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Everything posted by barvybe

  1. hope the room's got good insulation... i've heard u'r quite noisy sometimes. ahhh...i miss my parents old basement room. had its own door to the outside world even. sigh....
  2. so, u were in there playing with toys? (thanks, i had no clue what that was)
  3. WOW! u'r damn cute girl hey, what's that weird plasticy thing on the dresser?
  4. this question come up here all the time. the answer is: it depends on the people involved. some guys i know can't have female friends some girls i know can't have male friends some girls i know can't have female friends personally, more than half my best friends are girls. and no, they aren't busted in the grill or anything. sure, initially i was attracted to some of these girls, but once u build a friendship its not that they become unattractive, but i just don't think of them that way.
  5. while we're talking about hawtin, and so long as the growth on my side checks out, u kids gonna find those areas of u'r brain with me on Wed?
  6. barvybe


    well, i'm sure u dream all nights but don't remember them i virtually never remember my dreams (i think my psyche knows that they'd just be waaaay to damaging to my waking mind). when i do its almost always cause i wake up naturally (no alarm), and kind a lie there in that half awake state where u can almost control u'r dream and u know its a dream but can't help urself...
  7. no, i hate it when a girl cumz.... <scratches head deep in thought> do the girls like doing that?
  8. 76 hours no drugs no clubs work work work i used to run the bartending program during Harvard Reunions in boston. A week of never ending parties for 10 different reunion classes including mimosa breakfasts, lunches, teas, dinners and late going parties. one year my co-manager in crime was sick, so i had to cover for him too. all the schedules, inventories, blah blah blah if we hadn't been so organized, FORGET ABOUT IT!!! then i slept for 5 hours and went back to work. went to a party and skipped sleeping the next night too. shrug. i was on a roll.
  9. my bro evidently caught him at the Full Moon Gathering. october 2nd in Thailand i think in a big clearing in the jungle he said is was downright good! i'd like him to come by and whip me up some Barbarella
  10. Well dear, if u've been checking out my bedside table: - A Walk in the Woods (Bill Bryson) - a rollickingly humourous account of his semi successful walk on the Appalacian Trail. - just finish a LoTR reread in prep for next months theatrical release (awesome awesome books of course) - Black Mass (the true story of an unholy alliance between the fbi and the irish mob) - excellent, unbelievable account of crooked going ons in boston ABout to start: A Man in Full (tom wolfe) and Stolen Lives (Malika Oufkir) also great, though not that recent was the Red Tent. Get it. Read it.
  11. last time i listen to you!!! i tried it and i can tell u i've never been in so much pain. imagine the pain in your ears of listening to britany spears now imagine britany changed to muzak style then think about that pain piercing through your entire body. not good at all. i soothed the little sucker by bathing my bloated mid section in gin and drinking some tonic water. we're on our way to the hospital now (good thing lav is strong, cause she's gotta carry me down the stairs) we'll let u know what they find....
  12. who knows? i think that alot of the normal late night saturday SF crowd will be there. all the ones i know will. just don't go to early 6 or 7am might be good.
  13. OK. please hurry! It's growing really quickly. I'm horribly thirsty, but every time i try to drink water or juice it gets angry! And i'm running out of beers here. My skins all itchy too from being stretched like this. HOLY GOOD GOD!!! I just had to scratch it, it itched so much, and um....well....the skin broke a little. Smells like CHOCOLATE VODKA!!! Ok, that's better. i put on the new PVD and it seems to have settled down a bit. I'm really nervous. I mean, this isn't normal is it?
  14. (recorded phone conversation 11-20-01, BarVybe speaking) Lav, honey - i think u need to come home and take me to the doctor. I've got this growth or something....and its growing. Stuck to my side, right near the liver. Oh gosh, this is really weird! It just kicked! OMG! when i took a sip of my beer i think it sighed, or maybe even gurgled. What's happening to me?
  15. i have just invited mark and janey to join u as well. they probably won't come. i'll know tomorrow the only rule i have is that u all stay chez BarVybe until i return so i can have desert with u....
  16. inviting people to my place again, huh? ok, when i get home i want 2 brownies and a couple of cuties waiting for me (lav - that other invite is still open if u want)
  17. a whole crew of CP, VIP, SF board peeps usually chill just left of the stage. I'll be showing up there around 6 or 7 after Hawtin!!! in that little spot betweent the small back bathroom and the stage. i know some are meeting there at 4, then again at 6....hope to see u guys...
  18. Hey, i'll be there with Lavender for the 3am at least. And she'll even recognize u kid. i've met u a few times myself, but seeing as how i'm retarded, gonna have to rely on her. lol. so, any of u heading to DT @ SF after? any info on when they're planning on closing LL down? very psyched for this. last time a saw him was at that tiny free benefit Friday after WTC - he was great!!!
  19. my ass can't hardly wait ummm...i won't be showing till 6am or so (have a date with Richie Hawtin first) u gonna check by the stage for us?
  20. LOL... nah - its just me. love it when lavender uses the whip though
  21. Yeah, great meeting u Anthony. Congratulations - u kept me bouncing till close. Was chillin with u'r boy Rob yelling at u to keep going after the lights came on.
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