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Everything posted by barvybe

  1. woot woot!!! (I'll be at Arc if i'm healthy)
  2. sounds like a great time... mike, ed, shannon et al - take notes and gimme a full report.
  3. i also like the old space much better than the new one... about new clubs in NYC - i know for lots of us its a question of $$$...lots of folks still hurting since end of 2001 I'm looking forward to the new spots, but hope they aren't more than 30 bones a night
  4. there's plenty - specifically about how it causes respratory distress in people exposed to it on a regular basis. look up studies about children and ETS from mothers who smoke for example. What there isn't LOTS of "proof" for yet is whether bar workers are more likely to get cancer or not. This is because of a number of reasons including: 1. bar workers are largely transitory - meaning that they don't hold jobs for long enough to make it easy for them to be kept track of in a multi-year study. 2. they just didn't start running studies on it until recently. HOWEVER, once again, you have to be dumb to think that any amount of carcinogen isn't bad for you.... if you need *proof* then i'd say give me *proof* that third trimester abortions are killing "humans" or "causing pain" or let's go back to the 80's an lets "prove" that AID's isnt' a gay's only disease. Just cause the studies are in and concluded yet doesn't mean you should blind yourself to common sense reasoning.
  5. Just do a search on ETS, smoking legislation, and 2nd hand smoking lawsuits and look for articles and cases since 2001. Yes there are also once that say its not harmful, etc., but Crobra is right on. I'm sure Phillip Morris has already induced cancer in hundreds of rats and is just sitting on the results... What is NOT debatable at all is that ETS has higher carcinogen levels than smoke caused by fully burned tobacco...the only question is whether the amount of smoke in the air is harmful - or rather if its measurably harmful for short term exposure. But to me that's like saying tanning beds or the sun aren't bad for your skin so long as you don't spend *too much* time under them. Oh, and... HI STEPH! MUAAAH!
  6. Those articles are very poorly written and make pretty specious arguments. The quotes are completely out of context and meaningless except to say that: 1. Judge Scalia is now, and has always been, an asshole. And yeah, sure they could pass a law saying anything they want. Whether it would in turn hold up in court is the issue. Plenty of laws have been thrown out. 2. The reports you or your sources decided to quote say that ETS smoke isn't harmful....there are plenty of studies, particularly recently that say otherwise (there was a long thread about this back in the early spring) and no one has said that increased particulate matter (like smoke) is good for anyone's lungs. The internation medical community now gererally agrees that ETS smoke is not good for you and is a class A carcinogen, and actually has a higher percentage of cancer causing agents then the smoke that smokers breath (because ETS is largely the idle smoke emenating from lit cigarettes sitting in the ash tray and burns at a lower temperature.) 3. The ban is a workplace ban, not a nightlife ban. Its the same as the ban in your office building (which is also private property btw). 4. common sense tells us that breathing in smoke, the same smoke that does cause cancer in smokers, has to be bad for you - don't try and fall back on scientific proof etc. cause people really sound idiotic when they say "you can't PROVE that smoke is bad for you". 5. This quote: "The news should not be mistaken for fact. Again, every scientific study has reached the same conclusion: that there is no statistically significant increased health risk for non-smokers who are exposed to secondhand smoke, at home or in the workplace." is a lie. go find the thread from when the ban was first being discussed and do some more research. -- i should point out that it wasn't "proven" that smoking caused cancer for years also - however we all knew it wasn't good for you. Do you need to have a study telling you things to have common sense? If the answers yes, your lucky then cause the outdated studies you cited are being replaced by more current studies with longer track records of ETS, respiratory distress, etc. Go read them. 6. The Guernica incident - you should be embarrassed to quote it since its unclear what happened and clearly anyone who is going to kill someone because they are asked to put out a cigarette is deranged - blaming that on smoking bans is silly. 7. The RAVE act and the smoking ban are very different. In fact, I believe that the RAVE act in its current form requires the owner to have knowledge of the illegal use of the facility and even, perhaps, knowledge that the activity is part of the expressed usage of the group of people attending the event...in other words, they are NOT held responsible for the type of activity you mention. 