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Everything posted by barvybe

  1. barvybe

    My Current Issues

    That no orgasm thing really sucks hon! any ideas why? i've had a few friends the same way. one told me that she can't relax into it - that every time she feels it coming on she kind of tenses up and it goes away - basically SHE DOESN'T KNOW HOW TO CUM. Does that make any sense 2 u? as a guy, its impossible not to know how to - it like a fucking biological necessity!!!!!
  2. barvybe

    Older Men?????

    hey, hope it wasn't me that insulted u with that comment. i actually have a whole crew (guys and girls) that are pretty much 27 - 31 that go out and party harder than most younger people. i just meant that beyond them, u mostly see youngsters out, which is normal. the older you get the more responsibilities u have and stuff, plus kids starts to show up and things like that. not a knock, just a fact. and women seem to get into these things sooner than guys. might not be maturity per se, maybe biological clock? i dunno. dancing is my tension release, thats all. i happen to be supper responsible - have been a manager, a vice-president of a company, an entrepreneur, etc. i happen to only need about 3 or 4 hours of sleep a night, so i go out a lot.... in fact the tues, wed, thurs, hard core going out crowd seems to be mostly 25 and up...
  3. barvybe

    Hello everyone

    shit! i better stop posting stuff about belly buttons and food i guess.... welcome aboard bro start us off with whether u'r getting any or not - then we can put u in the we're envious of u or the stop bitchin' cause u got no game group. hehe
  4. barvybe

    My Current Issues

    ahhhh. many of the same problems. i find that even when u'r honest, u don't often get honest back. like, u say u want something casual, and the other person says sure, that's cool. but really they're hoping that if u go out with them a few more times u'r gonna fall heavy for them and then they get all sullen and jealous and stuff. i think it happens cause 1 person is almost always more into the relationship than the other. very tough to find 2 people looking for a casual relationship and have it stay that way. the threesome thing? well, he's a guy, of course he wants to check it out. and if its a casual relationship, he's figuring this is cool cause if it complicates things i can just bail real easy....
  5. No problem bro! Of course, i don't own a watch...lol. Seriously, i'm all good at this sort of thing. Sai - u'r talking to the wrong crowd: going out IS always a good thing. And i'm a good influence, not a bad one! Get u'r mantra straight or i'll set all the clocks back 2 hours and get ya in trouble! Haven't seen u'r sick ass in a long time....
  6. and i agree that the money has a lot to do with it, but i think u should think about those other big money teams (there are several of the years since 1995 when the Yankees DID NOT have the biggest payroll) and explain why those teams didn't all win. IN fact, some of them did horribly. U'r missing the point that how u invest u'r money is really important too. The Yankees have done the best, most consistent job over this time of talent evaluation - they've won cause they have made very very few bad investments. And they have a lot of home grown talent: Petite, Jeter, Rivera, Posada, Soriano, Bernie to name the most obvious. Give a little credit to skillful management and decision making....
  7. barvybe

    Just Venting...

    Hey, i'm right with you bro - Lots of woman uncertainty... Lost my job of 5 years a month ago. Don't know what career i should pursue. Might go back to school. All this uncertainty is tough, especially without large money reserves.... But, i know a couple things... 1. i'm a born optimist 2. i've got great friends 3. i'll find or return to the right woman (ahhh uncertainty here...lol) 4. i believe in karma - i know i'm a good person. i've been fucked with, and i'm still here. one day that credits gonna come my way and i'm gonna cash it in big time "What doesn't kill us makes us stronger"
  8. barvybe

    SeeFood and f*ck

    yeah, i never understood the spit it out thing - once its in your mouth.....I mean, that'd be like eating a girl out but continuously rinsing with mouthwash or something. LOL so, i didn't mean show me some sushi and i'm building a tent all the sudden. more like certain foods kinda put me in the mood. other foods are so heavy or, i don't know, just not right, that i need to go for a walk or something instead.....
  9. barvybe

    Older Men?????

