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Everything posted by tribal

  1. my gf just got it, high temperture, feelin like shit. i dont think i have it cause its been a few weeks, and im fine like wine. just wondering, i did some research on this infectious mononucleosis, and it says that mono can be passed on just through casual conversation, or touching an infected persons drink or items. i was a bit suspicious at first, i mean i never had mono, and i thought that you only get it through sexual contact. apperently 90% of US population has the mono virus antibodies developed from the young age, and only 2% ever get the infection.
  2. u know who the real winners are?? hedonists think Hugh Hefner!
  3. sassa, when did an israeli soldier kill an entire palestinian family simply because they are palestinian? now you are talking out of your ass. i could give you plenty of examples however, of entire israeli families being wiped out by suicide fucknuts who killed them because they were israeli. and stop referring to jenin as a massacre, show some evidence and then talk. there was no massacre, get over it.
  4. Why do we need Isrieal, At least we get oils from the Arab states what does Isreal bring to the table? ----------------------------- learn to spell lets see, now. what does israel bring to the table. hmmm 1. advanced computer technology (anyone use AIM-like thingie called ICQ??? guess who made it) 2. billions of dollars of financial returns on american and european business ventures - Israel is now one of the most important technology centers in the world Although venture capital investments in Israel have been active in an organized way only since the early 1990's, the State of Israel has become the second largest technology center in the world. It currently has over 3000 technology companies and hundreds of new ones are being established every year. The numbers are impressive: 91 Israeli high tech companies and their related securities are traded on NASDAQ, second only to Canada with 166. Highly Educated and Skilled Workforce Israel has among the highest rate of engineers and scientists relative to its general population. This skilled force, in addition to the sophistication of much of its military technology, has enabled Israel to consistently rank in the top five countries in U.S. patents issued per million of the population. Several high tech multinationals such as Motorola, 3COM, Oracle, Compaq, Intel, Microsoft, IBM and AOL understood the intellectual potential of Israel’s high tech community and locatedR&D and manufacturing facilities in Israel. There are currently 81 financial institutions in Israel that invest in high technology, of which 54 are venture capital firms that focus on mid to late-stage investments. Investors are Actively Seeking Israeli Technology Investment by foreign high tech firms in local companies has increased substantially over the years. In 1997 Applied Materials bought two companies for $300 million and in March 1999 BMC Software bought New Dimension Software for $650 million. So far in 1999 alone there have been M&A transactions in excess of $1.5 billion. In a high profile transaction, America Online bought Mirabilis, Ltd., the parent of the leading web community builder ICQ, for about $400 million and VerticalNet recently bought out the Israeli B2B 'marketmaker' platform company Tradaeum, for nearly $500 million. In a recent research report published by Goldman Sachs, the investment bank predicted that the high level of M&A activity will continue as “Israeli technology companies increasingly are recognized as global technology leaders”. -source Delta-Ventures.com 3. Advanced military technology. The USAir Force uses Israeli made targeting software, munitions, fighter training and technology. Israeli air force is rated as the #1 trained and experienced air force in the world, man-to-man 4. Israeli foods flood the world market. i suggest you try some israeli yougurts and fruits, they taste a hell of a lot better than shit we eat here. 5. Israeli pharmaceuticals. Ever hear of TEVA?? they make those nice lil sandals?? they are also one of the largest pharma companies in the world 6. Israeli education system. rated as one of the best and most efficient in the world. 7. Israeli airline industry. one of the most safest and most efficient in the world. El AL 8. Israeli intelligence. You dont know how much information the Mossad gives to CIA, NSA, DoD and our other agencies that help thwart attacks. 9. Israeli technology sector is one of the most highly rated sectors in the world according to Moody's service. do i need to go on?? lets see now, what do the surrounding arab states give us, as compared to israel, a country the size of new jersey 1. oil 2. olives 3. rugs 4. camels 5. jihad 6. hashish 7. more oil 8. dictatorships 9. oil rigs 10. sand the above is an obvious stereotype, but i ask you seriously, what do they give us, with all their natural resources, what do those countries give to the world besides war and extremism? lets talk straight now. no bullshit, what do they give us??
