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Everything posted by barvybe

  1. everything you said is exactly my feeling.... sure its weird, but what isn't?
  2. don't you know anyone of age that can "lose" theirs for you. then you just pay the $14 replacement or whatever it is. good luck
  3. you know that Roxy is 19 for the girls tonight?
  4. I'M COMING, I'M COMING, I'M COMING even trying to round up some non boardies so they can point and whisper....
  5. love the rain! it feels so good....mmmmm spent that huge damn torrential storm we had 2 summers ago (remember they shut the whole city down) sitting on my stoop and playing nerf ball on bleeker street with the other fools. :)
  6. i reread this and i sound like a whiny little baby!! jeesh! well, of course i get jealous too - i just really work hard not to tie down other people's freedom and stuff. Hey, she's a great girl, but i'm not damaged goods - we parted for the best for both of us. I just get pissed when i start to lose friends 'cause of stuff i feel is stupid. Of course, its obviously not stupid to the other guy, so i'll just sit tight. i'm sure that the more time goes by it will get easier for him. I've got a feeling that in 10 years my kids (ack - scary thought) and theirs will be at a BBQ together. sort a feel like if he would just meet me one day he'd realize there's nothing to be 'fraid of. thx again. only sex from now on i swear (i mean for posts)
  7. i heard you have to mail your tickets back. it would be nice if i had them. instead i have to wait for a show that's cancelled to mail me 11 tickets. then i have to send them back!?! goddamn!!! sounds like it might be next year before i get my casheesh... if anyone has heard anything else, let me know. i got that off the ticketmaster site a couple days ago.
  8. still kicking out the tunes and hookups for all my shit. its not even thinking about breaking - problem is no digital inputs i've got something rigged for now, but gonna need an overhaul at some point.
  9. I've been lucky enough to not get hungover much anymore - i think i'm passing through the getting hungover stage and moving on to feeling hungover when i'm not drinking. hehe. so, i thought this was fucked up - couple of weeks ago some folks are chillin at my place. like 6am on a wed. after bar-hopping. i go to sleep for an hour - when i get up for work my buddy is asleep, sitting up, with a full glass of beer in his hand! not a drop spilled. he woke up, shrugged, took a sip and went to the bathroom (well, not on the couch - he got up and went to the bathroom). he's got mad skills, but frankly it scared the shit outta me!
  10. Karma always comes back to you. Its good to have credit on the plus side nicely!
  11. well on my slow ass computer it had a ton of pauses in it, but seemed pretty cool. where'd this come from? can't wait for the 17th
  12. well, i do drugs sometimes, sometimes not. i totally respect and agree wtih alot of what you all said - people are too into the drugs and not into the music enough!!! i do think that you can learn alot about yourself by experiencing some of the weird mental states that drugs induce, but a club isn't really the best place for that anyway. i did a ton of shit in high school. i happen to be lucky and have a non addictive personality. i've done shit one night and then gone months and months with nothing. quit smoking cold turkey no prob. going out straight, drunk, or other are all just different experiences. its when you start having to do one thing or the other to have a good time that people start thinking about the drugs instead of the socializing / dancing / listening (the reasons i go out). some of my favorite nights are going out no drinks, no drugs, and hanging with all my mangled friends. when they're done, i just find other people and chill with them when people know their limits everythings cool...
  13. yeah, its right under the bridge. the fetish party thing is only one night a week. its a pretty standard lounge crowd (pretty heavy on the chinatown crowd) other nights. the walls are covered with large format screens and they play funky shit on them. no dancing
  14. yeah, i posted one of those relationship things. So, Sinergygrl, question: can you really stock up on sex? That doesn't seem to work for me. Just makes me want to freak even more
  15. I had a really great time there for Underworld's Everything Everything CD release party. Its an interesting place to go with some people before heading out, but unless there's something going on you're going specifically for, i wouldn't make a whole night of it.
  16. Are you kidding? "I have not called anyone an idiot" how about: "Guy read your post, don't make me outline your idiocy. Anyway, too late" Or was that someone else posting? Now you are playing language games - why bother? _____ And: "You don't have to be able to procreate to be good parents. I have no idea why you're even asking that, I'm sure you knew the answer to that one very well on your own. I guess you made an assumption based on something I've said or thought I implied that somewhere, even though I do not see where." Then you shouldn't have used this as your example: "As soon as you tell me how two fags can procreate (and don't tell me they'll impregnate two dykes and they'll all live happily ever after) I'll write you a thesis on why I think the way I think" If its not relevant, then don't state it. _____ 5th avenue parade shouldn't bother you unless you choose to attend or watch the coverage _____ so, since you seem to indicate that many of your views come from reading, what would you say are the things that most influenced you to form these opinions? and, since you are referring to things as not really being your point (even though they are things you wrote), why don't you concisely tell me what your poiont is?
  17. It's ok. my car has a broken grill too I'll be there!
  18. i pretty much agree with mrdick in my own life, but i don't expect others to do the same really. I am staying out of it. i didn't even tell her that i thought he was being a jerk. i just told her that i'm obviously difficult for him to deal with and that she definitely should NOT let me become any more of an issue for them. I basically get an email from her every couple of weeks. She asks for recipes and shit like that - tells me about her kids. this is not a date thing at all. I just think he should have been straight up with her and told her it was gonna bother him before she went out....that would have been an honest thing for him to have done.
  19. OK, a couple points then - 1. my examples aren't out of place. they are examples of things that the VAST majority of people believed for a long time. People who believed otherwise were persecuted, etc. 2. why do two fags have to be able to procreate to make could parents? do you really think that you have to be the biological parent of a kid to raise them effectively? until you explain that i can't follow your reasoning. Tons of couples adopt. Are you suggesting that they can't raise the kids either? 3. of course you're being negative - you're telling everyone how they are idiots - sarcasm is really funny, but telling people they are dumb isn't really sarcasm man. 4. i think that a ton of people base the answers to difficult questions on what they are told. using the religious example, anyone who answers questions about creation, abortion, or any of the miracles / events in the bible with "well that's just the way it is" "well its just wrong" or "i take it on faith" is essentially avoiding the effort of thinking through difficult issues for themselves. If you can't give me reasons (logical ones) then you obviously haven't formed your opinion yourself. Its like using a word you can't define. That doesn't mean that i think people who are religious are idiots - i just think they need to question what gets preached a little bit more. 5. your out of sight out of mind quote and the others show me that you would rather live in ignorance of things that are going on then try to deal with them. How are people rubbing this in your face? is it just by walking down the street or doing an interview? why don't you just avoid them instead if that feels safer to you?
  20. i see your point, but - - he was invited - i haven't seen her in 3 or 4 years. - this wasn't a date. I wouldn't deny that the two of us will always have some chemistry, but this was two buddies catching up.
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