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Everything posted by barvybe

  1. thanks sweetie! bouncy girl buddy of mine cute as a button and so much fun *MUAAAAAH*
  2. go to this thread posted by LavenderMenace (Shannon) she's my best buddy, and took a bunch at the America meetup. If u scroll down to almost the bottom of page one, Loch summarized them all in one place. I'm also the guy on the left at the bottom of the last picture. http://bbs.clubplanet.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=63958&pagenumber=1 a few of u have asked for a pic of me, but i'm too retarded to know how to do this myself..... there are numerous transcend and hacker pics in the thread as well as a few others u may know..... (and now his face is out there along with his words....ack)
  3. barvybe

    ATTEN: FieryDesire

    lol...yeah we met on the third floor. i'm 5'10" or so, brown short curly hair, both ears pierced. was wearing a brownish velvety shirt. i was one of the folks who got a big ass birthday card there. i stayed until 10am, so was still there. Z's a honey btw - love her! so, next time, just make it up to me with a big hug ;-)
  4. well, EXACTLY 5'10", but i've been told i have a tall personality glowdancer saw me at SF - so u can ask her if i'm a cutie....
  5. lol - sure, but i don't know how to post it send me u'r email?
  6. well.... HOOK UP A BROTHER!!!
  7. us boyzzzz have the same problems! I'm totally dedicated when i get exclusive with someone. but, i need space and freedom to do my own stuff and keep parts of my life to myself. the only women who can keep me happy without getting claustrophobic are those who have strong personalities, interests fo their own, and keep their individuality. nothing is more of a turn off than a girl that stops going out with her friends and doing stuff on her own.... lots of the things i like to do (writing, cooking, skating, lying in the park and listening to a game) are really solo activities. then i'm all refreshed and ready to rock my lady when we're together.... so, question is, where is she??
  8. had a great great time. Andy, u'r costume did rule! good seeing so many people going crazy for so long. of course, the best part of the night was popping Lavender's cherry and making her bounce up and down the whole time. But then again, i'm Bouncy Boy <------me <----lavender menace entering SF and looking around <-----LM post popping
  9. barvybe


    no, i remember. just didn't remember your name bro! was cool meeting u. not much talking. music was really loud and my voice was gone gone gone! good meeting ya! see you in the back corner again soon?
  10. barvybe

    ATTEN: FieryDesire

    Ahahahahha! This is funny! U got u'r own post from me Glow! and Fiery - I didn't see u at twirl!!! Remember Joel's hourse party on FRIDAY!?! I posted this BEFORE the Twirl party even started *MUAAAAH* for both of you!!!
  11. barvybe


    awwwwww <blushing> thanks hon right back at ya next time i'm claiming a couple dances with ya, k?
  12. barvybe


    Hey cutie! Great meeting u this morning Sorry we didn't find each other until so late. Looked like u were having a good time with u'r crew though. I haven't been near a cheerleader in quite a while - forgot how damn hot and sexy they are ;-) btw - while i don't go to SF nearly every week, most of that crew i was with does - like the guy u thought was a girl - LOL *MUAAAAAAAAAH* pete - oh, who were those guys u were chilin with? r they from the board? didn't catch their names.....
  13. I'm cuming as a big pom pom then ;-) I may actually be non-costumed since the late arrival and the b-day thing i gotta do before is at a nice restaurant and then a lounge and no costumes.....grrrrrrrrrrrr.....they better let my ass in post 5:00 am without one. (there's an idea, i could just go nakey.....hmmmm)
  14. barvybe

    ATTEN: FieryDesire

    Hey sexy girl! Nice meeting y'a last night. *MUAAAAAAH* oh yeah, party was pretty good too....
  15. MEETUP SPOT SUGGESTION: How bout on the floor to the left of the stage (when facing the stage) every 2 hours or so. (2am, 4am, 6am, 8am). I can't promise i'll make it (damn dinner / drinks / bday thing from 8pm to 5am), but if i do not only is this on the floor so you can dance while u'r waiting, but its also: WHERE THE sf BOARD CREW HANGS OUT! So, if u'r asking about and find urself talking to a russian (i'm not russian btw, but at least half the SF board is), as them if they know BarVybe - great fucking group of people, and hard partiers / dancers all. Look for me at 6!!! (If i had a pic here, i'd post it to make finding y'all easier)
  16. ahhhh...that sucks. a iittle surprising - heard him few times and he's decent i thought. Guess he just wasn't on last night well, turns out to be a good choice that i didn't go.... THOUGH I MISS U BKISSA! *muah*
  17. barvybe

    How many inches?

    U know, i thought it was pretty funny too! ClubKat: i knew i could count on u to "misunderstand" ;-)
  18. i kinda like those little whimpery, biting the lip, trying not to shake the walls, moany screamy things myself....
  19. aaaaaaaaagggggggggghhhhhhh! I'm getting SUCKED!!!! (ok, well, not that way) but into a bday party thing that i MUST attend until at least 4am. but that's OK, as SpyGirly Girl points out, SF is good LATE!!!!!! If i can still stumble (no chance of being able to walk at that point), i'm gonna show at SF around 6. I expect to be whipped, early and often, until i sober up enough to dance.
  20. barvybe

    How many inches?

    this was originally posted as a height question...but i figured we'd end up talking about cocks
  21. barvybe

    tasty and spygirl

    what he said! come on girls....please?
  22. i don't get jealous much...pretty comfortable with myself i think, and if i've got shit to be jealous about regarding my own gf, then she probably shouldn't be my gf. i mean, sure, i keep an eye out when we're together, but total trust always. i don't get jealous of other people's successes and shit, or money, looks, whatever...that shit just ain't worth it. the only thing i do get jealous about sometimes (but envious might be a better word), is when one of my boys gets with a totally rockin' girl and she's for keeps. but that's just cause i haven't found my long term honey yet. where r you?
  23. barvybe

    How many inches?

    hehe...even better...The Spy Who Shagged Me is on and Fat Bastard just said: "Once you go fat......." :D
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