  5. yo sassa, if you want a better debate board than this, try www.urban75.com its very liberal, left leaning, so i always have fun debating those fellas, who are mostly brits and other europeans. i think u would fit right in.
  6. stonedlc, you know, the extent of human stupidity amuses me everytime is see your posts. by your logic that we support israel (learn to spell Israel) , and we got attacked due to our alliance. so by this logic, we should not have supported Britain and the Allies during ww2, because the japanese bombed pearl harbor? you know nothing of the israeli people. you obviously know nothing of israel's neighbors either. do me a favor, go get a cookie or something.
  7. stonedcl one little note to your bizarre logic heres the difference between what israelis are doing and what palestinians are doing after the Netanya bombing, which didnt kill 2 israelis as you said, but 30, IDF went in to Jenin to take out groups responsible for this murder. the IDF military 'atrocity' as you called it, left 51 palestinian dead, 30+ of whom were gunmen, the other victims were caught up in a cross fire. The IDF reserve soldiers, men that never wanted to step a foot into jenin until the disgusting passover bombing that killed some holocaust survivors, these soldiers took part of their salaries in donation to the palestinians who were displaced due to this incursion. never mind that those houses were rigged by explosives by Hamas gunmen, who publicly admitted it. heres what the palestinains did. after the IDF withdrew, hamas and islam jihad announced they would regroup, and continue their 'martyr' operatoins against civilians, by blowing up clubs, restaurants, poolhalls, like the one that happened yesterday, and no it didnt kill 2 people as your moronic logic says. it killed 19. 19 people murdered specifically and intentionally. go figure this one out asshole. dmitry, good post.
  8. icyhot, u dont like it, dont fuckin read it. heres a newsflash, theres more to life than Draper vs Peters or whats the best E pill. dont like it , dont read it. i personally get offended at some really stupid posts that people post here, but hey, its life.
  9. you know what i hate most about SF and exit n shit. the phrase, "Dress to Impress". makes me feel like im going to some job interview. wtf is that? dress to impress. who am i gonna impress? that eurotrash jerkoff with cum in his hair?? the defensive circle SF females?? its like watching the Discovery channel and the mating rituals of the genus gelhairguidocus. shit ecchh, at least SF keeps em out of my zone, fuck, i love SF!!
  10. afcapone, lemme tell you a little story i heard a bit while ago. this is the story i dont agree with but it shows you some of the mentality for the pro israelis one day in the future, arafat sits down with sharon to discuss a peace agreement (yea right!). anyway, as they sit down, sharon says, 'listen yassir, before we discuss anything, i want to tell you a story'. OK, go ahead, says arafat. 'When moses took the jews out of egypt, they were wondering the desert for 40 years' says sharon. 'One day, they came upon a lake, with sweet and cold water. Everyone drank and bathed for days, until finally moses wanted to bathe too. So moses took off his robes, jumps in the lake and has a long nice bath. When he comes out, all his clothing is gone. Where are my robes?? asks moses. "oh the palestinians took them'" answers one of his aides. Wait a minute, says arafat, interrupting sharon. 'There were no palestinians back then!!" "Exactly!!" says sharon, 'Now we can begin the meeting" --------------------- see, the above is merely a notion that israelis are destined to live in Erets Israel, or land of israel. Personally i think its all horseshit, but i guess its because i dont believe in god. Now i dont agree with that lilttle story because i think the deep past of these 2 tribes is irrelevant. Do we connect modern Italians with the Roman Emprire? hardly. lets talk about the situation TODAY, and leave the pit digging to archaelogists. now afuckincapone, dont think that im completey pro israeli. im not some zio-nazi orthodox fuck, who wants to see all palestinians deported. i know they are oppressed, i know they live like shit, ive been there, ive seen it, you arent telling me anything new here. ive also seen seeds of hate planted into this new antifada generation. ive seen how their once promising economy was sunk due to pure piece of shit criminals like arafat and his PA puppets. oh but sharon is a war criminal! you say. Sure he is. He knew about sabra and shatila, undoubtedly. Should he be in jail for that little incident? sure. But if he goes to jail, arafat should follow. There is no future for palestinians with arafat. none. zip. zero. Listen, ill tell you honestly, if i was an israeli, i would probably act the same way they do. sure its easy to sit here, in Stabletown USA and cry 'oppression' , 'free palestine' and 'end the occupation', when our kids can go to a nightclub and come back in one piece. Why do i say this? because the palestinians are the ones who are at direct responsibility for their futures. by not speaking out against the actions