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Everything posted by tribal

  1. believe it or not...not everyone thinks like you, tribal, and you're limiting yourself. why am i limiting myself? im aware that not everyone thinks like me. im just trying to understand the backbone-lacking european mentality. you know its rather funny how hypocritical the europeans can be. you notice how they always nag about our death penalty, about our nation being a religious country, and how we lack socialism. they always bring that to our face. yet at the same token they complain about US instilling its own values on everyone else. terrible thing to instill democracy in states that run on anarchy. they resent us for bringing a functional government (afghanistan) yet they have ze nerve! to tell us how our religion should be followed, and how our murderers should be treated. at this point, france and germany are irrelevant.
  2. what interests me is why europeans so deeply resent the cowboy-like approach of bush. he is direct, simple and fair, as opposed to cynical, overbearing, endlessly intellectual and infinitely debatable position of the europeans. why cant they see that longer inspections dont mean diddly shit. iraqis have advace warnings of upcoming expections, and hide weapons. longer inspections just means a longer cat and mouse game. and if we do agree to the franco-german nonsense, our troops will leave for home, letting saddam off the noose. you think for a second this asshole will let the inspectors stay? and if they do find material, because lets face it, billions of dollars spent and multiple contracts with the French nuclear industry dont buy donuts, they buy nukes. and after all is said and done, after the inspectors are kicked out, or they find something, the US military will still have to fight the battle, while europeans will drink cafe latte and lament on the rubbish brutality and arrogance of the yanks. unbelievable
  3. jeez, looong letter, read about a quarter. the writer is contradicting himself. first he says that all muslims do is blame someone else for all their problems, like saying that israel was behind 9/11, but then he goes on a rant against US, spraying non sense of CIA officers raping women and throwing people out of helicopters. stupid.stupid stupid. he barely talks about the enlightened human treatment in his homelands. he is against the afghanistan war, yet he does not shed a tear when taliban falls. this guy doesnt know where he sits. his overall message that radical islam is not the way to go is on target, but otherwise i think this guy has read too many conspiracy theories, with US world domination and all. typical
  4. normal noises. regarding your link to a website where a cartoon pisses on the american flag. why are you in this country? when you piss on the flag, you piss on me, on the values that i hold dear, on the values that makes this country great. i doubt youve lived anywhere else besided US, in a place that would kill you for putting that link up. i did. and if you had too, you would hold the American flag and its values dear. perhaps what you need is 're-education' as the communist referred to it. you are nothing but an ignorant, bovine drone. i hope one day you will realise how lucky you are to be living here.
  5. i dont know why the IDF would keep the corpses of dead terrorists. perhaps for medical purposes? the extent of the original article throws a lot of shadow and uncertainty over the clairty and validity of the report. the article itself begins with typical palestinian non sense "occupied jerusalem" no shit its occupied, by people living there. a lot of 'facts' in this story dont add up. frankly, i would not be concerned about dead terrorist corpses. the comment "Respect of the living also includes respect for the dead" is comical, coming from a side of the conflict that nurtures its young to seek death and martydom over life itself. the palestinians shouldnt be preaching about respecting life while dressing their children with mock bomb belts.
  6. http://www.up-in-flames.com/art/flash/twilo.html underground will live forever baby... we just like roaches, never die always livin' and on that note, lets get back to the program
  7. pahhlease, if turkey or kuwait buys US air time, they can claim to have a special relationship with US as well. dont kid yourselves, SArabia and kuwait are strategic partners, they are not allies. israel is the only real ally in the region, and thats a fact. US intelligence relies heavily on israeli counter terror operations and warnings. US and Israeli defense partners have been working close together for 50 years. this relationship goes far more than simple economics, unlike SArabia.
  8. fuck the french, cheese smelling pussies. they are too open minded to realise that their country has become a muslim colony. hope they get invaded again, but this time, our 51st Airborne wont be there to rescue their pansie asses. fuck the french. www.pave-france.org
  9. israel is soooo nice, had a blast, met tons of amazing people. Eilat was so beatuiful, and climbing the Masada at sunrise, hooly shit. id seriously move there if not for all the violence. the land of milk and honey, it truly is.
  10. silly topic, this is drama queen's wet dream. silly and immature
  11. going for 2 weeks, ill bring back some pics. the land is magic, the food is incredible and the women are like precious sapphire jewels. anyway, i like the party scene there so i should have a good time, provided our palestinian 'friends' dont pack a bus bomb with nails and mr. hussein doesnt send scuds into tel aviv. otherswise all should be well, wish me luck.
  12. normaal n, the soldier who accidentally shot that car up is in jail right now. although the murder of an innocent is inexcusable, he shot because he believed his comrades were in danger of a suicide car bomb, as they had been before. no one is praising allah or god for the death of that woman, it was a mistake, a tragedy. i cant say the same thing for the other side. when the palestinian children stop dancing and throwing candy with their parents, every time a bomb goes off in an israeli club, then we will talk on equal level
  13. hahaha anti racism and anti oppression measures.. in favor: Algeria, Pakistan, Iran...
  14. Kiss my monkey ass!! ahh to be at the zenith of life, at 40, an age when the mind is complete, the body able, the spirit strong. For some, this age brings wisdom, skill and respect among peers. for you apparently, its cursing out kids on a clubbing website. your words bear as much weight as birdshit on a Mack windshield
  15. homersimpson, im sure the guys at the FDNY would like to have this cretin over. aww, boohoo, our government is full of evil characters, conspirators, and agents. we have a big LASER. the arabs are completely innocent and have never hurt a fly. normaln, how much acid did you pop in your lifetime, in order to post utter shit like this? seriously, come down from your Kennedy castle, come down here, to Ground Zero, where 19 saudis flew 200 americans into our towers, and hundreds of kids are now without parents. come down, and bring that enlightened speech with you. tell us how bad we are. how evil our govt is.
