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Everything posted by barvybe

  1. DMV express on 34th between 8th and 9th Ave (close to 8th ave). It is VERY quick. Bring Passport or Birth Cirtificate and whatever else you have. Cost like $8. I just did this myself.
  2. We ended up camping out in the VIP section of the Ampitheater around 7pm for Tiesto, Underworld, and PVD. A friend of mine hooked us up getting in and with some tables. Nice having free drinks and stuff Underworlds set was GREAT!!! CP DaVe - you are, as always the man! great seeing you there and thanks for hooking us up with water once the VIP area ran out!
  3. i get there thursday... dancevalley could happen though
  4. it seems that for MOST of u who say clubbing is a phase fall into one of two groups 1. you never truly enjoyed / made the music a part of your life and clubbing was mostly a brief self exploration or a social thing. 2. you had some bad drug experiences. I first stepped into a club / rave about 16 years ago.(being 31 now), so for me its obviously not been a phase. That's because i'm passionate about the music. I've moved through phases of going out friends, places i go, favorite strains of music, etc., but for me listening and bouncing ot dj's is like most people going to bars after work on friday. My opinion is that those of you who either never bothered to go find more interesting beatz (or found them but didn't like them) than KTU style, Exit fridays or JP probably ended up go to clubs for the scene, the hooks ups or the drugs. And that's totally cool. I went to SF at least once a month for years and years - so i'm not criticizing. And while at times JP did some great stuff - I mostly went to SF for the unique atmosphere the place has had on and off over the years. As for the "drugs are bad" stuff - i'm not belittling anything you all said. Just keep this in mind: anything you do to excess is a bad thing. If you had / have a drug issue, drugs are bad for you. But many drugs aren't anymore inherently bad than alcohol is. Forgetting about legality, drugs become a problem when they stop being done in moderation, when they take over your life, severely alter your judgement, etc. Notice that people with alcoho problems have all these problems too. Personally, I think nearly everyone cold benefit from dropping once or twice and opening up to people they care about or finding new perspectives on what's going on around you. Since I don't need to be messed up to enjoy the music and dancing, I've never had a problem. Someone mentioned being passionate, and i think that's it. If you just need a temporary escape or change of pace, clubbing is a great phase. But it can be much more.
  5. nice work all around rob - is tronic thursday night? i'm itching to go
  6. ahh nice... wishin they had breaks outside like last year though (Icey and Baby Anne) - was a great change of pace
  7. in general i totally agree...and not just becuase my gf is asian. I myself am jewish so i've heard all the stupid insults. its just a question of degrees. BUT - while everything you say is true, IMO most ethnic slurring on this board is directed more toward a specific group of poeple or clique hanging out in a club and not about the entire group in general. for example - people often comment about the rudeness of the large asian crowd that sometimes hangs out in exit...and many asian friends of mine do as well, call them FOB's etc. And people don't say "you're being asian" to mean you're being a "dick" or "pussy" or that you just suck in general. gay comments are simply hateful. It'd be like if someone stole something and you said "that was so black of you" - cause you're associating behavior with the group. And its not like poking fun at Irish people for drinking a lot or jewish kids for having big noses - because these groups have been fully accepted for the most part. Plus, based on the recent history of the US (last 20 years) the gay community has taken a huge amount of crap in general. I don't think that 50% of the US is religiously opposed to asians for example, or the country refuses to recognize the legality of asian marriages... not trying to start a fight here in any way - just suggesting that there is a difference. having said all that, people should be both less thoughtless and less sensitive. and phunk - those are my 2 cents
  8. while this thread is NOT retarded, the fact that its needed is. the level of convo on here is so low - that's partly why so few of those who were here a year or two are still here. gay bashing is totally classless
  9. i will see u there bring my drill the howells @ space thing i didn't see anywhere either. might have to hit that up to...sleep is for sunday on the plane.
  10. Hi guys..that was an entertaining read. G.A - that sailer image had me on the floor
  11. ahhh! cool cool. teklord - always a pleasure shannon said hello btw...
  12. ahhhh! good shit. i wear that shirt out a lot cause i tend to have outta towners with me. can't stand having to stay put so they can find me when they get disoriented yo - i am seriously the worst ever with name / face shit. next time you see me mention the shirt and i'll be there. u were sitting on the bar right? i remember wanting to chill for a bit but my legs insisted on closing the last hour plus on the floor.
  13. Howells returns to ARC after some time off...i'm sure there's a thread somewhere. a TON of board people are going....(not me though)
  14. hey ho! had a great night... Great seeing many of you - i'm shitty with figuring out what anyone's screen name is though. I was in that red tiesto shirt. Personally I liked the different versions of the two tracks he dropped twice. One of the things about PVD is listening to how he layers shit, and just hanging on new tracks ain't always a great way to listen IMO... Thought the set was so so...compared to say WMC Space last year. But great start and the last hour and encores were full of energy and the crowd going crazy. I sorta felt like he lost a little bit for long stretches in the middle. Great tracks but couldn't figure out where he was going....usually he just floats you along on a ride, but didn't feel that for much of the night. The crowd made the night...either everyone was a huge fan or all that energy from being cooped up cause of snow just broke the fuck out!!!
  15. benny - u all over kid i had a great night. wait outside sucks. people not getting in sucked big!! I'm kinda outta the CP loop so def don't know the screen names too well - i was wandering around like a prick wearing a bright red tiesto shirt...chillin with Crobra and a host of non CP kids toward the back mostly... NYPD: the cops fault that Roxy evidently planned to let in more than their allowed capacity. If that wasn't the plan then someone from the club should have realized that they had oversold the event and from the get go there should have been two lines and people saying "if you don't have a ticket or will call you will be waiting a LOOOOONG time." Like someone said it doesn't take a genius to figure out that 1. PVD is routinely among NYC's biggest draws wherever he plays 2. with two other big clubs down for the past weeks where did you think people were gonna go... 3. you should treat PVD like going to a broadway show these days (since he spins so rarely) and buy a fuggin ticket in advance!!
  16. here ya go: http://download.com.com/3120-20-0.html?qt=soulseek&tg=dl-2001
  17. nice! unlike most of the others kovalev should still have some jump in his legs
  18. not sure i saw the flyer...if it was that giant white record jacket sized thing I thought it was too big and i couldn't possibly be bothered carrying it home. ARC was OK - not crowded. Juan Atkins was disappointing to me and everyone I know. He dropped some great techno for the first hour but then sorta devolved into (IMO) some mediocre house and didn't really seem to have much direction. He spun for LESS THEN TWO HOURS!!! Heather Heart actually came out nice and hard and I had a better time dancing to her until around 4:30 when she started in with some crappy pop / freestyle stuff. All in all about 1.5 hours of great shit with a lot of mediocre mixed in.
  19. you all are killing me with this "you guys killed the party with the drugs" and stuff. wake up - drugs have been at every club in the city since i started hitting them in the late 80's. The "stupidity" of people for doing it in the open has a lot more to do with the atmoshpere that the club management creates. If you know you will get kicked out on the spot if you do shit in the open, you don't do it in the open - simple as that. You don't see people being blatant about drug shit at ARC or Centro or many other places cause the bouncers there not only watch, but actually do shit other than get a kickback. Its all starts and ends with management. Better management, less greeed, and the places would still be open. I mean, if you ran a bar you wouldn't start a drive through counter cause you know your place would be busted.
  20. you know there ARE valid uses for file sharing other than "stealing" music and violating copyrights. for example, there are tons of live sets that have never been released by any labels that you SHOULD be able to share legally.
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