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Everything posted by tribal

  1. fuck the UN, fuck the palestinians, fuck the europeans. enough is enough. http://www.cnn.com/2002/WORLD/meast/06/05/mideast.bomb/index.html
  2. i lived in communist russia, and it was no workers paradise. the life itself was good, we had things that we needed, a dacha, a car, an apartment, etc, but there was absolutely no opportunity to advance, to work and get repaid for your work, and that is because communism does not value property, it does not value personal work as property, which is a fundamental flaw. capitalism is the greatest economical systems because it works, and no, not because it oppresses other countries, thats complete bullshit, capitalism is the natural way of doing business, of running an economy, and that s why communism would never succeed, not because people are evil or greedy, but because communism is utopian and utterly inefficient. i cant believe people think of communism as some complete and best system, when it clearly isnt, and never will be. You should all be a little bit more grateful to Mr. Adam Smith, not mr. Marx
  3. But sassa don't get too excited..I still think you are a piece of shit... ... ----------------- so when are you guys gettin married??
  4. haha im russian, and this thread is comedy!!! shook, do you talk like that in real life? can you talk in other languages besides ebonics? you are a cartoon character sassa was probably talking about the old russian women, like 60,70,80 year olds, who dont shave and dont give a shit. well surprise surpirse, who cares? russian chicks are hot, im dating a russian chick right now, and its a great! a lot of people said that e.europe has tons of hot girls, and its absolutely true, the women there are in their own league. american girls pale in comparison, (generalisation offcourse)! but seriously, its a stupid beauty contest, its like debating which country is the smartest, based on kids' spelling bee results.
  5. tribal


    oh yes, abortion, the eternal divider. im generally pro choice, with some restricitions. the thing is, i think abortion would be best fit in 3rd world countries, where birth rates are devastangly high, and people live miserable lives due to low resources, and a shitty quality of life. take a guess why mid east is so pissed. china's standard of living has been going up slowly, because they have strict birth laws, which stabilize population growth.
  6. dude, we re goin on aug 15-22, stayin at Cala Tarida, western side of the island. we booked it thru sta-travel. decent prices, plus theyve been doing this for a while. www.sta-travel.com see what you can get, my package was $ 1400 for air, with 1 stop in madrid, and hotel, which isnt exactly 5 stars, but hey ill be cracked out too much to notice anything
  7. i need it this thur - fri something like a merceds, lexus or other luxury car, preferrably a convertible. im aiming for $200-300 per day rental. anyone know places that will rent???
  8. dont agree with this article at all. first off, the republicans did not use the 9/11 deaths to progress their agenda. there is a war going on, it is something that we all have to come in terms with. its not a conventional war, thats why its so easy to dismiss it. the democrats did overstep the line by suggesting that republicans know enough information to stop the attack, which is a ridicioulous and uninformed assumption. cheney was also right to remind the media not to inflame the situation, something that is so easily done now with sensational/action-packed cnn and fox news coverages. news has become entertainment of lately.
  9. i gotta say honestly, i think i see the world in a different lens now. despite our actions, more terrorism is inevitable, just the way things are, so im living everyday to the fullest. the cancer that we are up against are nothing we have ever been up against before. the USSR was a much greater threat in terms of all the nukes, but they werent crazy or fanatical like the animals on the pearl video. we are dealing with a truly evil group of people. without going into panic mode, i think that a dirty nuke, or a more grandiose terror scenario is on the way. this war will be long indeed
  10. killallmuslims <-- sounds like this one has loads of IQ!! sad fucking world we live in, aint it! btw, jalal, very intersting post, write some more, im very interested in an algerian perspective
  11. let me see, so now that will make u look like an Uber Nerd!! the forces of reality, and a normal sex life, are calling me back! Triumph kicks ass! heres how to dl it, rightclick on the link above, and choose save as.
  12. yes, i know they have been treated bad by stalin and his successors, and its true they were deported. the point is, that less than 5 years ago, people like Ashkadov, the leader of the separatists, got a pseudo-independence, with the withdrawal of russian troops from Grozny. so then what? simply 'deserving' their own country means shit. warlords like the thankfully now-dead Khattab, who tied forces with elements of al qada, brutally ran a kidnapping scheme. the normal and everyday chechen people suffered even more. so now what? give the land to the warlords, so there can be complete breeding ground for al qada and similar groups? you dont know many elements of the situation, and simply saying that they deserve something highlights that lack of understanding. russia is comprised of hundreds of ethnic groups, i dont see why one deserves something more than another
  13. why cant Dave ban this sad shmuck?? dipshit, watch what you say about arabs. thats anti semitism. i take that shit seriously.
  14. dude, he warned people before posting the link. chill. yes we were all apalled at the video. its a nice reality check for people who think we can still negotiate with these bastards. all the prayers for Pearl's wife and kid. those people are animals.
  15. sassa, you wouldnt believe how many people you piss off, by asking people like xxdonlavito, who have valid concerns, by asking them not to commit what was on that video. are you void of any rational thought? why dont you enlighten us as to whats going on in russia and chechnya, since we are so ignorant? you pop up, flame people for their thoughts, without any rational ideas or any valid defense for your thought. fuckin scram, your bullshit rhetoric is useless. if youre gonna talk, dont start the drama, put fact behind your hot air.
