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Everything posted by barvybe

  1. so Followtherules - u are truly a sacless lump. if u got a problem, tell a moderator instead of bitching and whining about it. there are three threads on this now and the only thing for sure is that i'd never use u'r list now!
  2. Progressive Euphoria... but before that this Cake song...silliness. When u sleep where do u'r fingers go? what do u'r fingers know? what do u'r fingers show? where do u'r fingers go? yeah.... when u sleep do they tremble on the edge of the bed? or do u fold them neatly by your head? do they clench like claws against your own skin, when your living your day all over again? When u sleep where do u'r fingers go? what do u'r fingers know? what do u'r fingers show? where do u'r fingers go? yeah.... do they play guitar, in a latin bar? are they strangers or lovers? do they drive your car? are they swinging submissively, sex acts of life? or just cutting through jello, with a very sharp knife? now Zeus was a womanizer always on the make. but Hera usually punished her that Zeus was wont to take. when u sleep.... where do u'r fingers go? are they pulling out weeds from the dusty soil, but then never rewarded with the fruits of their toil? are they scratching their nails, on the chalkboard of death? only seeking attention when everyone in the room has left? When u sleep where do u'r fingers go? what do u'r fingers know? what do u'r fingers show? where do u'r fingers go? yeah.... when u sleep do they tremble on the edge of the bed..... or do u fold them neatly by your head
  3. 21. the cabby asks u where to, and u say "Home, duh!" 22. u'r friends in CA tell u not to call so late. 23. it's starting to get dark out again. 24. someone just shook u awake. 25. u find a wine cooler in your hand.
  4. Xfiles - unless they got together. i don't watch it n e more. chow yun fat and whats her teeth in the Replacement Killers chow yun fat and the other whats her teeth in Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon
  5. hey kid! what up? see u at Pseudo on Thurs. bring u'r vinyl
  6. (that's also a yes btw....me and BarMenace) did i hear Selway? what? who? where?
  7. nope, crowd was good. very young. lots of dancing. the place is cool, and it was nice and chilly inside so u didn't overhead. staff was pretty cool too. crowd is real friendly. no drunks or real agressive types wandering around bumping into u or anything. one tip - definitely order tix on line and do will call - u get to skip the line entirely. if u have tickets in hand, u have to wait in line.
  8. yo, afterparty is always good at the GP pad...great coming home after Amazura and seeing u guys. I was in a great mood, wanting to dance more and more...lol. the music was Chilled Euphoria mix by Red Jerry. A double set. the first song is Faithless, Drifting Away. Figured it was a good choice for the sleepiness... HACKER: Lav didn't get my message to give u a big b-day hug! Sorry i missed it, but sounds like u had a great time
  9. Derek was great, but SpaceGirl stole the show. Damn she's AMAZING!!! All live shit, great undercurrents and beats. And damn! she's cute. What she does is just amazing...spent half her set just watching - its like she's got octopus arms working two key boards, samples, drum machine, effects....DAMN! The whole thing was great except (IMO) some mediocre hardcore and the last DJ that was eh....u folks should check this out sometime
  10. Yo - i hit Amazura last night stone sober in all senses and had an amazing night. Seeing all the kids rolling face at the UFO convention was trip enough Half my crew was sober, half not, and we all had a great time. Just be comfortable hanging out with people who are doing otherstuff and its all good - drugs and alcohol don't give u a good time...they give u a different time.
  11. more to come i hope. nice meeting u Siceone!
  12. is there something that he always does for u? maybe something that u'r not good at? like cooking or running u bubble bath or something? turn the tables on him and make urself part of the present too...
  13. no silly, she knows u already have a papa, remember Bouncy G () wait! u little devil! u'r trying to hook up for me? thanks little guy
  14. i hear that we have precisely (almost) the same number of posts....
