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Posts posted by heretic909

  1. Originally posted by tunnelbandit

    That's it you big German gabber monster!!! You hittin on my old lady?

    Next Friday at Flamingo East


    10 PM- 6 AM

    (for the honor of foxyroxy20)

    PM me for guestlist info

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    You've got a guestlist for my party now? Damn, what happened with the WH gig?

  2. That shit happens. Sometimes I'll get calls or emails from friends when they've just had a dream that something really bad happened to me. Scary thing is that sometimes their dreams are right.

  3. After I got done spinnin my hardcore beatz at Fun House last nite, I had to go over to Webster Hall to pick up some of my blacklites that I let this girl use for her hair fashion show in the upstairs Zenwarp room. That was the first time I had ever stepped foot in that place, and I immediately thought of your posts and started laughin my ass off (which might explain the weird looks I was getting). Just seeing the people that were walking outta that place, along with the fact that they were playing some kinda radio-friendly metal music almost had me in tears. Luckily, when you're a twisted lookin fuck like I am, people part for you like the Red Sea, so I had no problem making my way to the industrial party upstairs. But sweet jeezus, I had a good laugh that nite. ;)

  4. Mine would ask:

    "How come the only time you ever visit me is when you have a girl over. I can be slept on also, ya know?"

    Honestly, though, I found a pair of some girl's drawers tucked away in between the sheets this week. And I'm really not sure who they belong to. Either I need to stay sober more often, or I should quit being such a whore. Although, neither of those options sounds very appealing right now.

  5. I understand. I thought that my g/f leaving on this tour would show me how much I would miss her and improve my feelings for her, and I guess I was trying to convince myself that she was 'the one' or something. I don't know if it's because I have so much time invested with her or whatever, but I really haven't missed her at all and I feel like she might have been holding me back when she was here. I really don't even look forward to her weekly phone calls anymore. So I'm not sure what I'm gonna feel when she gets back, or if I want to stay with her anymore or not. But I've also realized lately that this other girl isn't ideal either, even though she's brought some emotions to surface in me that I thought were extinct. I dunno. For the past nine years, I've constantly been in a relationship. There really hasn't been any downtime between relationships, and I'm wondering now if I just need to drop this shit altogether and be single for a while.

  6. UK Hard House has completely abused the hoover sound to the point where it's almost unbearable to listen to anymore. Lisa Lashes is awful, BK is boring unless he's working with Nick Sentience, Andy Farley has some good stuff but manages to bore me half of the time, and I really have no opinion on Anne Savage. I liked it for a while, but they just kept using the same damn sounds on all of their tracks, especially OD404. I'll still play tracks like Andy Farley's "The Killer" or Eufex's "Accelerator" once in a while, but I've been getting more into the nrg stuff like Lab 4 lately since they'll actually do some creative sound designing.

  7. Wow, this shit has definitely helped talking about it, and you've all given some great advice. Thanks.

    I'm definitely gonna tell my g/f about it, but not while she's in Europe because there's really nothing she can do about it over there, and I don't want her performances to suffer because of shit I've done over here. Plus, I don't want to deny her slapping the shit outta me, so I'm gonna wait til she gets back.

    As far as people changing, this was a point the other girl brought up with me. She seems to have no expectations of me other than enjoying the few months we have together if I actually do stay with my g/f, and she said that we might both change by that time and not be into each other as much as we are now. I suppose that would be the easiest solution, but I don't want to stay together with my g/f if I'm just gonna be thinkin about this other girl all the time. The thing is, a lot of the little things have changed with my g/f, and I've noticed that in the last couple years, both of us have gotten a lot more negative with each other. And then this other girl is making me feel almost the same way that I did when I first started seeing my g/f. So I don't know if that emotion is blinding me to what problems might lie down that road, or if I am just genuinely happy with her.

    I like the advice of spending time alone, and finding out what a really miss. It's just depressing to think that I still might not miss my g/f in June since that's how I feel now. Even before I met this other girl, I found it difficult to imagine my g/f and I staying together since the happiness seems to have faded. And I know she realizes that fact, too, even though she's always bringing up what we're going to do with our life together. What I can't decide is if she actually wants to try to repair our relationship, or if she just wants to use me, cause I've felt like she's been using me for a while now. Even though she denies it, that's what her actions have told me the past couple years.

    I dunno. Guess it'll just take time. But thanks for the advice everyone. I thought I was gonna explode if I didn't get this shit off my chest soon.

  8. What also makes this difficult is that I've never dumped a girl. The relationship I'm in now has been for over six years. The relationship before that was over two years. And I've been used so much and fucked over in past relationships, that it's kinda made me jaded as far as taking relationships seriously anymore. This 'other' girl I've been with lately totally makes me happy in a sense that I haven't felt in five years, but I can't help but wonder if she'll just fuck with my head later on down the road also, and if I'd just be better off sticking with the g/f who's in Europe right now. And to make things even more weird, I've conditioned myself to be most content when I'm miserable, and I'm not quite used to the happiness I'm feeling now with this other girl.

  9. Just got done listening to the Massey Mix of Bjork's "Army of Me" which suits my mood perfectly at this time. Right now, Otaku's "Life in Plastic" is playing which is still keeping my drunken head swaying.

    Anyone else have any recommendations for dark, grungy trip-hop that I could put on tonite?

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