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Everything posted by barvybe

  1. ahhh...too bad hon. i'm good at that other stuff, but guys like that are a dime a dozen i would have to guess. uh Gabo? can u actually lick u'r own ass?
  2. Ok, remember that Sunday i had a few weeks back? My slipping and tripping adventure? Well, i was just purusing the literature that lovely young lady was good enough to give to me. Let me tell u... Quite a few surprises! I've really learned alot. Here are some of the eye-openers (i may just have to change my entire outlook) 1. "Sex is a big step on the way to happiness and joy". Of course they ruin this by then stating: "There is nothing wrong with it when followed by faithfulness and decency." 2. "The way to happiness doesn not include murdering your friends, your family, or you yourself being murdered." (d*amn..fuckity fuck!) 3. "The way to happiness does not include the fear of being found out." this is in relationship to performing illegal acts i presume. Which leads to the conclusion: 1. don't get caught, or, if u think u might get caught, 2. don't give a f*uck since happiness is all about avoiding fear evidently. 4. "The way to happiness is hard to travel when shadowed with the oppression of tyranny" (obviously, whomever wrote this hasn't been living in NYC - we have a tyrant, and yet i'm pretty happy). 5. "The road to happiness cannot be traveled with stolen goods." Unless those goods happen to include a car.... 6. "The way to happiness is very hard to travel when one is burdened with the weight of obligations." or, BarVybe translation: "Its better to be owed than to owe others." 7. "The way to happiness is a high road when it includes industriousness." I find that i'm really lazy when i'm high. 8. "The way to happiness is best traveled with competent companions." They better be, since i'm hopeless. And isn't this the argument for being a kept man? 9. "The way to happiness is a high speed road for those who know where the edges are." Again with the being high stuff. Personally, i just stay away from the edges at times like this.... 10. "Be temperate: Do not take harmful drugs. Do not drink to excess." How do i know which are harmful if i don't check them out? Same with that excess thing. Back to those edges - how can u stay away from them until u define them. In conclusion.... shit someone give me a hand here...d*amn confusing L. Rob Hubbard piece of shit pamphlet!!!!
  3. Ok, maybe y'all recall that Ass Play thread a ways back, but it just occured to me that its been quite a while since i was with a girl that wanted to have her ass licked.... Why is that? I'm not a particularly dirty boy (shower at least twice a week), and i'm into it. What's the big hang up? <----narrow minded eunuch So, girly girl who's really needing this, and is nice and clean, let me know. And i'm not half bad at it either.... <----u quivering. I don't really need much in return (though u could probably talk me into something).
  4. how about (no particular order) -Jessica Alba -the french Victoria's Secret model -Renee Russo (Thomas Crown Affair killed me - hot older girly) -gisele that's good for a start
  5. barvybe

    HIV negitive

    Well, I'm with Chula: give blood every 3 months and u stay in the know. Test regularly, and then no test is a big deal. I've had unprotected, but only with people i had good reason to trust. And if i'm in multiple partner mode, i just don't do that, cause its not cool to your partners.
  6. barvybe

    Dry Spells

    one month?! that's not so long girl. i once went over a year. now granted it was after a busted outta a failed multiyear relationship, and after my sex after the breakup to make sure i was still i guy, i went a really long time without. was fine though right now that would kill me though...
  7. barvybe

    Judgement Call...

    in general i agree....but it does depend on what they're doing. If they have a common interest that none of the 22 year olds other friends have or something...like: camping animation festivals etc. if he / she is just hanging with them to drink and chill, that's a little weird though. having 1 or 2 16 year olds chill with the older group is cool...not the other way around. IMO of course...
  8. Its always nice to get a little spanking in Gives u something to sit down and remember the evening by....
  9. I can already picture it.... What got redder - u'r tush or Lina's?
  10. LOL hard to say really. i tend to wake up at 8 all the time unless i go to bed at 8 then i wake up at 11 it would be nice to need more sleep sometime... how bout u? if u'r bored, pm me your AIM or MSN girly girl
  11. Good morning sweetie! where were u last night?
  12. ah, there are soooo many places Shuga: dives: tons of them, but one of my favorites is Library Bar (Ave A and 1st street). Great 2 for 1 happy hour 5 - 8 every day including sundays between Orchard and Ludlow bar, i like Orchard better. Bario (Stanton near ludlow) is pretty cool with good eats and an upstairs where they have dj's / live bands Farther north: Miracle Grill: 1st ave between 6th and 7th - great eats and a heated back garden. There are a whole bunch of loungy spots up and down ludlow and stanton too who's names just don't catch right now.... the rest i forget the names of though...love to go barhopping with ya sometime....
  13. Grrrrrrrrrr.....i am not feeling anything tonight.... somone please open a can of whoop ass and point it in my general direction. DB was sooooo great at PS1.....
  14. Hey kids...good seeing u all and hearing the D3 boys on a better system. Music was really good and not too loud. Place full but not too crowded. I think i may have to be there more and more often. Left around 2:30 and shoulda stay'd lata since my heads felt fine all day....
  15. hmmmm...never seen pooh pop a whitehead b4 i'll be there hon. with Theory136, Lily, Snoozi8.... can't wait to pimp out on the couches between :bounce: 's
  16. can i have a private whipping before the party? it'll be a good warm up for u. and i'll be away in Miami that weekend....
  17. hee hee hee <----giggles Haahahahahahahahah <----great big belly laughs hee hee hee <----more giggles. thanks hon!
  18. I've got skills and plenty of time.... what sorta benefits do u offer?
  19. and...(no offense intended peeps) How do you know when your staying in a Kentucky hotel? When you call the front desk and say "I've gotta leak in my sink," and the person at the front desk says, "go ahead."
  20. barvybe

    Deep throat

    Princess! What other skills do u have? Deep feels great, but other things feel better
  21. My girlfriend told me I should be more affectionate. So I got two girlfriends.
  22. barvybe

    SeX on E

    yeah, towards the end is great. before that the feelings can be a little overwhelming. and yeah, it can take a while. almost as good is waking up and going at it. still got some E residue in you.... some girls i know love it, others feel like Tastyt - that its overkill...
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