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Everything posted by deeprock

  1. Correction. The Mets have 9 games left, three of which are against ATL. Big Yanks fan here too, but would love to see the Mets make it----so the Yanks can spank them again.
  2. Stay away from Ferrer at all costs. I live in the Bronx and can tell you that in more than a decade he has done squat for the Bronx. He was a figurehead that was all talk and no action. He is a left wing extremist who WILL play the race card. If Sharpton can support this guy SOMETHING is verrrry wrong.
  3. I did the same. But you know what? It will not help. It's a win-win proposition for her. She's been battered in the media for years. She's finally taking on a cause that's a no-lose proposition for her. Do you really think more than a handful of politicians will oppose such legislation? I surmise they won't. Not because they care about "protecting" us from evil drugs and the persons that peddle them, but because it's a popular issue. It's an issue Republicans and Democrats can agree on, take credit for, and hope that translates into votes. That's what's so fucked up about this country, politicians don't do what's best for the people; they do what's best for their vote tallies irrespective of the other side of the issue. Granted, I'd rather be here than anywhere else, but that doesn't mean I have to like the way the system functions.
  4. It's the adrenaline rush you feel as the music consumes you and everyone else on the floor. It's all about the energy. Just imagine if they played Michael Jackson records all night at SF. Exactly, it would totally blow because it just doesn't have the same energy that electronic music gives off. :square:
  5. Have you tried the New York Times Sunday Edition? I think you have a MUCH better chance of finding what you are looking for there than you would be by asking a bunch of clubgoers here.
  6. No one tears it up like DJ SCOT PROJECT!!!
  7. Is it difficult? Yes. Is it impossible? Absolutely not. 99% of my friends are women and as to be expected, there has been some of that sexual tension that either destroys the friendship or makes another type of relationship blossom. The fact of the matter is, that if one person in the relationship is attractive, sexual tension will probably be an undercurrent running through the relationship, but that doesn't have to be the case. If both people are attractive and are attracted to each other, then it's twice as hard to have a platonic relastionship. You both have to be mature enough, and disciplined enough, to set and maintain boundaries, or else it will never work. I have crossed the line and "been with" friends only to realize it wasn't going to work as anything other than a friendly relationship and we fortunately we were able to revert back to the way we were--"just friends". Other times I haven't been so lucky and have lost friends I loved dearly.
  8. There are a few out there that are pretty good. Direct connect is one: http://www.neo-modus.com, another one is Audiogalaxy of course, and another one is Morpheus.
  9. What did everyone think of it last night? Off the hook or what? Anyone see some guy fall through a glass table on the fourth level. Left after that happened
  10. I like the cute, thin (but not rail thin), short, blonde haired girls (or Italian girls with thick, dark, long hair) with big light-colored eyes, 5'0 - 5'4. Hot girls often have an unsavory attitude that overshadows their beauty. Oh and there's nothing wrong with tall girls, I just don't like looking up at my date (I'm 5'8). ------------------ Tiggers can do anything. AIM: EddieinBx [This message has been edited by deeprock (edited 06-30-2001).]
  11. My condolences. Something similar happened to me in college and I was out of commission for about 2 1/2 months. Watch what you eat for the next few weeks--it's much easier to put on weight when you are injured and sedentary. I couldn't work out and gained about 15 pounds of fat during that time. Rest up, keep your spirits high and don't do anything silly, like go clubbing with a cast on. ------------------ Tiggers can do anything. AIM: EddieinBx
  12. Well, local news this morning (Channel 4) is reporting that BOTH Limelight and Tunnel are about to lose their liquor licenses quoting the licensing commission who says that Gatien is "unfit" to hold a license. ------------------ Tiggers can do anything. AIM: EddieinBx [This message has been edited by deeprock (edited 06-21-2001).]
  13. I'm a *BiG* fan. I saw them when they played in the City not too long ago. They tore the roof off of the place! ------------------ Tiggers can do anything. AIM: EddieinBx
  14. I'll take the 6th ------------------ Tiggers can do anything. AIM: EddieinBx
  15. Great movie. What took you so long to see it? ------------------ Tiggers can do anything. AIM: EddieinBx
  16. The death penalty is not a punishment at all particularly since was unconscious when he died. He got exactly what he wanted. Anyone who kills 168 people obviously has no regard for his own life. Solitary confinement for the rest of his life would be FAR worse than death. He would have to live with what he did for the next 65 years with no human interaction whatsoever. Even worse about this whole execution, now you'll have dangerous numbnuts running around viewing him as a martyr. ------------------ Tiggers can do anything. AIM: EddieinBx
  17. ------------------ Tiggers can do anything. AIM: EddieinBx
  18. I would think the same thing. I see how many posts some people have and I calculate that some people must be posting at a rate of 10 or more per day. I love surfing through these messages, but I frankly don't have the time to do so with work and all. Either there are many young people here or many unemployed people here. Don't stop posting though. All your posts have great entertainment value. ----------------------------- Tiggers can do anything. AIM: EddieinBx [This message has been edited by deeprock (edited 06-10-2001).]
  19. Go see a shrink. Ask about the drugs Celexa or Paxil. I did at one point in my life, and it probably saved my life. Drugs won't make you develop social skills, but they certainly can help normalize your mood. ------------------ Tiggers can do anything. AIM: EddieinBx
  20. What choke artists the Sixers were. The Refs gave the Sixers the benefit of the doubt on just about every dubious call, which got Shaq AND Fisher tossed, and they still fawked it up. They deserved to lose. ------------------ Tiggers can do anything. AIM: EddieinBx
  21. 23 going on 43. I'm being forced to grow up in a hurry as I long for my college days. ------------------ Tiggers can do anything. AIM: EddieinBx
  22. DJ Scott Project remix of Cosmic Gate - Fire Wire, to name one of many that get me pumped. ------------------ Tiggers can do anything. AIM: EddieinBx
  23. Where are people's senses of humor? There are people getting blown up in Israel, people being sold into slavery in the Sudan, villages having the hands of their people being cut off in Mozambique, and look how serious you people appear to be getting over something so petty. Lighten up people. "Can't we all just get along." ------------------ Tiggers can do anything. AIM: EddieinBx
  24. We have something in common. I'm straightedge four nights out of the week. ------------------ Tiggers can do anything. AIM: EddieinBx
  25. Traffic is a great movie. It illustrates how the War on Drugs has proved to be a total failure. . . . . . ------------------ Tiggers can do anything. AIM: EddieinBx
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