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Everything posted by barvybe

  1. thongs were pretty much in effect @ America last night.... a very hard night for the boys!
  2. hey guys. what up? didn't make it to float even though i had the invite - needed to go to that b-day party thank at centro. thought the meetup was all kinds of nipplely - needed some back up from the SB boyz. where were ya hiding? you girls are a fine looking group of hotties, that's for sure
  3. How do the kiddies like it?
  4. the real trick is having the i've got a girlfriend confidence when u don't without resorting to the i'm gonna be a prick cause that's what girls like thing..... that'd be smooth and cool
  5. hehe - yeah, that smile's more important than the nut....
  6. barvybe


    LOL - its funny how so many of the hotties from high school turned into notties.... so, DG - sounds like u just pussed out on these girls in the past...can't give them all the blame - if u wouldn't mind now, u shoulda gone for them then brother! I'm sure there were signs and signals, no?
  7. Just throwin' another Libra some love... hugz and kisses make them kiss yo ass at work tomorrow *MUAAAAAAH*
  8. October 11 - didn't u see LavenderMenace's b-day wish to me? Happy b-day all u wonderful libra brothers and sisters! so what else about us? everything said so far is DEFINITELY true! (especially the sex and can't make up our minds parts) plus: 1. we're excellent listeners 2. are sensitive and caring
  9. Well, i never presume, but put it wherever she'd like. So, Guinevere, now i know :laugh:
  10. I agree exactly. Older = less time. I think people just get more comfortable with themselves.... I don't mind waiting tho. If i'm interested, then i'm interested and so long as i don't feel i'm getting played, its all cool. In fact, sometimes i'll put on the breaks.... Of course other times all the breaks seem to malfunction...lol
  11. u know, u'r both right i think. when i was younger and dating only older women, i got to learn a lot and they taught me control too. not saying i'm the best or anything, but they made me competent anyway. it always kills me when i'm with a girl and she cums from oral and is like WOW, that never happened to me before. i just think a lot of people are too shy or embarrassed or what not to really pay attention to their partners. its not so hard to take care of someone's needs. anyway, i ramble - while i generally agree that older is more mature in bed, sometimes they're too set in their ways. hard to teach an old dog new tricks, but the puppies just suck em up (so to speak)
  12. barvybe

    Dream cycle

    hmmmm....i have no idea. i used to have dreams about one of my X's (who was bisexual) and other women - but like women i wasn't attracted to. never figured those out either. glowdancer and tasty - i know what u mean. i just think that guys are so visual - i have no choice but to fantasize, specially if its been a while. or, if the girl i'm with has to get up first and i'm in that half awake mode, still smelling her in the bed, while she rustles around the place....
  13. barvybe

    Dream cycle

    LOL... no worries mate! i'm just poking back is all.... i wrote it up all joke like....i'm just thinking that i scared everyone away and i'm curious to know what other people think. but no one wants to share....sniffle
  14. barvybe

    Dream cycle

    "US"? u've had the same ones.... This was actually a serious question about do u fantasize about the people u'r dating or not....
  15. Yo Vala!!! Hi honey, my GP neighbor. I'm here too ya know. Like Tastyt (whom i've yet to meet), i post mostly sex board. Lavender's my best buddy cool as shit girly friend. was wearing a red tank top with tats on her arms and a smile on her face all night.... so, *MUAAAAAAAAAH* - now u owe me one.
  16. yeah, thinking about it. haven't heard either of them tiesto is just beyond my $$$$'s right now
  17. barvybe


    yeah...i don't get it. i mean that whole Dick Schapp thing i mentioned in the other thread. "Hey DICK, how 'bout using Richard Schapp as u'r public name." duh....
  18. barvybe

    Dream cycle

    Hey, be nice!!! I didn't even mention the donkey or the clown suited circus midget juggler ones.... damn damn damn...there i go again
  19. barvybe

    Dream cycle

    <BarVybe consults his dream oracle (tall cylinder, half filled with water that bubbles oddly when manipulated correctly> u'r feeling guilty and u just spoke with one of them
  20. Of course not silly. We still love ya! seriously, if i knew they had it just cause they were dumb, i'd let them know i thought that. but people make mistakes, and people aren't always honest, and shit happens....
  21. Exactly - no one has made more big plays over the last couple years in the playoffs than he! U see it and u can't believe it. He's definitely not the best on skills - maybe even #4 now in the AL for shortstops (arod, nomar, tejada), but he's the best ballplayer... Ichiro is friggin' awesome too. Excited to boo his ass at the stadium....hehe
  22. 12:30 it is... i'll bring my internal alarm clock to send home all the early risers as promised. oh MUGSY - please wait until after everyone shows up and says high before doing the MUGBUT. That when, when everyone scatters i'll know how to find them.... Sai - *MUAH* - will be great seeing u again (everyone else of course too, but its been since Pappa and Burridge damnit!)
  23. barvybe

    Dream cycle

    OK, here's my normal dream cycle about a new hottie i meet: fantasy 1: handcuffs and vinyl fantasy 2: dog and pony show fantasy 3: kindergarden urination fetish fantasy 4: babysitter gives the bad little boy an enema fantasy 5: that barbara bush thing LMAO! - Ok, i'm not even sure what some of those are!! Ok, but seriously, this is what happens - 1. met someone hot cute cool - makes dream appearance 2. see them again out or maybe on a date - dream appearance 3. have sex with them - stop the dream appearances 4. get really into them - back in the dreams (and we try to act this batch out!! hehe) i'm figuring that once u have em' they stop being the fantasy for u. but once i'm into ya, then u'r all i can think of... make sense? anyone else?
  24. barvybe

    Hello everyone

    ahahahahhahaha!!!! U ROCK HON!!!! allways butting a big on my face. *MUAAAAAAAAAAAAH*
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