  16. actually that israeli scientist created it for a specific mid eastern poultry market, but it became a success worldwide. due to the hot mid eastern climate, normal poultry is more expensive to breed and develop, thats why there isnt a big poultry market in the mid east countries. this chicken is set to revolutionize the puck puck puck market. neat! probably tastes good too. reminds me of this joke: two roosters meet each other at sunrise "so you wanna go squak?" asks one. "nah, lets just go to the rotisserie, look at naked chicks!" says his friend
  17. 1. usa, you are an imbesol. read what you wrote again, carefully, see how stupid you sound. fucken turd 2. ghost, i dont agree with the US bombing of serbia, i know that the media, especially the french and the european left love shit like this. this is just like jenin, a "massacre". i think by now, much of that credibility is lost in the european media anyways. the problem is that there were cases of documented atrocities, i.e. serbian troops deliberately killing civilians, which just aint right. with that said, you know what really pissed me off. at the time of the US air campaign, i was reading the New Yorker, or some other magazine, and there was an article on the KLA. the name of the article was KLA- a few good men. it was basically a dirty propaganda piece, on how the KLA are honest "freedom fighters" without any mention of all their past terror activities, connections with al qada and other 'trivialities' what scares me is that there will no doubt be another huge attack, and its not just the media sensation, realistically, its a certainty. our past ways of dealing with terror supporting states must stop. if we want to see results, we cant back tread on promises we made. if we know a state or a leader is supporting terror groups, we cant deal with these people. we cant deal with arafat, we cant deal with hussein, we cant deal with kaddafi, we tried, we saw what happened. no more bullshit, this is a cancer, we must wipe it out. ps - is anyone having problems seeing this video due to the real player issues? it says my version is outdated, and i gotta pay like 15 bucks for the new one. what kind of shit is that?
  18. ghost, thats bullshit. i understand why milosevic did what he did, im no fan of albanians, i think they are scum as a nation, but mr. m went out and performed a whole grade A slaughter, in a nazi like fashion. you cant expect post ww2 world to sit back and let it continue. milosevic should have done it differently, more israeli like, surround kosovo in a choke hold, go in, take out the terror cells, and if necessary, deport or exile the albanian intruders. but to go kill women and children, is just plain wrong, no matter what the excuse. russia is facing a similar situation in chechnya, where warlords took over a major portion of that region, and bred violence, drug trade and kidnappings for 2 years, before the weakened russian army finally brought order to the region. russia was also assailed by european and US human rights groups, and in many cases rightfully so. our challenge is to fight this muslim-fundamentalist cancer, while not reverting to the animals that are shown on this tape.
  19. yes we did fuck over a lot of governments and people, but thats the nature of the game. dont make it seem like we are the only one with the cards. any other nation with any semblance of power needs to do things that may not be popular, to maintain that power. i view the situation from a realist perspective. we did what we had to do, in order to maintain our self interests. and if our country didnt include all those qualities youve mentioned, we would not be super power, a nation to look up to. the war on terrorism (TWAT) is just a shadow of our actions, i believe that we must do all we can to maintain our respected and powerful position in world affairs, without destroying the foundations of a republic (like imprisoning all arabs). frankly i could not care less what the european left thinks of american actions. we have our priorities and they have theirs. all part of the game.
  20. ne pizdi grisha, ne kovo ty ne vstrechal iz H foundation. che breshesh! hehehe
  21. yo rache, hows vegas treatin you? DT is gonna be there very sooon!
  22. stop with this annoying outkast pop up like a zit promotion. it doesnt work! we are all pretty much conditioned into turning off these pop ups, and how many of you ever even look at what these annoying pop ups say?? theres gotta be better ways to advertise products than blatant irritation. stop it!!!
  23. the air force is the cadillac of military. the above careers illustrate its high tech approach to warfare. i was in the AFROTC for 2 years, had to leave due to school. in 10 years time, our fighter fleets will be composed of pilotless fighter drones like the X45 http://www.boeing.com/phantom/ucav.html , scary cool stuff !
  24. gotta be Caligula. i sat down to watch that shit, thinkin, oh how nice, a Roman type movie, must be very educational n shit, right? wrong. shit went sideways from the moment the directors name came up on the screen: Bob Guccione that has got to be the most twisted shit ive seen, guys jackin off into a pot, and then spreading that shit on the queen or whatever she was, giant penis statues, the roman army made up of naked dudes with spears, the main dude fuckin his sister, giant lesbian orgies (the best part ) penises, breasteses, pussy everywhere. they didnt teach to me about that side of the roman empire in school. shit. oh that and Natural Born Killers, that was fucked up too.
  25. thanx kat, my buddy was assuring me that she was kissing around, which made me really paranoid. you are probably right, its a contagious virus, so she could have picked it up by airborne or other ways. im gonna go get checked out this week. i feel bad for her, she is in the hospital with absolutely no music to listen to.
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