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Everything posted by barvybe

  1. did i have an acid flashback or something? let's see...i drank, sat, chatted, danced, chatted, drank.. oh shit - the flossing thing must've been about me! check u'r pm's please....
  2. you also need to make sure your heart rate is in the right place during cardio though - check out your weight on one of those charts at the gym - theirs cardio good and fat burning good! Also, if you drink the coffie (no sugar or milk sweetie!), be sure to up the water in take too since caffeine's a diare...diarhet...well u know! Walking everywhere is key too. If you get mild exercise like that 2 - 3 times a day, plus eat small meals 5 or 6 times instead of big 3 or 4, that keeps the metabolism up too. Keep us posted - we'll keep you motivated
  3. - thought you were talkin' bout me for a sec. Then i noticed - I'M A CLUBBER NOW! Hey wait, i kinda liked being a newbie though. welcome welcome. i love this board. its silly and funny and informative with lots of characters... hugs and kisses
  4. i'm putting together my shopping list right now! anyone else got some suggestions? and StaceyChase - i did sleep last night for a couple hours. feeling very refreshed, but dumb 2 - i skated in to work today. did anyone notice that is fucking hot out!!! I only did when that lightheaded feeling kicked in. At first thought i had slept to much and was a lethargic slug. Then i noticed that everyone else looked the same way...panted like a doggie
  5. you mean apply it to the CD itself? with a toothbrush? then rinse? all those dead cd's make my eyes well up.... btw - my DVD only plays original CD's. only newer models play the copies - Steph - i've got three of them (bob's mixes) at my place right now. I'll copy for you - bring MOS on sat and we'll exchange?
  6. Sounds like a lot of us have been hurt by trying this and finding out it ain't so easy as it looks. I know i have. I really think that its only possible to have an open relationship like that if 1. there are really strong mutual support reasons why you are together as opposed to pure physical / emotional love 2. they are two people totally on the same wavelength - it seems odd to me, but i know people like that 3. they aren't really in love I'm not really the jealous type, and have forgiven mistakes and stuff, but when i tried this, it drove me crazy! And I felt like she only agreed because she didn't really love me and shit. It got all fucked up. 3's and more together is different, but can still be really tough. Jealousy is a fucked up thing. In my opinion, it really hard to introduce this to a long standing relationship. Start early! Once you've committed alot of yourself to someone and feel like you understand the relationship and it becomes part of your self image, making changes like this are tough in my experience. So, when i'm really with someone, no foolin around without them there too! The best part of being *in love* is sharing this stuff with that person, so going solo with another just makes no sense to me.
  7. I also think Gothzane's advice is good. Everyone is nervous about talking to people for the first time. Initiating it is putting yourself out there, risking a bit, and putting a certain amount of trust and hope in someone else. That's what makes it tough, but also so cool! There's only one thing better than getting up the nerve to talk to someone and ending up having a really good conversation and some nice dancing together.... Having a cool, interesting girl come up to you with a smile and say hi and then having that great conversation and dancing. Most of us boys get tongue tied too - if i can see that its difficult for a girl when she comes up to me, that makes me like her even more --> maybe she doesn't do this all the time? maybe there was something special about me that's flustering her but made her really want to say hi? go out and have fun!!!!
  8. Hey now! What if that happens on my player too? How am i gonna burn that copy! Seriously, I'll give you a copy of your originals - it'll be scary if that plays on your stereo w/ no problem i have a totally unscratched underworld cd that plays on everything BUT my bro's expensive dennon. go figure... how r the kitty's?
  9. forgot about those. love those. now that's the way to my heart (i can already cook)....
  10. Right there with you hun! Its also tough if all u'r friends are hooked up. Gotta find a scammin' buddy (even if your just playing) Also, alternating intense exercise with intense calorie intake. Fuckity fuck, we already covered that - - masturbation - alcohol - masturbation etc. oh yeah, my gal pal suggests having sex with someone 20 years older - gets you some real perspective especially if they fly you to london and shit like that - lucky girl. you know what, fuck it, even if you aren't getting over someone, get flown to London. And he's doing what? Taking you to the Greek Isles for a week? Does he have any 40 year old female friends who can take me? Fuck. How about male friends? Damn. Damn. Damn. ...- masturbation - alcohol - masturbation.... get me a beer and some lotion before you go...and send me a fuckin' postcard! oooh! astroglide!! you're such a doll....
  11. The Greek Isles are crazy. Heard from a reliable fellow CP'r that the Croatian coast rocks as well. I'm heading to Ibiza with a group 2nd week of Sept. still trying to figure it all out. Let me know what you find. I'll get the package thing we're looking into and send it to you tomorrow.
