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Everything posted by barvybe

  1. barvybe

    Young Vasectomy?

    if i were to adopt i think i'd want an older kid too...even though its cool to be able to bond with the baby and stuff i'm seriously afraid that you could end up with a kid with serious problems that aren't so obvious at the baby stage. Its one thing when its YOUR kid that has physical / mental problems and people who adopt kids like that are saints...but if i adopt i don't want to take that on. If you adopt a kid that's like 3 - 7 years old you can pretty much gauge their personality and stuff which is better i think.
  2. was it good for you or'd you just get that stage rush?
  3. barvybe

    Young Vasectomy?

    i get that...i'm just saying that you never know and there's a chance (however small) that you might change your mind on that at some point. Same thinking as to why a guy shouldn't get snipped so you cause he might have regrets...that's all i'm saying. i've had a couple friends who swore they'd never want kids. Ever..with anyone. Then BAM they got married and suddenly changed their minds...shrug.
  4. barvybe

    Young Vasectomy?

    well that's very good spirited of you...like i said above though i think that things can change. You never know what will happen if you meet the "right" guy who also wants to have kids and your feelings might change - maternal instinct take over. that's why i think that have the medical procedures done is unfortunate cause you could have regrets later on...at the very least if i were this guy i would have put some of my boyz on ice...
  5. barvybe

    Young Vasectomy?

    well personally i think its weird to do anything that permenantly impairs how your body functions..especially when you are so young because i don't think there are any absolutes - he might regret it later. but i don't think its odd that the doc would do the procedure - i'm sure they asked him lots of questions, made him talk to someone, sign stuff...i mean ultimately if you are willing to pay for it there's no legal reason why a doc wouldn't do it.
  6. that sounds pretty hot - of course tough to time it lol. mebbe sky diving at the right moment would work too?? long ago my highschool gf and i snuck onto one of those moon walk rights they had at a town fair. they blew it up the day before and left the compressor running...that was pretty cool
  7. barvybe

    Young Vasectomy?

    I actually think that's pretty normal - i've had a couple very good female friends for years who also only dates guys but are bi-sexual. When they don't have bf's they have socially dated girls but never gotten into "relationships" with them. I think its mostly sexual for them and they don't particularly want the lifestyle changes associated with say living with a gf. Also you know they say every bf / gf could be your last and i think there's a mental barrier about giving up raising a family even if consciously you don't think you'll ever want kids... ABout the penile snipping - i worked with a dude who was catholic and married and his wife wouldn't use contraception. I think they had sex about 6 times during the six years i knew him and ended up with five kids under the age of six lol. He was 27 when he got snipped. One thing is its not 100% this operation - just like a girl who gets the tubes tied there's a very small chance you can still get pregnant...i mean its not like you can look at him and tell that the doc did a good job or not. But he should have a scar for sure.
  8. right on! I actually live with one of the moderators - if the thread is titled or obviously about an event that CP has nothing to do with or is filled with stuff like "call here for guestlist" etc. they move it. either try and get CP involved with the event or follow Jon's advice the moderator's aren't on all the time so sometimes it appears they're playing favorites but they really don't.
  9. i've heard that before lol seems likely
  10. for people who are really into anal, its just another area to play with and not a big deal to do or not. Ass foreplay with someone u'r relaxed with and is into is dayum good...its a fairly sensitive area. personally it would never take the place of anything else but its nice to wander that way now and again...
  11. werd...just felt i needed a little sleaze and mayhem moved back to BK finally with LavenderMenace again (roomies ONLY!!). Things are great! Too much work, not enough play but I have arthritis now so the rest is good for me lol. U?
  12. very tru and why i gave up on trying to squeeze into there for theme parties after the first 2 or 20
  13. u are old man!! wassup kid?
  14. LOL...u mean do i like ass play? yeah... am i an asshole to girls?...no you can ask some of the older members on the board if i got game though...
  15. I think CP DaVe (yes our esteemed founder) should pimp his pic all over the boards. Many of the NY / NJ boardies know him on site. I've run into him in Sobe at least twice a year randomly each time i'm there. Last year at Ultra..the year before the whole CP staff crew was at space one night if i recollect (yeah that's probably not that reliable.) Anyway point is if you find DaVe u'll find many of the out of towners i'd guess.
  16. exactly hey Exit is huge and good for them for filling it up. Shit i wish they would fill it up more often cause its good for NY club scene to know the city can pull 11k plus on a given night. problem is - Exit parties 18+ are nightmares because the club does a horrible job of managing it. That's all everyone's saying. Its not actually a nice or fun place to go in anyway unless your so inexperienced at club going that you aren't noticing the overcrowding, the impossible lines, the shit and piss literally dripping from the ceiling. Sure you can have a great time there and evidently lots of folks did. But for lots of us its just not someplace we'd care to go and that's really a shame. I know lots of folk who've been waiting for a change there that just hasn't happened yet.
  17. being nice and being a pushover ain't the same thing. And you can keep you confidence and self-esteem without being an asshole. Honestly if u'r just YOU and don't subvert yourself to the girl's wishes on everything you can still be nice, not a dick, and a challenge. guys being assholes and how girls respond to it is all about a power struggle. many girls don't respect guys who are pushovers. they may like a guy like that but ultimately most girls are looking for someone with an opinion, with interests, with voice, etc. its just that with assholes all of these elements are obviously there - with a "nice" guy it may not be so obvious. being with a girl isn't "all about her"...its all about both of you... ...eh i'll be quiet now.
  18. that's good 4 or 5 hours - i'd say depends on who's spinning late / who you want to see. i didn't get there till about 6 last year and have no regrets...
  19. do you even need the email? i mean don't you have the print out with the scan code bar that mentions to bring the card you purchased it with?
  20. tsk tsk...lets use english when calling people tools ok? "the guy is a fucken tool,,...people are making fun at him ....lol"
  21. i'm not disagreeing with your point but somehow the egg analogies ....
  22. the very first response plus the lack of pregnancy are pluses... ...but i think its also tru that its a "safe" way for guys with subconscious gay tendencies to work things out. IMO - if the guy won't let the girl touch his ass, but want to have anal then he's got some sexual hangup / confidence / gay issue. if he is as willing to let her touch / lick him there then he's probably just into it for variety / taboo / pleasure. I think that guys who aren't tender / sensitive partners in the first place probably are into the thought of it cause it gives them feelings of power and that's that, but in general if a guy isn't grossed out by it what's the downside for him? maybe we should ask why more guys aren't into it? i can understand why a lot of girls aren't.
  23. yeah that blows but seriously they aren't going to go hunting through hundreds of coats for one that might be yours...and probably if its a nice coat there are unfortunately some disreputable folks who will take it home at the end of the evening. you gotta remember your number or (if u'r like me and have no memory) have a spot that is secure to put it. I have a little flip wallet that i can't imagine losing with a photo id sleeve...i put it behind my license - can't fall out and i don't keep my money in there when i'm in a club anyway...
  24. Hey D I've had several girls tell me that there's a difference between clitoral and a vaginal orgasms in terms of where the feeling is centered and how the rest of your body feels. And I've definitely noticed differences with my gf this way. I think its also tru that some women just don't (or haven't figured out how) to have one or the other type. If you can have both you're pretty lucky i think...
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