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Everything posted by barvybe

  1. only when i'm sleeping on my back and really drunk!!! not too loud i'm told, either. some girls i've been with snore a little. real little cute sounds though - NO BUZZSAWS. LOL
  2. Snoozi! How's your head girl!? Finally spotted you on the speaker at 8am. Hey now, i had my rhythm back! Just jealous cause i wasn't dancin' with ya? Well next time we'll both be in good form (my with rhythm, you without that bump on your head). Sat. at Timo i got all dizzy and couldn't even find the floor let alone the beat! Highmay - missed you again - and Teklord, Crobar and others. All these close encounters - i'm sure we all would recognize each other at this point danced the night away right near where you all were - under the fan near the speaker at the VIP window. Me = guy in black tank and pants, black sneaks with white laces that danced from 4 till close right there....<sigh>...could have stayed another 4 hours. a great night...HOWELLS is GREAT!!! his closing songs had me all pumped up again.
  3. Hey! MUGZ and Lavender - well worth it to have you out with us. I had a pretty good time - wishing the girls hadn't felt ill of course!!! I don't necessarily thing they're trying to be Twilo, but a bigger place needs to get the big names here. Centro's a great place to hear someone when it isn't too packed. Stayed till the end (as usual) and it actually got thin enough to do the MUGWUMP stomp if you had been around The energizer bunny didn't make it out last night!!! Should have. Howells was awesome and i needed a dancin' buddy for the last 5 hours after my buds split Thought timo was was good, but was better last time he was at centro in june when he closed the place. Oh yeah, thanks RAH! (who hooked up the comps in the first place). see y'all on the dance floor -- *hugs* now i've gotta get my my sleep for the weekend. lol
  4. my friends loved the music but still had to leave around 5:30. i was like "later!", and just stayed till close. had the best time. wish i had run into you and most of the rest too. everyone there was having a great time and was really friendly, so chillin' solo was totally cool.
  5. They finally kicked us all out at 10:15 or so. Danny wanted to keep going, but the place wanted us all out. Great weekend - pappa / burridge, timo, howells. WOW! great way to end the summer. Danced without stop from 4am till close near the speaker near the VIP window. Ran into some folks from the board, but was really into just moving on the floor. Danny Howells was awesome. Picked up his CD wandering around the city after. Its great too. He was so into the crowd and had such a good time that he just lifted me way up and carried me for hours. Sorry it had to end. I've been to vinyl quite a bit and last night and the pappa night both had great vibe's from the start. Sorry I missed you highmay. good to see those i did.
  6. Hey ya'll! ridiculous line. thought both timo and the the followup guy were pretty good, but timo didn't rip in up (IMO) like last time he was in town. These bigger dj's need to play someone bigger 'cause centro just can't handle that sized crowd. got in around 12:15 i think, stayed till close. MUGZ! where'd you get to? couldn't find you at all. had a great time, of course, but i always do
  7. Nicely said there are very few political aspirants who would even think of expressing a position that was drug tolerant, even if they felt that way. There's no chance that such candidates would reach office in given the widespread attitudes you mention of the voting majority. The logic of which positions are political suicide and which aren't frankly bewilders me sometimes, but there you have it...
  8. hoppin into the shower and then off to meet you at PS1 StacyChase tonight should be great too. last time timo spun i had a fantastic time. again if anyone's planning a meeting spot at Centro, post it! i'll check back in between PS1 and heading out. Planning on getting there by midnight. usually grab a drink in the back left room until the floor fills up... laterz
  9. its weird, nightime nyquil is like caffeine to me. i can take it and go to work. caffiene on the other hand i never drink. hmmm. hot nyquil and a bagel in the morning. yummy
  10. remember, its all fun, its all good. part of the reason why new places are exciting is cause they are a little uncomfortable - keeps you on edge in a good way
  11. yeah, don't fell bad - happens to everyone at some point. 1. comfort level - absolutely true that the more comfortable you are and less feeling like you gotta prove yourself the easier to stay hard. 2. mind games: this can definitely be a viscious cycle. the more wound up you get and anxious about it the more difficult it will be 3. substances: another possible reason is drug / alcohol use. most have had a time were they were do under the influence of one thing or the other to get hard. its also true that prolonged use of some things can just make your shit not work. that's the body saying i can't operate as normal right now. clean that shit out and then you'll be all good again. (not saying you got any substance problems dude, just pointing out a possibility) 4. stress: is something about your relationship, life, school, work, etc. really stressing you out? stress can make the soldier lay down too. of course, no personal experience here
  12. LMAO! Promise i won't hit on you. I'll bring a posse of girlfriends just to make you feel comfortable spygirls causing the trouble! but seriously, did i meet dgmodel somewhere? were you at fubar?
  13. brrrrrr. <shudder> artic bay was my favorite baaad one. used to come in bottles that had a little thing in the bottom to unscrew the next bottle great engineering. well, outta here finally. guess the man's name was just BITCH today since i'm out a little early. peace all
  14. yeah, i know but, if your upstate and have about $4 you can get a 30 suitcase of it!
  15. grrrrrrrrrrrrr..... coworkers invading stash of mediocre quality, yummy, iced cold beverages encased in aluminum! damn damn damn! fuckity fuck! oh yeah, this is nyc we'll just get another delivery. <relaxes clenched jaw, untangles hand from front of coworkers shirt, sighs contentedly>
  16. Yes, that's a good one but, if she shaves, but sure it ain't all stubbly 'cause you'll be rubbing up. there is such a thing as TOO MUCH friction...
  17. Well, when are u coming home? where are you anyway?
  18. should be (body and soul that is). that's why howells isn't starting until late (i've heard both 11 and 1am start)
  19. anyone else know the schaffer song? its a song that shows the beer manufacturer understands that his market is guys who want to get drunk! "There's just one thing in this man's world, When your out to have some fun. Schaffer is the beer to drink, When your having more than one!" swear on my hops, cross my barley.
  20. like TOTALLY? no drinks either? well, no then, since i just posted the having a beer at work thing. r u?
  21. my memory's not good enough to quote. who am i? what's the topic again?
  22. barvybe

    I love this pic!

    waaaay too funny
  23. lol yeah, margaritas for lunch. yum. my thread broke half an hour ago oh, the man's name? right now its BITCH! or maybe BITCH ASS MOTHER-FUCKER. can't decide which. hehe
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