no objections, so now I get to listen to my shit get played for 500 people tonite.

    Can't you just feel the love? :heart:

  10. Originally posted by kandyraver

    well you must've looked real suspsicious because every other person in there last night was snorting coke and thats a fact ever where I looked everyone had their hands near their nose and snorting

    Would piercings throughout the face, lots of tattoos, and multi-colored pvc braided into hair be considered a suspicous look?

  11. This girl that I've been "playing" with lately lives with her mom unfortunately. I actually just got back from her place, lol, what an ordeal.

    Not only was her mom there, but her mom's transexual friend was there as well, and I could hear them both talking about me in Spanish. Then her mom grabbed me by the hair and pulled me down to give me a kiss on the cheek, and then grabbed my ass and made the exclamation to her transexual friend, "Dios mio, this boy's got a tight ass".

    Oh, the horror. I might have to find a new girl to "play" with unless she decides to move out anytime soon.

  12. Originally posted by trancend

    id go, except tonight im dressed all preppy cuz i dont wanna go to roxy but i have to so i dressed nice so i would have an excuse NOT to dance when people demand to see the "raver stomp"

    So you're gonna force yourself to dress nice and go to a club that you don't want to? I hope pussy is the reason for that kind of blasphemy.

  13. This Friday at Flamingo East (219 2nd Ave btwn 13th & 14th Sts. NYC)

    Master Steelow's Fun House

    resident DJs:

    Dräcos (Subsurface) & Rexx Arkana (RazorBurn)

    and special guest DJ: Adam X (Sonic Groove)

    spin techno, industrial and hardcore on the upper level

    guest DJs:

    Mythadrall · Icy Coil · Rubberdroid

    spin industrial, trance and ebm on the lower level

    18+ / 21 to drink

    Enter thru top floor for two floor access

    Email nroth@speakeasy.org for more info or to get reduced admission

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