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Everything posted by barvybe

  1. Man, i guess i could see myself as a big brother, but the picture of Tiff being u'r BIG anything is just too funny Yo, Rosie and Joel are the shit - best people around. When is u'r birthday? Where r we going?
  2. Well, we came home to find BarMenace passed out under the table with 3 empties of Dom....Friggin' kids drinking us outta house and home Well, I (BarVybe) arrived around 3 after a bitterly cold walk from 14th street (no cabs) with Tiffany. But, nothing warmed me up more than the shouts of "Petey!!! Petey!!!" as i was buried under hugs from Shannon, Joe G, Kristy, Mike, Mike, Mike, Mike, Rosie, Joel, Carl, Diane, Jon, Dave, Justin, Christian, Mist....Ok brain's foggy...that's all i can remember. All of u had wiggly damn eyes and big ass grins - didn't know i had that effect on you all Well, Tiffany and i caught up and i gots to say i had a great time with her all night. Sitting, smooching, dancing, talking - all that shit. Yo Carl - u r the man - thanks for the sweater (from Tiff) and good times are coming kid! Lots of other peeps (Trippintrance, Fiery, Mellichacha, Aramis, Steve, Andy, Dahlia, big Dean, Xpander, Petrol, MSoprano, SK, etc. etc.) came and went (HI!), but SLEEPISWASTE fuckin' made my night Happy NY brother! Oh yeah - THE MUSIC! Thought our man started off kinda slow, but i was also buried in my girl's lips so i can't say for sure until about 6 or so. Those breaks were a sick treat and i was definitely feeling 80% of it from then till we split at 9:30. Speaker dancing is always good too THE INCIDENT: Lavender is such a trooper. Broke her freakin' nose at about 4:30 and still had a great time. She's doing ok - nothing a few bananas and Vicoprofin can't fix TottallyOff - u are the man. Took care of my roomie better than i could Ice, tender lovin' affection, ER trip, bananas, vitamin water, a straw, and SMOOCHES and chocolate (hmmm...which one is better?) HAPPY NEW YEARS FROM OUR FAMILY TO YOURS
  3. Justin, stop being a whiny baby and get you're non existent ass to vinyl. its not gonna be the same without you, kid.
  4. Well, i really enjoyed it. I know the books inside and out, so it was a much richer tale for me than for someothers. I think that the movie really misses some of the character development and sorta becomes just a series of scenes that aren't connected all that well by character motivation, etc., unless u can fill the gaps in yourself from having read the books. Its pretty true to the books with a few exceptions, but the council of Elrond is a big cop out - that scene really sets up the motivation of all the characters and gives u background on them, their people, etc. So, read the books!!! I think an awesome job was done of making these considering how rich the original books are. so go read them if u haven't!!! and the first 100 pages are definitely the slowest so stick with it! The movie accurately quotes many of those poems btw....
  5. Grrrrrr...... I'M SICK TOO!!! Did u do this to me Cat? I'm pretty sure i'm gonna pull through 2nite and go out though. I figure if i suffer a lot and quietly all day my Karma will come through for me. Get better quick hon so we can see u'r purrfect smile again.
  6. There's this little thing called Permission Marketing. Basically, u have to remove anyone from a mailing, email, or cold calling list if they ask u to. If not, u get fined. That's it. And I know that Lavender never sent u her email address. Maybe u got it in a list from someone, and maybe u just pulled it off CP cause she has it up there. Whatever..... so, Delete, delete, delete means u'r busy deleting her name from your list, right? No one's jumping on you here, this is just a respect and courtesy issue.
  7. Not sure if u'r aware, but its ILLEGAL to send email to people that request u remove them from your bulk mailing. In fact, its a requirement that you provide people with a way to be easily removed from such a list. Just cause u hit delete doesn't mean that's cool with everyone else. I believe that there is something like a $500 dollar fine for each offense. Just an FYI.
  8. yeah, about it being open... its $5 and BYOB btw...
  9. oops! that was me. damn cookies... and yes she's still asleep and i'm not
  10. have u had a bunch already? cause u'r leaving letters off the end of things...lol ahhh...Prague vintage, damn that was 2 NYE's ago...or was it 3? i think that part of my brain doesn't work anymore.
  11. Pete they are talking about me! cause i was supposed to go last night but came up with a gimpy leg and a head cold oh, and btw: I AM OLD!!! way older than u Spragga, so i don't want to hear it!!!! 2nite we're seeing the sun come up though
  12. yo, i don't know about all the K and stuff, but she's AMAZING live. Saw her two weeks ago at Amazura. So good i went out and got her CD. Which was a big disappointment by comparison, so if u liked her disc you'll love her live. She's mesmerizing... supposed to be back in town in april i think...
  13. sorry, i missed out... fighting off a cold before NYE strikes...Grrrrrrrrr!
  14. Damn straight! Just gave it a hundreth hearing yesterday What up Mugz? been a while...Happy Holidaze kid! Give Jenny some extra snacky cakes from me.
  15. Next time i'm bringing a life jacket....friggin water main breaks every time we're there... We missed u Tilly!!!!
  16. nikki beach sunday afternoon - best party down there right now. jazzit (lounge on washington) is a good place to start off.... Opium is really cool too if u want to hit someplace before crobar or space. its an open air club with a really cool set up. great dj's when i was there beginning of december. if u want nice restaurant recommendations or anything, pm me have a great time...i'm all jealous...sigh....
  17. i may show up with some treats...sorry Sleepiswaste...obviously u've got something else more important to do!!!
  18. hmmm.... i thought it was pretty good. IMO tom cruise is very annoying though...he smiles too much and isn't so good an actor i don't think. but penelope cruz is great, and the idea and cenimatogrpahy is good. not the weirdest film by a long shot though just off top of my head: go rent The Vanishing Skin or Eden Myth sometime.... Hi Tilly!!!!!
  19. Yes, i saw it last night. Was AMAZING! Sure, if u'r a purist u'll note that there are some changes to the story and not nearly as much background or character dev as u might want, but damn! It was entertaining.
  20. Isn't the Park a restaurant? Does it turn club late at night? I ate there a couple months ago and it had an upscale bar scene, but where's the club part?
  21. Hey, i spoke with u last week at Pseudo. Had u taken my advice none of this would have happened. Your outrageous lack of respect for those you claim to care deeply about is the reason why people have such issues with u. You bring unwanted drama with you wherever u go by constantly referring to a past that everyone but u wants dropped. I'm going to suggest that from what i have heard, it is better for u not to be there. If u'r goal is to get abused and phyically harassed by people, then continue to show up. I have never met anyone capable of pissing off as many people as you have - and u have done so completely uneccessarily by simply not leaving well enough alone. If u think that you are going to get the attention you want by making her feel sorry for u, i believe u are seriously mistaken. If the people running a party believe that someone who shows up is going to cause a scene or disturbance, they have every right to ask u to leave. If u clean up your act and move on, then no one will have any issues with you. If u care for her as much as u claim to, u will respect her by not making an issue of this anymore. Just my opinion....
  22. u know i gots the skillz... been there, u know
  23. Welcome to the neighborhood Shuga!!! anytime u wants to come by and chill with Lavender and me, let me know... New Year's Resolution? hmmm.... ---to remember that its all good! and not stress the mess....
  24. awwwww....have the best time sweetie! u need someone to keep u safe on u'r trip? carry your bags? sing u songs?
  25. i'm coming to watch...er listen maybe dance? drink...glug, glug, glug smile once or twice maybe
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