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Everything posted by barvybe

  1. barvybe

    Strip Clubs?

    LMAO!! haha - i'm picturing you thinking it was a restaurant and finding out they were serving up boobies. seems like we might actually get a crowd for this!
  2. well that should be an absolute no. more i think about it, i wouldn't do it. but, if it was like i posted i wouldn't feel badly about anyone who did.
  3. i agree with both nitro and spygirl. the question is, are you into her enough to risk ending up with nothing? if so, you need to say something to her. if you aren't sure or think definitely not, then DON'T unless you have some real reasons to think she might be feeling the same way. honesty is always the best, espeically when you are sober - don't do this when you are out partying or anything - unless you are alone and both in reasonable control. good luck. thats a tough one
  4. i think it depends on where you are with stuff and the situation. me personally, probably not. but.... 1. if its totally casual - no involvement 2. you feel that she's gonna do it with someone else anyway 3. you're totally uninvolved with the situation (don't know the guy, etc.) i could see it. i mean the responsibility is really with her. reverse situation, the cheating husband is the responsible party, not the girl he picks up for the one night stand. its even possible that if she has sex outside her marriage this one time, it might help her situation - get her to talk / confront the guy, realize that she made a mistake, etc. those are her problems though, not yours....
  5. exactly!!! so come on girls, give us a hand here please....
  6. barvybe

    Strip Clubs?

    u'd have a really good time i think. the girls really like dancing for girls - and they assault your senses... except touch - ain't allowed to do that hon! which kinda sucks if you're rollin....
  7. lol u mean like a busted grill and a broken headlight? i know this is mean, but i was chillin with this really cool girl on the beach in rio. we were chatting and stuff. she had a great personality and an fine bod. she did have a busted grill, but i was like that's cool. she's awesome anyway. well, we decide to go swimming. she takes off her shades and POW - one of her eyes was all milky and and shit. she was still cool as hell and hot, but i couldn't really look at her and get worked up anymore. really sucked. <sigh>
  8. barvybe

    Strip Clubs?

    ummmm...d'ya thing i'd go to places without lap dances?!!!? where are these places? yeah, at your table, but on you not the table, or there are couchy areas and stuff.
  9. lol meaning same issue? same girl? or "wtf is this guy writing about?" its actually a very serious question.
  10. barvybe

    Strip Clubs?

    hmmmm don't know about 18+, does anyone else? i really recommend flashdancers. its a bit $$$, but you can set right on the rail - there's not a lot sexier then having the ladies stuff bills in the dancer's g-strings.
  11. barvybe


    well, iike... at least one of these three: sexy cute hot (cute and sexy having alot to do with style) plus: tone legs and toushy (the rest of the bod usually follows) not particularly attracted to any hair type, height, eye color, etc. big, deep eyes are hot as hell some one who can move on the dance floor nice, genuine smile
  12. well those guys are really lucky to have you.... personality definitely makes people more or less atrractive, but guys are really visual. we can't just make the physical attraction up i don't think....
  13. see post about on and off hands....
  14. barvybe

    Strip Clubs?

    thought they all closed at 4am? I've always like Flashdancers. But a strip club is soooo much better when you bring girls with you.
  15. OK, someone wanted some new topics (thought i'd been helping out?). Here's another one: Girls, let me know what you think this is. Guys, have you ever experienced this? Ok, you're with a girl, and way inside she feels almost crooked or like she's squeezing you real nice. Now this is an AWESOME feeling - but its not from those Keigel thingy's I don't think cause its too far inside. Kinda hard to describe, but sooooo awesome. So, what do you think is up?
  16. i was gonna say! i mean, for real, if you're a girl with the best personality in the world but i'm not attracted to you: 1. we may have never met (unless you're a friend of a friend or something 2. i be thinking "Wow, you're so awesome - its so cool to have such a really good girl friend." maybe that sounds shallow, but you can't detect a good personality from across the bar....And even when you get to know someone, attractive personality can only go so far - if there's no physical attraction, there just isn't for something to work out or hold your interest, there's gotta be kicking personality though.
  17. LMAO! just laugh of course - otherwise you'll spoil it
  18. really? i would'a thought that you'd look really good by comparison. now i'm scared
  19. Well, please help me out then. If i don't get something else to work on soon my bellybutton will look like a tea cup
  20. Hey now, fingers are meant to be stuck places - why else would they be long and skinny? LMAO - i think i've been playing too much...bellybutton's all sore
  21. what? where? huh? hehe. just woke up. its only 3:30. damn. ahhh, probably not on the boston info. but you never know. probably coming up for a few weekends this fall. need to eat.
  22. yeah, it'll be sick. let me know when you're coming in and what not
  23. damn! really? wtf! i knew this book was outta date. grrrrrr....
  24. how bout piercing the outie?
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