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Posts posted by heretic909

  1. Originally posted by gothzane

    Heretic your coming? fucking a! excellent

    Ill buy you a beer bro

    heh i have shitloads of those funhouse cards myself

    You spinning tonight?


    Hellz yes, I be throwin down the dark beats tonite. Tonite's gonna be a tight party because we're having Fun House upstairs and Absolution downstairs, but both floors will be accessible for everyone.

  2. Just a reminder, I'll be giving away discount cards at Shagfest which gets you reduced admission on any Friday for Fun House as well as discounts at a number of local fetish/club gear shops.

    If you want one, you're gonna have to ask me. Being that this is a family restaurant, I think it'd be in the best interest since I don't want to mistake a random person for a CP member and ask them if they want a discount card for our industrial/fetish party.

  3. Originally posted by djmoonshine

    sounds corny as fuck, but two wrong's dont make a right... and if you're still upset about it, then you should have broken up with her then rather then getting back at her for it now...

    ~sounds to me as if you're just trying to justify what you did...

    hmmm... maybe she's fucking him right now as you read this...


    She's fucking who right now? Someone from the cast. lol I met the cast and the guys were all seriously flaming, so no worries there, this is musical theater. As for what she pulled two years ago, that was with a 'her' and not a 'him'.

    And just for the record, I didn't fuck either of these girls this last week. There was play involved, but I kept it in my pants. I just said that I wasn't a very good boy, but neither of us has fucked anyone else in the past five years.

    She just called me this morning from Germany, and she knows both of these girls and said I just better keep it in my pants, so guilt isn't even an issue here. I never said this was a fairy tale relationship, but it works for us, and the six happy years we've had together proves it.

    See you all at Shagfest, and maybe some of you at Fun House afterwards for all your fetish needs. ;)

  4. Originally posted by djjonstephen


    You better go to Shagfest. I don't care what these little ladies might do to you, if you bitch out..........I'll smack you.:D

    Aww, I didn't know you cared.

    Actually, the karma post was more of a reminder of what she pulled with me two years ago, so I guess shit's trying to balance itself out finally.

  5. Fun House and Absolution will be sharing Flamingo East this Friday. Dräcos and Rexx Arkana will be spinning techno, industrial and gabber on the upper level for the Fun House party. And Absolution will be taking over the lower level with their 10+ DJs spinning dark beats. Both floors will be accessible to patrons from either party.

    email me at nroth@speakeasy.org if you want more info

  6. The time is getting near for this year's Industrial DJ Battle. Well actually, it's going to be in April, but challenges are already being made and feedback is being sought.

    For those who are familiar to NYC's industrial scene, who would you like to see battle? Last night at Gomorrah, Adam X made the statement of challenging Ian Fford supposedly. Myself (Dräcos) wants a battle with Hellraver who has not accepted any challenges for whatever reasons. If I can't battle Hellraver, I'd like to battle Adam X which I told him last night (yes, egos were up there). Adam X also said something last night about battling Hellraver, and I suggested a triple-threat match between the three of us, so we'll see how that goes.

    Here's a list of some of NYC's industrial club DJs, so hit us up with some feedback on who you'd like to see. Last year's battle was a great success, so this year expect a full-blown assault!

    male DJs:

    DRÄCOS (Fun House, Subsurface)

    HELLRAVER (Batcave, [:System:])

    ADAM X (Sonic Groove)

    REXX ARKANA (Fun House, RazorBurn)

    DJ CYPHER (Contempt)

    IAN FFORD (Batcave, Zenwarp)

    female DJs:







  7. Originally posted by spragga25

    The gals here are gonna rip on ya when they read this...but the boyz will be giving you "high fives" secretly! :D

    Yeah, I'm not sure if I should attend Shagfest now or not. I'll probably be getting smacked left and right by the females.

  8. You can only use a max of 4 synths at a time on it and you can only sequence a 1 measure loop. I just mainly use it for some creative sound designing or to make a basic acid loop. Then I record it into Cakewalk or another audio recorder and add it to my song from there. It's not that fancy of a program, I just like some of the sounds I can get out of it.

  9. It depends. I can still dig L.A. style hard house since it's so simplistic, yet still has that hard groove to it. UK hard house disgusts me now as far as Fergie and Lisa Lashes with all of their damn hoover samples. I still like Nick Sentience, though, since he does a nice blend of nrg/trance and hard house at times. A lot of the hard house I like is a blend with some nrg/trance thrown in like Eufex, DJ Karim and even Tinrib to some extent.

    But that being said, I'm still not into hard house as much as I was six months ago. I've been replacing the hard house in my sets with more distorted Detroit-style techno lately.

    But either way, I'd still rather listen to hard house than the majority of the shit that's played in the majority of these clubs nowadays.

  10. I've been using Speakeasy for two years now without any trouble other than the rare occasion when they needed to upgrade something, and that only takes a few hours which they peform late at night.

    They're based outta Seattle (which is one of the reasons I signed up with them since I'm originally from WA), but they've got POPs in NYC as well as all over the country to get us a fast connection. They lease their lines thru Covad here, and when it looked like Covad was going to go bankrupt, they assured us that they'd take every action necessary so that our service wouldn't be disrupted (and it never was).

    So you might want to check them out if you're looking for a stable DSL service. They've got different packages for different prices and they've even got special gamer services so you can kick much ass when playing a Quake DeathMatch.

    So now that I've hyped them all up and shit, the answer is no, I do not work for them. I just think they're pretty cool since they first started out as an Internet cafe in Seattle, and now they've built their company up and have been providing me with a reliable service for a couple years.

  11. Originally posted by chadc

    ha! I knew the Long Island thing wouldnt go well as soon as I lay foot in the place :) Correct me if I'm wrong but the girls who are at the Fun House party's who are REAL girls :) all have a freeky mentality and do some "fun" things there right?.

    Whats the Age / Cover?

    18+ and $5 with one of the discount cards I'll be handing out at Shagfest.

    As far as the girls, there are some there who are somewhat normal (to use the term loosely). But yeah, a lot of them are into freaky shit also. There's quite a few pro doms and mistresses that come to this party.

  12. Originally posted by chadc

    I stopped by that place to see a friend. It was funny, downstairs was some Long Island party, while upstairs was the hardcore goth party. Reminded me of that Marilyn Manson video "Tainted Love" Anyways, we went upstairs to check what all the fuss was about and boy was I blown away. Saw some fun and freeky ass shit going on. I always wanted one night with a goth chick and there were a few hotties there, some dude getting stepped on by people, and many drag's selling ya-yo :) Good hard beats went well with the atmosphere.

    If your from Great Neck, Long Island or Upper East side (me) be prepared for one shocker.


    Yeah, the club owner wanted to try out some different parties downstairs the last couple of weeks, but none of them went very well. So this week they're letting the Absolution people have their party downstairs which is kinda the same crowd as us, only I'll be playing much harder beats for the Fun House party upstairs. :D Both levels are gonna be open to patrons from either party, so it should be a fun night. If anyone wants to check it out, find me at the Shagfest thing and I'll hook you up with a discount card.

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