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Everything posted by barvybe

  1. so stuck here waiting for the damn airborne express man!! but its cool. ordered in some brews to keep me company. definitely slummin' it. would've gotten some Genny Cream Ale (in cans of course!), but couldn't find any. Schaffer in the house!!!! oh, yeah, this is a music board...uh listining to Timo's connected - too psyched for tomorrow night!!! anyone else still laboring for the man?
  2. Hey kids! Good seeing you all! lights came on promptly at 4 <sniffle> what a night
  3. Kathy and MUGZ, i'm staying way out of this. i have respect for both of you, don't think kathy is a monster, and know you're both hurting and all, and no situation is ever 100% one sided. nothing here that you and everyone else here doesn't know.... now that its out in the open and you got the response that you needed, put this back behind the curtain please? pete
  4. ahahahah! that was funny!!! well, i'm just promoting myself. lol yeah, new yorkers can be a bitch. was born and bred (yes like a dog) here, so its true. and the city sucks big long and hard without dough. at the same time, new yorkers are the coolest, most openminded, helpful and friendly people - you just can't invade their 6inches of personal space on the subway. lol
  5. have we met? i can't keep real names and board names straight! either of you going to Timo or Howells or PS1?
  6. hehe! those fruity drinks always make me pay, HARD, the next day i'll be at PS1, not sure exactly what time, but i recognize MUGZY anyway and the hamocks are my spot!
  7. about the size of vinyl, but totally diff setup. the loungy areas are in site of the floor and there's a bar area that you can look to the floor from too. downstairs there's another big room with lots of seating and stuff that's a good place to recover for a bit. oh yeah, and there's a back bar room too, and stuff. pretty nice interior. REALLY nice staff. i'm totally there. he was awesome in June!! coming with 10 - 15 people. if someone can think of a good place to meet at 1:30 or 2 or so, i'll def stop by.
  8. yeah, u'r right. mine response was totally rude and insulting....if an informative email about what i know about the bartending scene here and in england that ends with "Lighten up Eurodude!" is infantile or not polite. btw, my puberty's fine and i prefer to let others suck my thumb! if you wanted more support, try, "Damn its tough to get a bartending job here! Anyone got some ideas?" hmmmm. a question instead of an attack! there's an idea.... good luck man
  9. sounds like brad's gonna have u all carrying me outta the place then yeah, was at the FUBAR one, about 30 people, but it was middle of summer and 21+ only
  10. lol. totally sober too, and didn't sleep a wink. great running into you again, and yeah, it was a surprise sorry i didn't come over right away...i was like, "is that you?" hehe. it was a pretty different vybe than usual for Vinyl. first off, it'll be way more crowded and hot on sunday i think. but yeah, people just come to dance their ass off (pretty sure i left a good amount of mine there). saigray - totally cool hanging out with you, staceychase and everyone else who's real / board names i get so mixed up!!! anyone i missed, we'll see y'a next time planning on being there sunday as well. probably arriving pretty late.
  11. WOW! what a great GREAT time that was last night. just couldn't stop bouncing the whole time they just announced "TODAY IS A FULL WORK DAY" haha! i'm here but i'm hardly workin'
  12. CONGRATS! Regarding location, i still have to get to Bahi to check it out and even see if its a possibility. the weekend before, the 23rdish(? can you even write that! hehe) works for me too i think. maybe even better. I'll try to update after the weekend. Brad will probably go for it if i have 1 drink for everyone who shows up or something (god he kills me everytime i go there )
  13. ADDENDUM TO #4 The Double Coyote -- When after performing the Coyote, you hear that there's a girl looking for a guy with one arm. so you gnaw the other one off.