8. the church parking thing is laughable too - the church doesn't own the street in front of the church. If on the other hand they fail to shovel the sidewalk in front of the church and someone falls and gets hurt, then YES the church is responsible. 9. Given the fact that we all subsidize the health care system, it is absolutely within the rights of the public at large to impose laws that protect the health of most people due to 2nd hand smoke or any other avoidable hazard. In fact, if you want to talk about fair - smokers should pay 5 (random) times the health care premiums as non smokers since they make up such a large percentage of the heart disearch and cancer patients in our system. Maybe health care would be affordable for non-smokers if smokers paid their fair share - particularly since they are voluntarily partaking in a destructive activity that is destructive not because there is a greater chance of having an accident, but because the activity itself is directly responsible for downgrading your health... just a thought of course
  7. 100% right on. hadn't heard him for about a year and was pretty happy once about 3 - 4 am came around. was digging the breaks interlude he dropped at some point too. nice seeing everyone
  8. things don't get removed cause no one replied to them - they just end up on page 2, 3, etc. moved: should be in other forum or are drama deleted: if the moderator feels they are completely inappropriate
  9. Hey kiddies!!! MUAAAH! miss you all. Howells? i think i'm actually comin out
  10. I hope they never get a liquour license - keeps down on the dough i spend - keeps out the bar crowd that's just gonna stand around on the dance floor in the way getting hammered and bumping into people. - while its probably tru that there's more other substances going on cause of the no booze, drunk often = beligerent and sloppy - alcohol would bring out more poeple just interested in hitting on folks instead of bouncing to the beats. If you can't stay up and happy cause of the tunes...???
  11. Had a very nice night, though bored by the set / found some of it jarring. For instance, the breaks he dropped weren't so great / didn't work with each other at all - he usually does better. I thought his Miami set was the best of three recent (Roxy, MIami, Roxy), but as mentioned Arc on Monday was much better and Space Miami last year was absolute perfection by comparison. BTW - why does everyone say the sound is so great? Sure, it doesn't hurt your ears but the sound is not consistent at all through the place - depending where you are it either lacks low, mid or high... Was definitely one of his more disjointed sets - i'm all for different directions and sounds BUT i'm hoping that Paul figures out how to mix it into his trademark smooth style and flowing sets that got us all addicted in the first place. Probably gonna take off the next time or two he's in town i'm thinking...
  12. Maybe everyone who was there is scared shitless of the two guys and won't testify...
  13. It could have been over anything...some people just have beef when they are getting kicked out of a place, and for whatever reason. Obviously they had a problem with the bouncer / being asked to do anything and tragedy resulted. These guys were clearly assholes. Its hard to imagine pulling a weapon on a bouncer regardless of the situation.
  14. u'r way more dedicated than me...
  15. why, if you go see him at SF all the time, would you possiblly have gone to see him in Miami considering all the other talent that was there that NEVER comes to NYC???? forget whether he's talented or not....i mean i won't even go see DT in Miami cause he's here when I want him (even though his Space event is arguably the biggest non-Ultra happening at WMC each year).
  16. PVD bumped up to $50 later in the night - we popped in around 4am or so...
  17. LMAO! yeah that was good shit Ron - good seeing you there. BTW - i ran into some of Puffy's posse at our hotel at 11am the morning after PVD. They were saying how great a time P. had and asked if we saw them pulling up in the limo and what not. He also mentioned that the Delano put Puffy in a room next to J-LO....now that's some funny shit! Other celeb siting: eating lunch next to this fairly hot chick with the hottest body and the biggest breats. Turns out it was Jenna Jameson (sp) who evidently is a big dance music fan and was down for some parties and stuff. This middle ages women says "Do you know who that is? My 14 year old daughter will be excited if I get brittany's autograph" LOL.
  18. GRRRR! u know i didn't get down there until after the party CAUSE THEY RESCHEDULED THE FUCKER for Wed. So pissed
  19. I'm not sure what he's talking about. Their set was great! Was awesome finally hearing them live. They brought tons of energy and played some nice long versions (particularly of Snake). Cowgirl and Born Slippy were pretty straight forward what u expected versions.
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