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Posts posted by heretic909

  1. Originally posted by deppnade

    how could you guys forget........

    marco bailey-konverter


    Outta the three Bailey tracks I checked out last week, Konverter was the one I ended up not playing out. It's still a pretty decent track, but I ended up playing From The Other Side and White Inferno instead.

    Either way, I'm just psyched you guys are actually starting to list some of the stuff I like, like Schumacher, Bailey & Hades, Heckmann, etc. :)

  2. Originally posted by glowdancer

    how many of u men really enjoy going down on a girl?


    if it's freshly trimmed or shaved and kept clean, then i'll be having my breakfast, lunch and dinner there


    if it's the tuna-taco from hell that hasn't been mowed in a decade, then avoid at all costs

  3. Originally posted by nycchic24

    heretic... i think you had replied a long time ago in response to one of my posts... but you went to Berkley School of mUsic, right?

    yeah i've been told that boston is actually known for being of the most racist cities in america :(

    Yeah, I graduated from Berklee a few years ago. It didn't help either that I lived by myself in Roxbury which is a fairly ghetto area. It wouldn't be too bad if I was just coming home by myself after clubbing, but if I had my g/f with me, we usually tried to take a cab.

  4. Originally posted by nyis4meatheads

    Hey heretic. I'm from Boston and I'm kind of curious about the "They knew who I was" comment. Would I know who you are?? Did they know who you were because they were skin heads (which I'm DEFINITELY not), or because you're a local name or something??

    Just curious, and good story! How on earth can someone preach about Jesus and then show that amount of hatred!?!? Makes me sick.

    I used to go to a lot of shows at The Rat when it was still open years ago and they'd see me down there. I never put up with their bullshit, especially after they attacked one of my friends' bands. So it's not like they were cool with me, but they knew my face and never tried fuckin with me too much as time went on.

  5. My g/f's mom is black and her dad is white, but she looks mostly black and we used to get some shit in Boston being that I'm white. The skinhead gangs up there really wouldn't do anything other than give us evil looks since they kinda knew who I was. The most shit we got was from black guys who would tell her to stick with her own kind which would piss me off, so I'd get in their face and shit went bad many a time. I had 15 black guys knock on my dorm room one time, but luckily the RA happened to be walking down the hall, otherwise I probably would've got my ass beat.

    Down here it's not as bad. Just some of those religious groups down in Times Square. I don't know who they are, but they're preaching on the mic and wearing those velvet capes with the sequens and shit on them. We were walking down the street, and a group of them stopped in mid-sentence and started yelling at my g/f that she was going to hell for dating a white man and that Jesus was gonna cut her head off with a double-edged sword. I don't know what the hell that shit was about, but my g/f replied by turning around and giving them the finger and yelling "Fuck Jesus". Awww. I was so proud of my baby that day. :)

  6. *sigh*

    With each passing day I'm learning more and more that this is one of those boards that I should just be lurking around, rather than infiltrating everyone's fun with my twisted shit.

  7. Originally posted by djjonstephen

    Why two packs?

    Dunno. Have for a while now, though. I even used to run track/field and cross country as well as play varsity basketball when I was in school. But ever since I moved to the east coast, I've just been smoking like crazy. Shit's too uptight over here compared to where I grew up.

    At least it's not putting that big of a hole in my wallet. There's this dude in New Mexico that mails me these generic cigs which basically taste like Marlboros, yet they're only $1 a pack.

  8. Ever have a girl bite on your lower lip so hard that it started bleeding, yet she continued to suck on your lip as well as sucking the blood that was dripping from it?

  9. Well since my g/f is still over in Europe, I guess I won't be doing a helluva lot that day. I'm just gonna send her a package, but I doubt I'll even get to call her since they're in a different city every day for their tour and I never know where they'll be at.

    At least I got some friends from Florida coming up that weekend, so I won't get too bummed out.

  10. Yeah, I played that shit out for about a month when it came out before I finally got sick of it. I like when people do dark choral shit like that, but don't cheese it out, though. Have you heard Highland's "Magic Fortuna" that just came out? Even cheesier than E Nomine. I just stick with playing my remixes of Ave Satani from The Omen soundtrack now along with DJ Outblast's "Master's Symphony".

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