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Everything posted by barvybe

  1. barvybe

    Clean up Pole

    hehe...dude, i think u gotta be gifted. not even all the porn guys can really do that. but, certainly, storing some up but getting close and stopping a few times helps
  2. DG - YOU cheated and gave the full body massage answer! lol Hand massages ARE the bomb. I like getting head, neck and hand. Giving lower back, foot and head / hair.
  3. barvybe

    Clean up Pole

    but then how do you clock the distance? that's no fun!
  4. instead, how bout we go out and light the night on fire? miss ya hon! get a couch job like me (unemployment benefits rule!)
  5. barvybe

    Clean up Pole

    lol - we need to meet! oh, but u've got that bf huh? <sigh> yeah, handy wipes count as bedside towels i think. i've got some of those too.... so, i guess only the two of u are gettin' any. is this a SEX board or what????????
  6. barvybe

    Clean up Pole

    OK, i'm dumb, so i don't know how to actually post a poll, but: U just had some messy sex...either pull out and cum all over or u'r in a pill inspiring, committed, no condoms needed relationship. Maybe u just finished up a sloppy Round 2, but now u'r ready for cuddling and sleepy sleep. So, which is u'r FAVORITE REGULAR clean up method? (showering not included - i mean, who can bother with a shower every time?) 1. off to the bathroom for a moist towel 2. keep that towel by the bedside 3. go to bed wet and slippery 4. tongue bath and finger fun Me? well, being a sweet, innocent sex board baby....TONGUE BATH OF COURSE!!!! who wants to get outta bed anyway....
  7. hells yeah! a cutie who heats me up dancing (which was definitely the best part of GBH this friday) so, i'm agreeing - music was wack. in fact, if i hadn't had such a great time with all the people from the meetup / Aztec's b-day, and found Sai on the floor, i woulda bolted right out. NO MORE GBH for me!
  8. barvybe

    Clean up Pole

    OK, so u've just had some awe inspiring, back scratching, noisy, messy sex, and cause u'r a naughty little boy or girl (pull out and spray down) or u'r in a pill inspiring committed relationship (no condom), theres a little bit of a mess to clean up - either inside or out. Watcha gonna do? for me, cause i'm a sweet, innocent sex board baby - DEFINETELY THE TONGUE BATH!!! Who wants to get outta bed anyway?
  9. Oh yeah, almost forgot - I totally respect the Mariners, but they did something DISRESPECTFUL that pissed me off last night. 1st - they weren't even in the dugout for the national anthem. Note all the Yankees take the top step and stand in a row with their caps off. 7th inning stretch - they've go the best tenor singer dude doing the long version of God Bless America. Yankees up on the top step again, standing still, hats off. Where are the Mariners? sitting on their bench spitting tobacco and shit. COME ON! WTF? Show a little class and spirit I say. I'm not a friggin' bald eagle thumper or anything, but do not respect the fans in NY that way after all the shit that went on here....
  10. OK, to our Met's fan friend - guess what we chant out in the right field bleachers? Meet the Mets Greet the Mets Come on out and Defeat the Mets! Game was AWESOME last night. Soriano's homer nearly hit me in the head...lol. Did they show the rocky thing on TV? we were down and between innings they played the Rocky theme. Well, this total crackhead who's a regular bleacher creature starts running up and down the stairs, doing jumping jacks, starts shadow boxing, etc. We poured water over his head and stuff...they had it up on the jumbo tron - even did a replay of it...LOL and then... BOOOM - bernie BOOOM - soriano see ya at the stadium 2nite
  11. so, if they just expand it by say 4X, we might all fit!
  12. LOL! I've been there. Was this cute, little, curvy spanish girl at my last job. We went hot and heavy for a couple months. but then the breakup - can u say awkward!!! It was a small company - but even in a big one, if u gotta work near or with someone it can be a mess, so i say.... STAY AWAY!!! unless its a big co and u are in diff departments OR you're just too hooked to leave it alone... good luck!
  13. Was she really just on for 2 hours? Thought it was a little longer. The opening and closing DJ's were decent, but Sandra was awesome. Some really really sick tracks. Got me up to do some speaker dancing!!!! LOL She is damn cute, and she actually seemed pretty nice to me. Danny T showed up too for a bit. Crowd was pretty light, and she doesn't work the crowd like Howells, but WHO DOES? Thought it was nice to have room to really dance....
  14. word i didn't go last night cause i had no faith it would be any different. seems like some thought it was a bit better, but i'll still wait. i really like the vinyl crowd better and love SF (in doses) too. lots of people have some of the same problems with SF, but: 1) no place in NYC has more energy than the floor when JP is on at aound 8 - 10 am, 2) i'm neither a sterioded bare chest boy nor a crackhead and i've never had a problem getting pushed or anything at SF anyway, i hope Exit finds its pace a bit cause its such a huge space it could be awesome....
  15. hmmmm...this sounds like a common dilema.... will she / would you let her do anything to yours? might get her accustomed to the idea of a little ass play....
  16. I'm in next round!!! (but be gentle...i'm Xtra sensitive)
  17. LOL - it coulda been!!! if u camped out at the front left of the bar for a good hour or two before leaving that is. definitely had dark brown hair and a blue jacket....thought the pants were light colored though, but i was avoiding arms, elbows and toes, so i might be wrong...... damn, if that was u, nice to meet y'a
  18. LOL - i've been to a couple meetups and met countless people out, and i can barely remember my own name!!!!! don't sweat it!
  19. OK, there were a few that shoulda stayed in the dark corners...
  20. yeah, i was wondering where u were too - kept hearing stuff about this unbelievable hottie from the CP board. That's u right? also met a bunch of VIP people - i was hanging with Schwingep, Don, Laine and others for a while, but they're not ma familia, if u know what i mean. I was wearing a blue / green weird ass patterned shirt if that helps at all....
  21. u sure that was u? maybe there was someone else sick too, cause the guy at the end of the bar that almost knocked me down on the way out didn't look like a CP head!!!! Simon - what were u wearing? BTW - i had been thinking all night that everyone cleaned up real nice - we didn't look like a bunch of freaky ass club kidz just warming up for mayhem! lol
  22. LOL - u know, i do know a disproportionate number of chica's from the board.... yeah, good seeing ya bro!! Snoozi8's a trip -she came out to Centro with me, LavenderMenace, TrippinTrance, Xpander, Vala, and Theory136 - good little crew. And of course there were a ton of peeps there for Aztec's b-day. It was OK. Great people, but the music kinda blew...I just put my head down and danced for a few hours, so it was all good. aside from a small bag check problem and an impounded car....lol i think a nice, small sex board meetups a great idea - maybe the freaks will feel more comfortable with just us there! i actually had someone say to me - "Oh, you're that sex board guy!" lol. I just said, "Yeah, something u want to talk about?"
  23. hahah!!!! yeah it is.... so, Glow - i had a fling with a hottie female professor once. what a cutie she was - always wearing skirts and little tops, no panty lines....yummmy!!!! she wouldn't touch me till the class was over though. we'd go and have coffee together and stuff, that's it. then after my final exam, she gave me another one - oral if i remember right. i kept cumming back for extra help though. it was pretty funny - i'd actually sign up on her meeting sheet that she kept on her office door for an hour every once in a while...lol
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