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Everything posted by barvybe

  1. hehe. that's funny. DGModel: can you really fit quarters in there? sure it ain't dimes?
  2. BELLYBUTTON? no matter how skinny i get, mine is real deep. all the way up to the first knuckle (and i've got REALLY big hands ) tummies are so cool and sexy....
  4. didn't even need to read down further than this. anyone up for a little of that good old ultraviolence?
  5. don't think we've met??? DH back at Vinyl 10/13 though. i'll be there again till close
  6. barvybe

    George Acosta

    Acosta was great down here (NY) a couple months ago (although ATB who opened was really off). wish i there...
  7. yo. checking in from NYC. chlling to some cReam Ibiza and wondering what the brothers and sisters are up too up and down the Charles? coming up in a few weeks to hear my boyz band play out (The American Girls Club). lived in boston for 5 years - never got to Avalon though duh. . stuff down here is still crazy. lots of benefits and stuff. CentroFly's got Moby and Danny T coming in on Tuesday. Hawkins crushed us all at Guernica last Friday for the firemen. Sick sick shit. anyone want to know what's going on down here, just ask -
  8. Was thinking mostly for the guys, but how bout everyone? Left handed. I'm an on hand stroker, off hand holder. Doesn't feel quite right the other way around. Wondering if righties use the right and lefties left, or totally random....hmmm yes, bored at home which means....hehe
  9. lol. how does that feel? are you starting to get splinters?
  10. he also renounced all his old music and tried to block its distribution.
  11. agreed with that...at least its diverse! about union square - a lot of you have been there i know. it really is a wonderful feeling there right now. very sad yet full of hope and togetherness.
  12. I agree. I believe that i'm agnostic (agnostics can't make up their mind anyway). When religions or factions of them become exclusive instead of inclusive, problems occur. That is true for fundamentalist groups of all religions. People look to community and togetherness in religion during times of crisis, and i have no problems with that. Many of the phrases like "may god bless us" have become almost part of the vernacular and don't necessarily have true religious connotation anymore except in certain contexts. What does both me is when our President, who is clearly referencing the Christian / Jewish god, make these sorts of statement during his speaches. As president of a country with MANY religions, many peoples and a constitutional separation of church and state i believe that he shouldn't say things like this. The national prayer service, which was a christian service, bothered me for the same reason - the Catholic church doesn't represent all of america!!! It was bad enought when, during the campaign, Bush cited God as the number one influence on his beliefs and policies. HOW ABOUT THE CONSTITUTION? HOW ABOUT THE WISHES OF HIS CONSTITUENTS? sorry about any negativism - i just don't like people speaking for me or representing me in the name of any god - i can do that for myself.
  13. Precisely because we are the most affected as a community, we must be the most strong, the most positive and the most determined. New York has been known as a place of arrogance and coldness. The past week has shown how this is also a place of caring and brotherhood. I believe that the more we show the way in strength and determination we show the nation and the world that NY and our way of life cannot be taken away from us - that we will not let this happen. Our strength gives strength to our nation and our friends around the world.
  14. I'd fall down if i was standing! fighting that weak in the knees feeling is cool for a bit, bit i don't want anyone to get hurt
  15. i hear ya! if i'm flying solo for a while my boy can get desensitized too for a bit. or if i'm with someone, and we do the same stuff over and over, not only can it be mentally boring, but you do get kinda numb to it too. try something else for a bit hon it'll all cum back.
  16. barvybe

    September pics!

    Rachel - you're the best i'm digging the tummy chain on the (let's see) 1,2,3,4,... 1,2.... 1.2, DAMN keep getting distracted! 8th girl. plus she outdoors. yum. #3's mad hot and pretty too.
  17. our date is cancelled until you get yourself declawed!
  18. I'm very fond of "tool". but, its not an endearment...lol
  19. HELL NO, WE WON'T GO! HELL NO, WE WON'T GO! HELL NO, WE WON'T GO! I'm no more likely to leave now that before - and i've been here for 23 or my 29 years I understand people that are scared to go into the city, but i have been the opposite - i have headed in from brooklyn every day. The city is a wonderful place and i fell just as safe as i did before - not sure if it makes sense why, but i do.
  20. It was a very small company called MonsterDaata. REally an information systems / distribution company but with some products and a small marketing area. Luckily, i got to work on that stuff instead of the hard core data stuff. I've heard bad new media stuff from lots of peeps. not sure what i'm gonna do next....
  21. hehe! did i actually guess the right numbers?!?
  22. It sounds worth it though!!!! Damn you stacychase and lavender!!! Now i am craving pizza. and not just 1 slice. i want: A regular slice from Sophia's A sqare from Joe and Leo's A Davince slice from Mona Lisa A mushroom slice from Mona Lisa Sicilian from Sal's yummmy! fuckity fuck! and they are all over the place....
  23. With everything going on i feel that thoughts of sex are crossing my mind less frequently. normal male: once every 10.4 seconds normal barvybe: once every 3 seconds today's barvybe: once every 10.1 seconds See, I'M ALMOST NORMAL!!! Yippee I just hope this trend is reversible....
  24. yummy dinner salad with peanut sauce from the best little Thai place. Total cost: $2.95 Fully yummy feeling in my tummy: priceless.
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