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Everything posted by barvybe

  1. barvybe

    SeeFood and f*ck

    Ok, what food makes u horny? well more horny than usual u freaks!!! and i don't mean what food do u like to play with in bed.... for me: sushi shell fish (could have to do with the slupring sexy visuals though) definitley not: pasta chinese food (too heavy - make me feel like sitting around and burping)
  2. than 2 in the bush" who's the idiot who came up with that?!?
  3. This is some retarded shit. there are lots of good dj's. some have great live skills, some better studio skills. some are dicks. whatever. junior's fun. the gay things cool - whatever. DT's great kid koola's got great live mixing skills too....
  4. uh...yeah. of course u can buy me a drink if u'd like. lol see u there bro! GABO - yeah, i owe u one HighMay - get yo ass outta philly!
  5. Yipppeee!!!! Hi everyone. just entered my 4TH decade!!!! (i think, 30 is...well...hmmm). now that i'm officially an old man, i got my first Old Man Pain this morning! alllllriiiight!!! Thanks for all the wishes. i'm great, had the best time at shine, and will see ALL at vinyl on sat. RIGHT? Shannon girl - give me a hug and kiss on the speakers and u'r forgiven *MUAAAAAH* love y'a all Gram-Petey. <---- me right now <---- b-day hat <---- me last night <---- the ceiling late last night <----ha! fooled u. not me last night :bounce: <---- my dreams last night
  6. barvybe

    Age & Dating

    when r we getting 2gether again? well, now that i'm old and sensitive to this age stuff, of course age doesn't matter!!! seriously, as others said, maturity and where u are in u'r life determines if u'r compatible. can u have meaningful conversations with each other, with each others friends, do u have some similar interests, do u challenge each other, etc. i feel like i'm both young and old for my age. i've dated way younger and older and the same. its all good depending on the person...
  7. ooohh! so that white milky stuff is glue....
  8. barvybe

    how I feel

    so, how's u'r day been?
  9. barvybe

    Ass Play

    hey now! that's no joke. the ass needs lots of attention or it starts to get outta line. needs to be smacked around a bit then....
  10. barvybe

    America Meet-up

    well, challenge me then!!! btw - i'm confirmed for the bar at america - no eats. they just get in the way....
  11. barvybe


    Ok, i always get told i flirt alot. but i'm just me i think. and people who know me realize i treat everyone the same. which sometimes confuses girls who might like me cause they're like, "hmmm, he's this friendly to everyone". Truth be told, when i like someone i'm pretty shy and have to force me to be me. know what i mean? If being me is flirting, then its fun as hell and i always have a good time when i go out (i think that's why my friends keep me around). and yeah, this board rocks cause no one takes it too seriously. as for a line - physcially sexual flirting can be too far. especially if u know the other person is interested and u'r not. u gotta be careful so that u don't hurt anyone....
  12. well, i disagree. sure i'm "attracted" to some of my female friends, but that's like saying gay guys can't have male friends. Just not true. If u both recognize it, then its no problem. You can play with that stuff and joke about it. I know i'm not ugly and lots of my friends are really cute - my other friends date them all the time, so.... and u know, even if your all drunk sometime and steal a serious kiss from someone, it can be just that - a drunk kiss, and not fuck up the friendship. just like u can have a stupid drunk fight with your friend and be best buds the next day. my opinion. i'm just an optimistic fool i guess....
  13. I just turned 30 - today!!! (yes happy b-day to me). I think u just need a nice older man with a mixed past - - well educated - travels - loves to cook - worships women - writes a lot - and loves getting sidewayz.... So, i'll keep my eye out and let u know if i find anyone!
  14. ahhhh.... got it now. just needed...umm...a helping hand i guess
  15. no problem btw - i once sorta pushed an ex too soon on this. didn't realize it and thought i was being really nice and caring for her. don't do that anymore. its really important to establish your life again on your own terms that have NOTHING to do with him B4 you make him part of your life again. i know u know what i mean. HUUUUGGGGZZZZZ!!!
  16. what, u looking for a job or something? lol kidding (well, if you find one let me know though) I HAVE NO FUCKING CLUE WHAT THE GEORGE IN TRACTION THING IS ALL ABOUT. Gabo - my dads a silly little freak. and yeah, thinking about America, but probably only for drinks. (wait, wrong thread)
  17. LMAO!! how many are thinking just the drinks? not sure i can make the eats part and don't want to be doing rounds on my own!
  18. Well, that's cool! it all depends on the personalities involved, and maybe whether it just ended or someone really hurt the other person. Oh, and by the way, u just answered u'r own original question: its too soon cause you're still hurting. took a year with the other guy, right? give it some time is all best of luck hon.
  19. ahhhh...that's funny. OK Gabo - i was maybe 14 and found a magazine of my dads. i was like "COOOOOOOL", and started flipping thru it. those chicks were damn hot! then i found that good old forum section and well, needed to work one out. so there i am, thinking i'm all alone at home, my young manhood in hand when BANG - the door flies open. there's dad - he just starts talking. couldn't tell you what about. i don't even move. i mean, there's no hiding. i'm like sitting on the bed, business in hand, mag open, etc. he finally realized what's going on and turns bright red. he's about to just walk out, but then decides he's gotta be a dad. we had a serious American Pie moment. "Well son, what u'r doing is totally normal. Um, these magazine are edumacational...blah blah. one day you'll be with a real woman....etc. etc. oh, and let's not let mom know about this, OK?" (i think he just didn't want her to know about the magazine :wink:)
  20. i'm really good friends with all my ex's. once they start seeing other people - if u'r not jealous - it becomes easy since they know u really well (u can talk about anything with someone that's seen u naked a million times, wiped the vomit from your mouth, popped u'r zits - ok, that's gross, but u know what i mean) AND there's no more sexual tension stuff - that's all done and over. last night i went to the yankee game with my most recent ex - a totally awesome girl. we're still figuring it all out since neither of us have really moved on completely yet, so there's still that tension and all. but my best friend in the whole world is my ex that i was once engaged to. she's married with kids and i've never met anyone that could give me better advice or cares more about ME. i have lots of other female friends too. so what if there's a little sexual tension there and u can flirt with them, go out as scamming buddies, whatever. its all fun, people just hanging out, etc. just don't let jealousy get in the way.... so, i think it really just depends on the personalities. i only date girls that i really like as people, so being friends with them after is kinda natural in a way...
  21. yes <blushing> i knew i shouldn't, but...well <blushes some more>
  22. LMAO! hey hon, i'd say 4 u its just cause u were retarded last night....i could barely understand u, and U WERE TYPING!!!!! mid week is the best. i like going out tues and wed especially.
  23. of course. me too bro just saying that it didn't take too long to figure out the basic landscape down there. it sounds like G's either hooking up with total IDIOTS or guys who've only had sex 2 or 3 times! (no offense hon, just confused). i guess what i'm asking is, are there really that many guys who just don't give a shit about making the ladies feel good? WTF! Lets get rid of all of them. Then u, me and the rest of the board boys will have much better odds out there and the ladies can do some grinning! u and me ---> ladies -----> how bout the girls mark the sub C guys with a big L on the forhead (LIMP) and make it easier for all of us?
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