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Everything posted by barvybe

  1. Good to meet u last night man. i the guy who just couldn't watch the game but had my jersey out with me see y'a tomorrow.
  2. yo Lex, Shannon's offline today. pm me and i'll pass it through to my roomy.....
  3. yeah, that was pretty funny!!! u'r a cutie! caught my eye, and i guessed right , what can i say. so, what up with the ticket the other night? had to sell it to a 250 pounder name Antony - it would have been more comfortable with you bouncing up and down in your chest paint i think
  4. Hey Lexy! Good seein' y'a out again. TWICE in one night no less..... Pretty sure LM and i'll be there. maybe to catch Mark latenight too. what up Mugsy? Seb was pretty decent last night. sorry u missed.
  5. hey that's not nice!!! i've never met Dee. All i said was that i'd never seen so many people agree on anything on this board. I've seen some real bitchy posts from Dee and that shit she posted about Highmay that started this was just about the WRONGEST thing i've ever read. (Did U read it hon?) You screw maliciously with people's friends and you should expect to get dumbed on. Highmay's a really nice guy and LM was just sticking up for him cause they're buds is all. Maybe she is mad chill with her friends, i don't know. but you should be cool to everyone, even if you don't care for them that much. Dee, if we ever meet, just be nice - i make up my own mind about people..... I'm a no drama boy myself.....
  6. accomplish something that u want to do but is hard and you haven't succeeded at yet. happiness with self leads to happiness with others and the world. when i'm down i write. its REALLY hard to do, especially when you're in a pissy mood, but then i feel so good about myself after. of course, dancing and sex help a lot too - but they only let you forget for a little bit... did i mention have some sex?
  7. ever rumor's got a seed of truth.... YES, for me with a boardie that is.
  8. barvybe


    Girls, ever carry a diamond ring or a check for 5k or so in your pocket? how many times you check that shit? A = comfort adjustments. its kinda gross, but sometimes has to be done DISCRETELY
  9. what's this no meeting people shit? you don't need to wait for a meet up! be a man whore and drop someone a pm already! or just meet people out! in the last couple weeks i met FieryDesire and GlowDancer out randomly. was out last night with LavenderMenace, Sleepiswaste, MugWump, Albyback, Lexstacy, TrippinTrance, Xpander, Mysteriousss, etc. etc. Ain't no trick or secret to this kids - if you go out in NYC you're surrounded by CP'rs all the time! just gotta figure out who is who!!!! come down to FUN tonight and meet MugWump and SBJ at the door.
  10. well spoken (scratch my last post, she doesn't have to leave right away - i should get to know her better) seriously, casual sex is something that most people never manage to actually have IMO. A booty call isn't even casual sex, cause u know the person real well. anyway, hope everyone's getting some or so to do so! tastyt - when u free hon? i like to trot it out there every afternoon
  11. I'm sorry <pulling pants back on>, what are we talking about here? <no, don't bother to leave your number hon> Oh, casual sex!!! Where to start: Well, Tastyt, i like going for very loooooong walks. OK, that's good for now. <thought i told you to leave already>
  12. Do you see me laughing? Can you hear me smiling? (hmmmm...something's wrong there????) serious offer gotta hook the sista up
  13. What? you haven't gotten that call yet? It was pretty cool. Got six messages that first week. corner of 6th and 59th, under the dome at the planetarium, shit like that. girls were mad cool too. it was a little weird seeing these two thin dorky looking guys in trench coats waiting around for the girls after each time though. first i thought they were pimping, but if u've ever seen gabo and spragga u know that's just not possible. they gotta stay at a distance and wear big shoes to look even a little intimidating.... gabo - word of advice - its easier to get laid when you ain't working the protection vibe my man
  14. u have to sit next to fat Anthony, Tom the Sherrif, Knobby, Donnaho and the other bleacher creatures, curse homophobic obscenities at the right fielder, and jump up and down energetically for 3.5 hours or so without the aid of booze or tunez......
  15. Ok, its a deal, but: 1. I'm gonna need until next week's deep dish to get the credentials together 2. you need to send me a picture (for the id of course) 3. i just got my unemployment check, so the nights on me i'm gonna try not to think too much of your mood cause i gotta go for a walk later and it takes longer you gotta keep circling around the pole
  16. yes, this is the Booty Call Board. just send someone a pm and a location and they will show up. no real names no....aww heck, just read FieryDesire's post about the contract. if you break the contract the ladies will send Gabo and Spragga to bust a cap in yo ass though!
  17. Yes Yes Yes!!!! Tiesto is banging right now! why wait till friday? come out to True and Centro 2nite hon! (btw - when are you gonna take me up on that offer?)
  18. Thanks Dave! That door prize is kinda nice. No worries about the drink thing - i don't think i've ever looked at a bar without having at least 2 drinks!!! So, get this, i'm hauling some SF / JP heads in for some of Z and Spoony's wacked out trancy business....lol. This'll be fun! GO YANKEES! (btw) Was at the stadium last night for utter total chaos and pandemonium. Since only our local table jockeys could top that sort of thing i gave up my ticket for 2nites game to catch the TRUTH in stead
  19. too bad we can't post a count down clicker synced up with the bouncies! that would be coooooool! so, Z picked up some sick shit yesterday. psyched to hear it in a bigger space.....
  20. barvybe

    does age matter?

    I thought u were a little older than u are (though your age doesn't freak me out). Maybe its because you seem so independent and confident? I think most guys have a mental limit on how many years apart / younger they'll go. Not that this necessarily makes sense, but its there...... Good luck hon with whomever it is. U'r a sweetie! kiss kiss
  21. If u suck really really hard on the end of some surgical tubing you can get that 4 story funnel going... ...just be sure u got someone to pass it too once u get crosseyed. (ouch - i just remembered that this usually leads to a stupendous headache)
  22. yeah, but i do it really really well. come by after the game then? lol Sirdante: i appreciate that, especially from an MA peep! I went last night and froze most of my ass off, so they'll be lots of room next to me 2nite! hehe. season bleacher seats (300 bones) are the best deal in NY
  23. see, evidently hot ovens are what everyone things about when its time to get warm....
  24. i think playing with u is kinda fun
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