of suicide bombers or brushing off the PA hate propaganda as a result of israeli actions, is to condone this culture of death. both people deserrve peace, no shit. but look at the current situatiion. Israel offered peace, and yes its not exactly what arafat wants. well thats why you have a thing called compromise! israelis wanted to compromise, arafat didnt. bottom line is if palestinians wanted a better future for themselves, they would stop this suicide atrocity, stop preaching hate to their children, stop sending their kids to throw stones at IDF and get shot, making a great juicy anti israeli propaganda, stop printing maps with israel non existent, stop calling it the 'zionist entity' and start doing something right. -oh and p.s. about the IDF not letting ambulances through... guess why. the Red Cross apologised to the Israeli government because their affiliate, the Red Crescent, used its ambulances to transoport bombs, rifles and other weapons to and from PA areas into israel. The ambulances were delayed because the IDF searches each vehicle for explosives and weapons. this is a common fact thats not reported and being skewed by the media. i think its tragic that innocent palestinians die due to this, but who is the catalyst? i make my point once again, if israel withdraws tomorrow, why would palestinians suddenly stop attacks on isreali civilians? not with the leadership they currently have.
  11. afuckcapone, lemme ask u a question. if say tomorrow, israel withdraws from every settlement in the area, an area dont forget which was taken from jordan in a war that arabs started, if israel withdraws from those settlements, leaves absolutely no buffer zone between israel and PA territory, do you think there will be peace? do u think the palstinians will stop attacking israelis? abracadabra, just like that, things will be peaceful? israel has to always give, give and give some more. give the golan, give eastern jerusalem, give parts of west bank, where do you stop? if you think palestinians will be a peaceful nation by acquiring more land from israelis, you are mistaken. completely mistaken.
  12. CIS is computer information systems, basically its an array of stuff like database, networking, web design and development, WAP and ERP systems and bunch of other stuff. Biology is actually my backup field, but i really enjoy it. I was thinking of somehow combining the two fields, and work as a web develop for a biotech or a pharma, but i need a starting point, an internship, something. i dont wanna do investment bank graphics for the rest of my life.
  13. hows the job market looking? im graduating next year, CIS major BIO minor, looking for an internship
  14. my own Caramel mixes http://www.angelfire.com/dc/tribal/caramel.html
  15. yo roha i hear ya bro. ive been friends with this kid for like 5 years all thru highschool and some years in college. well im a juniior in college now, and he never went to college, he got himself this gfriend, a nice girl but he spends all his time with her, i mean ALL. its not worth it anymore. but its like the guy totally changed, i have nothing in common anymore. its sad, cause i think back at all the good times we had.
  16. The United Nations' excuse will be that these murders were perpetrated not by states but by groups. But this is nonsense. The Palestinian Authority is a recognized government. The links of its top leadership to these murders is precisely the kind of question that warrants investigation. Yet the very idea that the United Nations would investigate Palestinian massacres is absurd. you are absolutely correct. today it was actually admitted by Marwan Bargouti (the head of PA security service) that arafat personally supervised and gave discretion for suicide attacks thru his group - the Aksa Martyrs Brigades. Arafat personally gave an order, for a suicide bomber to infiltrate an israeli city, and blow up 26 men, women, children and the elderly, who sat down for a Passover dinner. Let me repeat that; ARAFAT PERSONALLY GAVE AN ORDER FOR SUICIDE BOMBERS. the difference between IDF tactics and PA terrorism, is that IDF goes out of its way to make sure civilians didnt get killed, while still trying to protect the israeli civilian population. The PA specifically trains, equips and finances people, whose very job is to kill as many men, women and kids as possible. you cant build a state, a nation, a country, through terrorism. jenin was not a massacre, it was not a genocide. a country the size of New Jersey, surrounded by hostile neighbors bears every right to defend its civilians, i would expect no less of any other nation. OH, and tepenhard, the Karine A weapons were not being used against the IDF. they were brought in to attack israeli civilian centers like Tel Aviv. they were getting new weapons because their current rockets like the Qassam rocket, does not bring enough casualties. its also very innaccurate. the Karine A was loaded with advanced rockets and missiles, designed to kill as many as possible. dont give me that shit that it was self defense. you fuckin know damn well what those weapons would be used for if arafat would get his hands on them.
