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Everything posted by barvybe

  1. This is retarded!!! If u trust u'r girl, then it shouldn't be a problem. If u don't trust her, u shouldn't be with her. If u trust her but don't trust guys - let her go! So long as she's with a friend or two who cares if u trust the guys or not? So, someone rubs against her? She knows that's gonna happen. Are u saying that some guy is gonna overpower her and force her to kiss him or give him a hand job? Come on now - if u trust her nothing else matters. I mean, did she go out without u before u met? Don't u think she can take care of herself? Being worried about someone being safe is natural. Smothering someone and taking away their freedom shows that u don't trust them. If i was the girl i'd run and never come back. My girl is a hottie and only 5 foot 90lbs or so. I'd never think of limiting her cause i believe she'd never disrespect me.
  2. Like i've said b4 - not a problem. I mean, it would be kinda fucked up to expect her to swallow and then turn my nose up wouldn't it? girls have interesting reactions to it though - some get all excited but some freak a little and think its sick. just not a big deal is all.
  3. LOL...great topic I'm thinking that there isn't a guy in the world that could supply enough to make a difference in the way u taste hon... Although, maybe if he ate tons of asparagus and u were able to choke his business down with that funky taste it would be strong enough to make a difference....but who would want that? Yech!!!
  4. Damn! LOL yo, Guernica is cool on Mondays....
  5. that's cool. in general i think u'r right btw. i'm straight but guys who can't tell if other guys are good looking or not are just foolin' themselves IMO
  6. lol....i gots it u and i should get along.... but i think someone who should isn't getting it.
  7. cooking and then freezing would be better. if u freeze them first, they will become mushy when u defrost them. When fruits and veggies freeze the water in them expands and bursts the cell walls that give the mushrooms their shape is all.
  8. Hacker's got it right as usual on the slightly different topic some of u commented on: i'm very flattered when a guy hits on me. Gay guys tend to have really good style and taste, and since most girls aren't that straight forward about stuff... Sassa - do u think they are actually better looking? or just better style and taken care of themselves? just curious....
  9. OK, i haven't been there but i've heard JV before and i get into him for one night the problem, IMO, with him is illustrated by your post: he isn't interesting!! He drops past and current standards that everyone knows. I can hear those anywhere. I wanna hear some cool stuff, some stuff i don't know, interestingly mixed. Then drop a standard on me for a break and get me all crazy. Roxy has an amazing space (don't know what the sound is like at the moment). Couple years ago i used to go every friday. They could hold a lot of peeps there. As for comparing it to Exit in terms of how many shirtless people there are, u might as well be talking about the beach!!! Problem is that the place is so big that JV's party ain't gonna last there unless he can attract more than his diehard fans. Personally, i think 30 bucks is a little steep, especially since they have a bar and don't stay open that late.
  10. I'm feeling a case of Mugwumpianism coming on again! Aaaaaghhh! Hey, we all gots to follow where the grey matter leads us. Please be sure to stay in touch. muzik brothers
  11. Well High-d Hi!!! I really liked Sander's set. There wasn't a ton of variety, but i was energized by the vibe and had to keep coming back to the floor to groove all night. There was a nice level of mild crowdiness on the floor too, so u could dance and move around and stuff. Fun chillin with the sober and non-sober crews...lol. I've always been good that way. Crobra - does u'r girl post? The two of u were great hanging with.
  12. LOL Hey Joe, hasn't mommy had that copyright infringement talk with u yet? Where did this come from?
  13. You know it. Trying to get Josh and Greg to go too Shannon? depends on the nose.....
  14. barvybe

    dick always hard???

    yo, my current girl does that for me - every time i see her's like a bolt of lightening ...hope it lasts. klohe - an old gf of mine had to tuck me all the time around her family. it became kinda a game...lol
  15. Ooops!!! lol. That last Lavender post was from me. Damn Cookies! lol Well, she's ok, but still sleeping. Nose is still all ouchie. And yeah, she does like those woods, but she's hooked on TottallyOff so she don't go there these days....
  16. U'r turning into a guy? (seriously, lots of girls i know have that same issue for about 5 mintues)
  17. last two posts hit it right: "oh yeah!!! that is great, and don't forget to run it over his balls!" "don't forget to put it down near his ass while you are going down on him... "
  18. Yes, she was smiling in her sleep. Even bigger grin when she was awakened by a massive flower delivery Mike IS the man. Her tummy is now full of some yummy home cooking and she is smiling from all the well wishes. Her head's pounding though, so no bouncing for at least 8 - 12 hours. Mommy sends her love....
  19. barvybe

    Cock smacks

    nope, that's my job...
  20. I know, I know - BarVybe hasn't been posting much lately...been trying to write and if i log in its all over but i wanted to thank u for chewing up countless hours of my time... seriously, in September i was really down and u guys helped me through some tough shit! so, here's to a great new year full of the best sex u all ever had - early, often and everywhere!!! who deserves the good old in and out more than those that think and write about it all day? "so, if u suck, really really hard, what can u get done?"
  21. Glow - knew we could count on you! I rang out the old with some really good sex with my girly...then rang in the new with even better when we got back home Damn girls got my number....
  22. Damn! I got top billing Yo Sai, we talked about this and i'm right with u...PS1 days started me down the road with you. One of my favorite days was the one where everyone piled into u'r love van and headed to my place for PS1 afterhours..... Even better times ahead girl!
  23. ahhh...shit keeps coming back to me as i read this.... you guys know that there was actually a meeting of CP and SF board members in that corner? joint members me and Snoozi dragged them out to Howells and they definitely contributed to the corner vibe...lol yo Sai - did i forget u? You always gots the smiles when i see u... sorry hon....Lav is still sleeping by the way....
  24. Hey everyone.... Lav is sleeping still. Staying in. Her nose HURTS!!! But she had a great time with everyone and is ok. Tucked her in with a movie and some sorbet last night and she's still out like a light.
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