  16. to whoever is so critical of American policy and actions in Afghanistan. i have a simple question: Regardless of all the forementioned problems in the article, would you rather have the Taliban still be in control of the Afghan society? because all those problems that the liberal BS artilce mentions were there before, to many degrees, worse than they are now. answer me, would you rather still have the Taliban, or the Americans there right now.
  17. no offcourse not, they have an array of problems, real and disturbing problems. thats why it pisses me off when idiots like normal noise, continually despise and bash this country. theres a wide scope of difference between constructive criticism and hatred. he doesnt criticize, he hates. regarding the pipeline, the russian organized crime is so rampant because of a sudden jolt of capitalism into a stagnant and centrally planned communist economy, a system that never worked. offcourse youre gonna have these ultra powerful 'entrepreneurs' weilding power and money. russia is on its way to becoming a much more stable and progressive country despite all the negatives. they are almost in the WTO membership, and putin is determined to regulate and tax his far flung regions. russia is slowly restoring order to its infant capitalist society. this is much more than i can say for the arab states, whose unbelievable oil revenues hasnt done them shit for 50 years. that us-russia oil pipeline will repalce mid east as the primary source of energy within 10 years. watch it happen. US oil companies would much rather invest in russian oil than mid east oil, due to rising global tensions and wide spread arab anti americanism
  18. oh please sassa, offcourse theyve oppressed, they are doing so now. so what. everyone is so fucking oppressed these days. why dont you discuss how women are treated in S Arabia, or the rest of the arab world, except maybe for Bahrain, the only nation in that region thats getting their shit together. anyone who is anyone, and who yields power will in some form or another inevitably oppress someone else. id rather give the russians my dollars for petrol than most of the arab states. i know that at least a good part of my money spent will go into a society that produces talented artists, engineers, scientists and other valuable professions at an incredible rate, id rather it would be spent like this, then to buy another tank or SCUD for saddam or some other Opec oligarch. nothing is pure and completely just, i think you know that already.
  19. haha this guy called me Tribal Bin Laden?? awww shit, normaln, you know, id really love to go get a beer with you and just talk about what you think should be done, in terms of politics, life, etc.., i get a kick out of seeing people like you plant grand dimensional theories about real politique, free trade and other vital topics. can i ask you something, what do you do for a living. well i learned that you are 44, not in your 20s like i thought, props to you on that, but are you a success in life? in other words, why do you think your views are worthwile, while a joe shmoe bin laden like me is not? do you have an important job, imperative skills, perhaps youve travelled all your life, and have genuinly unique recollections and memoirs that are worth putting out in a form of a novel, ala hemingway. what do you do? im being serious now, because im talking to a person twice my age, with cognitive and reasoning skills of someone half my age.
  20. ive been to Murmansk twice, frozen wasteland pretty much, with some scattered depressing apartment houses. give them 8-10 years of american oil capital, new pipelines and more efficient drilling and pumping technology, russia will become a major exporter of oil to the rest of the world. they have more calculated oil deposits than the entire mid east combined. and you know russia isnt going to use its oil money on suppressing its people, and making deals with islamists, unlike most arab states. russia will become a potential future competitor with china and US for influence in that region
  21. bwhahaha, "jesus was against capitalism" congratulations... you now win the 2002 Darwin Award was jesus pro communist ?? hehe, oh man, i can just picture Jesus sitting in the KPSS meeting, directing the total state production of potatos and shoelaces. saying jesus was against capitalism is like saying the cavemen lived together with the dinosaurs. love your ideology man. play a song for us, would ya
  22. "normal" noises, can i ask you something. how old are you? from that guitar picture, it seems to me that you are at least in your 20s. by that deduction, i would assume that you are old enough to realise that not eveyrthing is purely good and bad. i think in your mind, you view anyone republican or 'conservative' as evil, or bad in some way. thats a very immature, unjust and childish way of viewing political spectrums. ive met people like you, big eyed, bright future revolutionaries, and people like you are irritating to me. you yell for some revolution, despise everything to the right of 180 degrees, and your arguments bare no weight, logically or systematically. recently i had a conversation with a guy who works for the LaRouche campaign, on campus, LaRouche is an ultra left candidate running for Senate..for about 10 years already. he never won more than 2% of the vote. so the LaRouche supporter tries to convince me of how the police do nothing but protect the rich, how capitalism is evil, how the rich assrape the poor, yada yada yada, the same commie drivel i heard in my politburo classes back in the good ol USSR, a nation which had your kind of revolution, and whose citizens are now poor, hungry and wartorn. read some books, listen to people's views, even if they are more to the right of you, it doesnt make them evil. grow the fuck up.
  23. thanks for the visual propaganda sassa. this reminds me of the arab kids in my college who put up posters of dead babies and yell to the world about the evil doers israelis. this is horseshit. how do you know these kids were kiled by russians?? that entire area was swept up in tribal conflict when the russians left. oh please, you make it seem like everything is a fucking harmony if US/Russia/Israel would just disappear. i hate it when people post this melodramatic shit, without references, without a story, exaclty the same shit the nazi propaganda films did in order to justify their invasion of Sudetenland. there is this old sayin in the jewish tradition, Loshon Hora, the evil toungue, watch your gossip. im not saying the russians are not guilty of crimes, but this is pure libel. as a 'moderator' it is your job to know what is appropirate and just to post and what is not. youre not doing your job.
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