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Posts posted by heretic909

  1. Originally posted by nyis4meatheads

    I've heard mixing breaks is one of the hardest music genres to conquer... any opinions there?

    I don't know if it's more difficult, it's just different. With 4-to-the-floor styles I'll concentrate more on blending the kicks together. But with breaks I focus more on blending the snares that hit on 2 and 4 since the kicks are usually playing different patterns. When I get the snares lined up, somtimes I'll get some pretty unique results with the kicks from both tracks playing different patterns against each other.

  2. I like'em. They're fun to spin. I used to blend a lot of acid breaks into my sets like 4-5 years ago. I hate the cheesey sounding ones though. I like my breaks chemical, synthetik, acidic and hard. They're nice to break up a monotonous set also, so people don't have a constant 909 banging in their head and boring them.

  3. I've got a lot of old house vinyl from 3-6 years ago that I'm willing to sell cheap.

    As far as what you should look for, figure out what kinda music you like. Do you like schranz, house, breaks, trance, tribal, etc.? Or are you looking to throw them all together into eclectic mixes?

    It'd probably better to start off with cds to see if you actually like DJing or not, and get a cheap 2 channel mixer. Then just practice, practice, practice. I started out on vinyl, but I kept DJing at home for about 2 years before I started playing out for my friends. Then I'd keep throwing parties and spinning for my friends and finding out how to best work a crowd before I finally started putting some tapes together and handing them out at different clubs.

    It depends on what kind of DJ you want to be. If you just want to be a jukebox DJ with a large music collection, go talk to promoters and club owners now since it takes relatively little effort to push play on the cd player. But if you actually want to learn how to mix and how to build a set so that it takes the crowd on a journey, then you're just gonna have to practice and invest some time and dedication in it like you would with any musical instrument.

  4. Me too. The girl that was coming over tonite just called and said she can't make it. That's why I'm here posting shit with you mofos while feeding my body various substances and listening to trance. I don't even like trance that much. Blah. Time to start re-evaluating my life again.

    or maybe I'll just do some more lines

  5. Tuck a hairball into the palm of your hand. Then while you're eating her out, start coughing and produce the hairball to make it look like you just coughed it up.

    Then just cross your fingers and hope that her excuse for not shaving isn't because her ex b/f's name is tattooed under all that fur.

  6. Originally posted by djjonstephen

    BTW.......why isn't heretic in any of these pics???? Avoiding the camera again, huh.......

    dwelling in the shadows, most likely

  7. Originally posted by djmoonshine

    qouth ~ you def. took fashionably late to a new extreme... damn... showin up when the rest of us are leaving... damn you!

    Quoth, you fucktowel. lol What time did you get there? I had to jet at 10 to go spin.

  8. Originally posted by trancend

    i looked good, im one sexy son of a fuckin bitch if i do say so myself :rolleyes::blank:


    Yeah, I could see the ladies getting wet while you were licking that stuff off of your shirt. heh

  9. Ummm... yeah... it was a'ight.

    Kinda reminded me of college, though.

    Met a few cool peeps. It was someone's b-day and they had a cake shaped like a dick inside a poonani. That was disturbing, watching them slice the nuts in half.

    All in all, though, I think I'm set with CP meetups. Just kinda feel like the oddball in the bunch like I did when I was in school.

  10. Originally posted by gothzane

    Is Absolution that gay night thing?

    What time are your sets?



    No, Absolution is a collective of 10+ DJs that spin everything from elektro to industrial to darkwave and more.

    If everything goes as planned, I should be spinning sometime between 11-12, and then 1:45-2:30 and 3:15-4:00 or later.

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