  15. Yes, the little one has convinced me to hit Vinyl up. I think it was the free bottle that convinced him. probably show up around 2 the flyer doesn't say anything about closing....ever
  16. It was fun last night. my boy Pascu spun main room at 10. first time in NYC Hacker laid down some phat double time tracks. I think We're Alone Now missed u terribly though Z - she pouted all night and insisted that Lav and I carry her around. Great friends and tunez Good seeing the Wumper out again, and Laine, Jennifer, PhuturePhunk...etc. etc.
  17. Well, better late than never I hope. I had a great great time on Saturday / Sunday morning. Went to NV (ack! BarMenace wanted to check out a new watering hole, so Papa LavenderMenace and I took him out on the town) and found Laine, Ray and Dave chillin. Of course they hooked us up with some drinks and phat conversation. If u haven't been to NV, its a really really cool space. the downstairs i hip hop (not my thing), but the upstairs actually started hopping with some good tunez around 1am. The crowds a little dressy, blah blah, but the space is cool. They actually have WINDOWS! Barmenace crawled up one of the curtains with his 3rd or 4th drink and just looked out at the lights reflecting off the rain slicked streets. So, our little family was bound for Vinyl, but the little tyke started burping and cooing as we tried to pass Antarctica, so we went in and he slurped up a couple pint sized drinks. Damn kid can drink! (in fact he's polishing off the gin right now...good thing we keep an on deck batter handy)...off to Vinyl, which was posted about elsewhere, so no repeats.... Cab ride - (left Lav and Menace at Vinyl, 6 am). The dude was crazy. He had one white milky eye, no patch. I swear to god. I said, take me to SF and he gunned it. Like friggin giant slalom up the west side. Gave him a good tip though (he had to hold shit up close to his good eye to make out the denominations though). Ok, SF - Thank you again Laine!!! U know what for....I had a great time and chatted with the door guy for a while....then hit the floor and danced my ass off!! BarMenace was actually upset cause there was nothing left for him to bounce on. Checked out the basement first and ran into people i know passed out under the stairs (yes, i know peeps like that). Music was pumping and JP was just warming up. Well, i ran around for a few hours and worked up a sweat, but the whole time i was thinking, THANK U CP STAFF!!! recap: Me + Lav + Menace find CPers @ NV ----> + = BurRp + Laine gets we all all night!
  18. hey hon! hope u'r trips going well and u have a *successful* flight home was wondering where u'd gotten off to...
  19. well, a couple of things - - when a girl can orgasm and go, orgasm and go thats fun and impressive. i know not many can orgasm repeatedly like that, but its the energy right after that's the actual impressive part - just like daemoncel said: there's this hip rotation sort of thing where a guy really gets massaged and stuff all the way up and down all the way inside. not sure if there was practice involved or just natural motion, but AWESOME - and this may sound silly, but i was lying in bed and this girl just started rubbing me with her hand - kinda slow and soft. no lube. and the way she did it - slow, soft, firm, great motion - was AMAZING. usually that just gets me ready for sex, but all i wanted was for her to keep doing it. and what was really cool is that she was like half asleep, just playing around with a little smile on her face...ahhhhh. and sure, some "impressive" positions and shit, but they didn't necessarily feel better than some other things so i leave them off...
  20. i'm sure he'd love to spank you girl! in fact, he said just the other night that he was bringing on some more moderators so he could have a free...er...hand...with some other stuff. Gabo and moderate...hmmmm somethings wrong here
  21. uh oh! was that a personal message for me i totally agree. its just hard to get to know people that well in a noisy club sometimes. you only get to know a small part of them....
  22. yeah, it is. and better than "awesome" which gets said all the time. fantastic is good too, but amazing is better. someone must be starstruck hon! congrats....
  23. i don't think thats weird girl. i have too as soon as u start hanging out with people outside the clubs u find out a lot more about them and that most of us are good people.
  24. Only if it comes from me seriously, if u already know that he thinks your pretty or sexy, then this is a huge compliment. meaning that not only are you doing it for him physically, but he's into YOU. if u don't think he finds u attractive (which in your case would be very unlikely) then it could be a cop out....
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