  12. I've got an itchy CD buying trigger finger! Help me find the good stuff. No time to go to a store and listen so.... What should i get? What do you love? Help a boy in need!!! Need some new tunes to wrap myself up in for a week or two. Maybe pop out into the night from time to time for a breather. Let me know why you like it so much. Did it hit you right away? Or grows on you? Anything u can think to write about it. Thanks guys!!!
  13. I think they just suddenly realize that they aren't doing anything...so they start doing something else. More like impatient...
  14. Used to A LOT! Now only 1 or 2 a night when i've had a bunch to drink and need to even out the feelin'...
  15. Got a Samsung Uproar. IT KICKS ASS!!!! mp3 player / phone with some cool earphones with music controls on them old phone and cd player busted at the same time. this is all i need, and its small!
  16. Hey! Was that mine?!? I never carry a bag with me out clubbin' unless i'm heading right from work. I'm retarded even when sober, so I've got something like a 20% lost bag rate going. I do bag it to work each day. I usually skate in from Greenpoint over the Brooklyn bridge up to midtown (keeps the barvybe from building up in the front). Other than cloths for the day (very casual usually) I currently have the following in the sack (oh yeah, i have no wallet either - stolen 2 months ago in Sao Paulo airport - yes i'm lazy): - home keys - work keys - 1 pkt nitetime theraflu (shit keeps me up - its my coffee) - dry cleaning pick up stub - pictures of my cracked out friends and me at Saci for new years (to be scanned and delivered - again very slow and lazy) - doggie biscuts for jenny - sasha and digweed communicate - yellow shades - journal / sketchbook - zip disk with the BarVybe biz plan (yes it exists) - passport (lost the license w/ the wallet - still lazy) - two mixes by my buddy boy Bob-O - a couple condoms (in my work bag?? hmmm...what the fuck!) - sorry Mugz, the used ones actually get tossed... - my phone / mp3 for skating tunes (currently 6 tracks from Timo's Conected, Born Slippy and Everything Everything - underworld, Sven Vath Barbarella, Rank 1 - Airwave) - all the bills i haven't paid - scibbled phone numbers w/out names - a envelope labeled "notice of status and amount of immediate tax relief" - shit, i should really open this one... - some business cards - gum OK, no doggie biscuts, but the rest is in there....
  17. Sorry! missed it last week. hate late postings....
  18. Ok, this is sick. Please don't shoot the messenger - no drama intended. People really got hurt which isn't cool, but i couldn't resist. Playing made me feel like a mean evil bitch! Thank god they took my license away.... So, what do you think: All in good fun? Or all in bad taste? http://www.geocities.com/mercfilms/index.html
  19. some of us guys have enough self-esteem to hang with ladies that we like and respect and think are cool regardless of size. yeah, sure, petite girls are fun to "throw around in bed", but that's not a bad thing! if you're worried about guys just using you like that, do a little more screening, that's all. my friends are always saying i've got a think for petite girls. i don't think so, i think it just doesn't matter to me so much as do i think your cool and attractive. probably half of the girls i've dated have been 5'3" or smaller. i'm 5'10". besides, what u have to show off should be about quality not quantity....and a great attitude is what its all about.
  20. hey, there are plenty of us guys out there who really like you little ladies. and we're not all 5'2" either! small girls are cool and fun and usually full of energy. don't get big and bulky! stay small and curvy and be happy
  21. really? i usually get the "Look at that poor, nice man having to go off to work on sunday. he looks so tired. he must be on drugs to be able to get up so early and work. Sir, you look hungry - would you like half the bagel my son has?" barvybe says, "NO FOOD! of course not you evil wench! do i look like i can't afford my own breakfast? and why would you drag your kids out of bed into the sunshine on a sunday! you should know that isn't healthy! that is a nice dress though. u aren't going to church are you? really? you find it calming and peaceful? and you like the music? hell, would it be cool if i tagged along? can i keep my sunglasses on? what work? who said i was going to work. its a beautiful day outside. good that you woke the kids up and all. you kids seen final fantasy yet? hey, check out that gnarly lookin' old dude over there..." head up kiddo
  22. that's what all the cracktory heads say. you'll be back next week... i know i'll be there for johnny v on 8/10 (thanks msoprano13). before then???......
  23. i want one with a big ass canopy and a side board for some drinks! i've been going there so much i decided to only go back to hear specific people. this is one of them. now, if i could just get them to agree to my new work schedule (10 - 2, tues & wed only), everything would be perfect. no luck yet though...
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