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Posts posted by heretic909

  1. Originally posted by quoth

    :eek: :eek: :eek:

    yer a brave man, nick. Fuckin, my milkey ass would not be caught there.


    That's almost what I was thinkin when I first went to one of their parties last year. I was "ok, I'm like the only white boy in here" and then I'm lookin around some more and I'm "ok, so I'm like the only one in here not wearing colored contacts or fangs". It's like some fuct up Blade shit or something. But the people are mad cool, and now they got my Anglo ass DJing up there.

  2. Music's always been my first love since I was little kid and I just kept expanding my grasp of it. 15 years of piano training, taught myself the guitar and bass and saxophone, started multi-track recording my own songs when I was 14, etc. Then I went to Spain when I was 15 as an exchange student and got to experience the European clubbing culture and music. And when I returned, I thought the people back home needed to experience the music also, plus I couldn't stand the shit that they played at the school dances. So I taught myself how to DJ and have been exposing people to new music in a creative way ever since.

  3. The proper term for it is:

    Agonophilia - Pseudo-rape, pretend struggle or wrestling play as a form of foreplay.

    And not that I need to justify myself here, but let me also clarify that my g/f gets off on it as much as I do. There are times when she requests it. It's just another role-playing thing that we do to spice things up every once in a while.

  4. Actually, I was surprised I got it up in the first place. I drank three 40ozs. of OE last night along with a few wine coolers. Then I smoked up and was like "Whoa, not only is this shit up, but it's harder than usual"

  5. I'm not talkin about it making me horny or altering the senses. I'm saying that I physically had a harder dick after smokin, and I'm wondering if smokin up does this for anyone else or if weed was even the cause of this.

  6. Last night was the first time I've smoked up in almost two years. And then right afterwards I ended up having some primal, violent sex with this girl. Afterwards she tells me that I felt harder than usual, so I'm wondering if I should start smoking again. Anyone know if this is the case?

  7. How about when you've been drinking for over 15 hours, hook up with a girl at a party, take her in the bathroom to fuck her, and then find out that all of that alcohol has rendered your dick useless. Not only were we both disappointed, but then she tells me that her b/f is at the party. That night sucked on so many levels.

  8. Originally posted by blazinhot

    It seems that all of the above 'disfigurements' aren't all that serious though.

    What if the person was permanently crippled, was mentally retarded, or had serious memory loss??

    I think that if I was with someone and an accident happened that left them disfigured I would stay with him, definitely.

    I would like to say I would be with someone even if they were disfigured but I guess it all depends on what it is. In the end I don't think it would be the disfigurement that made me leave, just maybe the stress of it all, but I would never push someone away b/c it, everyone is disfigured in some way.

    This one girl I've been with lately was stabbed and raped as a kid, and it did some serious damage to her physically. But I still love her for who she is, and I'm not turned off by what the stabbings did to her body.

  9. All I can say is that Adam X hooked me up with this Terence Fixmer record, and I haven't been able to stop playing "Fixated Robot Warrior" since I got it. That track is just perfect for the kinda style I've been playin out lately.

  10. Originally posted by sexxybabyd

    hey wat u tryin to say? I like watching scarry movies, even hellraiser damnit, so im not a normal girl?

    That's cool that you're into it, but Hellraiser is almost a religion with some of the girls I've been with. One girl had Pinhead tattooed on her arm along with over 40 piercings and she was into body scarification as well. What I meant by "not normal" is that they're into the industrial/fetish scenes.

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