  14. not ones that make it to morning anyway.... -- and ahaha!! the image of a pack of biting jews surrounding someone is TOO funny! especially if they all had the black garb, hat and long ass s-burns! (no drama please - a pack a biting choirboys would be just as good)
  15. OK, this is funny as shit, but MIGHT have been crossing the line. When i was living boston a few years back, my girl at the time was out without me one night. Well, some guys REALLY bothering her at this bar. Don't remember what exactly, but he def. wasn't taking any hints. So Heather goes up to the bar (we were sorta friends with the bartenders - hehe, well we drank ALOT there), and gets a pitcher of some cheap beer. Then walks back over, grabs the back of the guys pants, and POURS THE WHOLE PITCHER DOWN THEM!!! She then walks back to the bar and just as this really pissed off guy is coming up says to our bartending buddy, "There's this guy here who's really bothering and frightening me." The bartenders jumped over the bar and tossed the dude out. Now, i would've been a little pissed if i were the guy, but she had some balls to her
  16. hehe. good to know my retarded life brings light and joy to my friends! actually, every week i have to recap the retarded things i've done to all my buddies. i'm a consistent source of amusement. and we're talking about sober e-tards. don't even want to go into any of the others! like, i'm skating down Park Ave the other day. There's a SUPER CUTIE walking by. With great attitude too. We happen to catch eyes. (I'm just a guy, so yeah, i'm looking). She gives my a little flirty smile and then... BAMMMM!!!! i skate into the back of a parked car! all these people are like, "you alright man?". I'm just sitting there giggling at myself.... (i've got many more if this thread keeps going...)
  17. Girls who can take care of themselves and there friends, look hot AND show that they respect themselves are the bomb!! Yeah, that means if i saw you slap a guy, i'd have to come over and rub myself up against you just so i could have some too. But really, that's not cause i like being slapped. I swear. ______ I don't even think that's letting the bitch out. Just kicking someone off your lawn...
  18. BTW: bartending in england is like the lowest of the low jobs. here is cool to tend bar and you make fat dough. there, the bartenders don't even get tips, are the last person you want to know, etc. anyone can get a bartending job in england. here bartending is just about the best job around. my buddy tends at L'Express (yeah, not even a great place) on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday only and makes more money in cash then i make working my 9 - 5. there's usually a line of 50 - 100 people for every job opening, so you gotta know someone, pay your dues, etc. oh yeah, NEW YORK CITY KICKS ASS!!! lighten up eurodude!
  19. Well, it only seems right to post this again which i posted in a fit righteous rage when someone stood someone else on this board up: "yes, some of us are assholes, dickheads, scrubs, losers, users, fuckheads, abusers, suckers, shitbags, liars, theives, scumbags, bitches, bastards, fuckers and chuckers, conceited, mean, rude, cruel, inconsiderate, snobs, and stupid-dumbass motherfuckers. oh, did i mention assholes? and these are some of our good qualities.... "
  20. LOL! people have been swallowed up and never returned from the bean bag room.... I'll get in touch in the next few days with brad the manager. He always makes me drink at least 2 surfers on acid before letting me walk out the door, so i'll need to get the request in early in the conversation or i'm likely to ask him if i can have 20 peeps over to do my laundry or something dumbo loft and the pod are cool by me too. i just collect info, you all decide....Bahi will def. have some other people there which could be good to add some people to the mix if we think it'll be a small turn out. how bout a target date of 9/29. one month away, everyone back from Ibiza, school peeps back in town, etc.... thoughts?
  21. i like to replant myself each spring. usually toe up get the folks to spinkle some random seedlings around and see what happens
  22. lol - u saying that i'm a poser? hehe. snoozi8 just logged out so i'll speak for her - SHE WAS THE ONLY OTHER PERSON TO SHOW UP AT ROXY FOR BOND!!! was hanging out with you when i came by. we went to vinyl after u took off....cool girl
  23. Hey Snoozi!! What's going on girl? MUGZ - go ahead and be careful, and question opening up and all, so that you aren't leaving yourself overly exposed. That's cool, and its human nature, and everyone does that as they get older anyway. BUT!!!! We all know that you aren't really a bitter, cold person and i can't imagine you being able to pull off a half way relationship with someone you really like alot. Let things grow in their own time. Unfortunately, i think that these two things are true, and actually good in that they make us stronger and better at understand ourselves, others and how we relate: - what doesn't kill us makes us stronger - life is pain (without the pain, you never learn consequence and therefore never really appreciate the good things either) Just the toughts of a battle scarred veteran.... OH, and fuck yeah, if it had been your best friend you could have called in the posse and we would've gone hunting for trophies together.
  24. LOL! you're so right! you should try to find us sat. night. group of 10 - 15 people looking like they're having the BEST time! probably will hit the platform at some point... yeah, like that narrowed it down. hahahah! btw - my friends who made PVD boston were stunned he was so good. i have to console myself with a live radio 1 essential pvd mix i got my hands on <sniffle>
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