    yeah - its weird cause i'm actually kinda age blind - i mean unless u'r under 21 or over 35, i figure u'r about my age...hehe. i'm told i look about 26 - people always surprised to find out i'm 30. seriously though, i actually do and have no real preference, but the older girls are kinda too serious. now, don't get me wrong, i love it when a lady knows what she wants, has a plan and is going after it - strong and independent!!! but they need to know how to let their hair down still.
  10. LOL! well, not a girl, but Dick Schapp has the worst name in the world. just sounds like the sort of condition a guy really wants to stay away from...
  11. Just got in - yes that was me sitting in the bleachers, screaming my head off. DEREK is god. endless derek jeter chants after that play. the stadium friggin rocked!!! Oh, about the salary thing - yeah u'r right - all it takes is money....YEAH RIGHT! -that's why Baltimore's been such a good team, huh? -explains how the yanks beat cleveland every too doesn't it. -how about Atlanta? small salary? yeah right -and Boston hasn't won since 1918. y? cause they don't have -high salary players? not. -and LA's been doing really well too don't be an idiot - spending money gives u an oportunity, but the yankees most important things are intelligence and heart. and those come mostly from the players that they brought up in their system (yes, they have great scouting and minor leagues too)
  12. bump just cause both of those are really cool wishin' i'd found my own personal muse, but no one i've found seems to write outta my head....gonna keep lookin tho...
  13. well, if they've got drug use issues to work out, they need to. if the guy's not to be trusted and thats really true, then she should see that for herself in time and it'll all work out.
  14. barvybe

    Older Men?????

    hey hon, that's a big generalization. guys in groups tend to be idiots, but... i always dated older women when i was younger. from 16 to 25 always older women. girls my age weren't challenging me enough. now, i date my age and younger cause the older girls just aren't where i am right now - meaning they don't go out so much, are feeling the urge for kids and stuff, u know. i need a few more years for that....
  15. shit, not only do i agree with DRAMA, i ask u this: 1. why wouldn't u trust her? 2. why would you want to be a part of everything your girl does? 3. evidently u don't think boys and girls can just be friends, right? damn, i got so many girlfriends - i've got relationships with them where we talk about shit like u might with u'r boyz. i'm not giving that up. shit, if u'r girl / guy doesn't have his or her own life, how r they gonna challenge u? how r u gonna grow? rn't u gonna get bored as hell real quick? like others said, u either trust them or not. if u don't, dump em and move on. besides, your boy's saving do if she's smokin' up his stash
  16. ahhhh...sweet lady thanks for treatin' her so nice boyz....*MUAAAAAAH* <---a big thank u kiss. and LM, u know i'll stick with our watch my back, drink my ass under the table, dance my ass all over the floor, stinky cologne, skate and step, lucky fucky, smiling high, tattoo my butt, stumblin' down, bitch kissing relationship. (4 now). can't afford that decoder ring or the plastic pickets for a white fence around my window planter anyhoo!!!! LOL ---so, we stunk drumbling 2gether to the land the we love on friday? sorry i missed all y'all - BUT ESPECIALLY YOU HIGHMAY!!! WTF - U GET YOUR PHILLY BOUND ASS UP HERE AND NO DIGGY 4 ME?
  17. i remember sitting through the 80's with no playoff births... when mel hall - the f*ucking prick - was our best playa and donnie baseball never getting his ring... so screw off and feel sorry for u'r self somewhere else! i've worn to shape of my butt into the bleacher seats in the cowbell section and i'm going till the tear babe's house down (which will be never!). so, who else is going stadium 2nite? i'll be sitting with the other creatures next to my man Milton with the cowbell leading the chants and being generally rowdy... GO Yanks!!!!!
  18. Sai, i'll be u'r send me home early call... 2am? u give me the time and i'll send y'a packing, k?
  19. couldn't agree more - not only is that a really cool interview, but he is the man with the crowd. everytime i see him it just crazy - he's upper there grinning and shit. in the interview he said that he likes the US crowds the best. he certainly acts like it when he's here. had the best time, again! hehe. i'm just a happy camper. saw too many of u all to list here, and got a ton of b-day hugs. i will say, FINALLY MET JUSTIN!!! (TRANSEND). NICE TO PUT A FACE ON U'R SILLY ASS KID!!! so, i danced my way into a stomach cramp around 8am and had to sit the end out. they should sell bananas in that place...LOL Mugz - would we lead u astray? DH is the man live!
  20. ahhhhh...i can always count on you to fill my nights with bumpin thumpin music.... should be coming. were u not feeling it at howells? u took off pretty early didn't u?
  21. was looking forward to a spygyrl / ragga sandwich. oh well, just have to get my hands around something else...
  22. LOL i have no idea!!!!! so, i'll have both my hands with me at Vinyl 2nite for Howells. u guys coming?
  23. Thanks girlies!!!! Can't wait for Howells tonight - gotta see if my oldness can still make it through the whole night. lol
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