  17. there was no massacre. end of story. why isnt the UN so hesitant to send a human rights team after 20-30 israeli civilians are blown apart? fuck the UN BBC------------------------- Human Rights Watch report The report says there was no massacre as the Palestinians have claimed, but it does accuse the Israeli army of committing war crimes. Human Rights Watch has done a separate report on suicide bombings targeting Israeli civilians as well. The UN may not be coming to investigate what happened in Jenin but the respected group human rights watch has finished its own report. Death toll questions Much of the controversy about Jenin has concerned the number of dead with the Palestinians claiming hundreds and the Israelis saying less than 45, and all of them fighters. Human Rights Watch says at least 52 Palestinians died of whom 22 were civilians. Many of the civilians were killed wilfully and unlawfully the report says. Israel opted to use infantry rather than aerial bombs Palestinian civilians were used as human shields and the Israeli army employed indiscriminate and excessive force, the report says. The report gives examples - it says that a 57-year-old Palestinian man Kamil Sagir was shot and then run over by Israeli tanks even though his wheelchair was flying a white flag. Another case is that of 37-year-old Jamil Fayed, a paralysed man who was crushed in the rubble of his home. Human shields Human Rights Watch says the Israeli army refused to allow the family time to remove him from their home before a bulldozer destroyed it. The Israelis have denied committing atrocities. They say that Palestinian gunmen used their own people as shields against incoming fire. Many Israelis will tell you they could just have bombed Jenin from the air. The fact that infantry troops were risked is evidence of Israel's concern for civilians, it is argued. Nevertheless, Human Rights Watch insists that some Israeli soldiers must face prosecution for what happened in Jenin.
  18. yea i was there, didnt have a hat, so i took one from the ceiling, a fireman's hat. some dude i saw had a whole freakin club on his head, with a mirror ball and the work. DT is the fuckin man though... had an awesome time
  19. remember that KMX toilet sound ad, with that unbearable sound of swooshing water and wet farts. now THAT was unbearable. thats why i drink red bulls.
  20. just one more thing, i dont think the girls that replied are jealous, cause i happen to know most of them, and they def have the right to be critical cause they are all good lookin girls hehe, man talk about brownie points! yo evan, what kind of venture are you talking about? a startup? its one thing to have many hits and retain a popular site, its another to maintain a profitable and visible .com anyway, i do web design part time, my site link is on the bottom
  21. hey i understand what you are saying but I'm just telling the truth. These girls aren't jenna jameson. If you put pics up on a website like this be prepared for the criticism as well as the compliments. i believe you have posted pics before where the girls were gorgeous. And you talk about having some fucking class hahahha. thats funny. yo the bitches are jus jealous of evan da pimpdaddy. word up. bling bling! i like that ass and i can not lie, i like em rouuund and bigg, ohhh yea
  22. this guy is becoming one of my fav djs, his technical skills are on their own level. the 6/9/01 Essential Mix is plain incredible. its interesting, not the same ol shit, has poems, the song from the movie "The Craft", and the track "We Beg your pardon America" - brotha man steal a hubcap, brotha man smoke a joint, brotha man goin to jail, the man who tried to steal america is not in jail (referring to nixon) Sander K is definitely underrated
  23. if you feel like gettin down, then get down, and get down and get dowwwwn if you feel like gettin high then get high n get high n get higgghhhh! DD kicks ass
  24. cats suck, dogs rule. nuff said. woof.
  25. man, all i gotta say is god bless U.S. you look outside and see how fucked up the world is sometimes. bloodfeuds, wars, starvation, its 21st fucking century. we were supposed to be colonizing Mars right now, not fighting centuries-old wars. sad, sad, fucking sad world. imagine where we could be right now, if we were to concentrate our efforts on science and technology, instead of war equipment, anti-terror measures, and our reliance on oil. there is something dangerously wrong with the world, when a 14 year old kid is brainwashed to go and blow himself up.
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