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Everything posted by barvybe

  1. hey MUGCHUMP!!! Yes, i'm back. i was away. out in new mexico working on the natural high of altitude!! a nice relaxing trip - hot tubs, sunsets, dry mountain air. even caught a live wynton marsalis seven set. SO! This sounds really good. Haven't ever met u MissKittie - must be one of those in your absence board boys . And if my tushy is spoken for, no-one's let me know about it yet. I'm definitely gonna need a drink or 12. Found out on my return to our happy city that I'VE BEEN LAID OFF!!! They could've let me know so i could stay out there at least....Well, free at last i think i will drink and party through my savings before working again (so, that gives me about 2 weeks...lol)
  2. lol. so how did u feel? ok, here's a bad one. my nice landlady lives in the building. about 50, polish, wouldn't know what a club was if it fell on her. a couple weekends ago, i come home at around 10am on Sat. morning all cracked out. She's smoking on the stoop. Asks, "Oh, how was breakfast." Well how do you answer that one? I'm doing my best not to sick up on her just from thinking about eating, and manage a "Great! I love getting up early on Saturday's to get the day going." Then, the next day, Sunday, i stumble home at around noon. i'm all in black, kind of nice cloths actually. guess who's on the stoop? "Oh, I didn't know you went to church. That's really nice." Now, not only was i doing the oposite of what she was thinking, I'M FRIGGIN' JEWISH!!! DUH! I couldn't really let that one slide. So i told her i was on my way back from breakfast.
  3. barvybe


    How bout, "Boy i really don't want anyone to think i look hot today!"
  4. barvybe


    did you do my shopping for me? lol and yeah, lines suck!!! this morning not only did i see lines but like 10 women with blue, full coverage panties showing through their white pants! r u kidding me?
  5. barvybe

    Mile High Club...

    if i can find the gorgeous, wonderful sexy brazilian girl who tiptoed to the bathroom with me, i'll introduce you guys. better yet, GO TO BRAZIL!!!
  6. barvybe

    How Long???

    ummm...if you've already met before entering the bedroom you've been waiting.
  7. LMAO!!! you dirty girl!!! I just got SOOOOO busted at work! hahah!
  8. BTW - as i wandered around NYC all day on Monday on my extended labor day weekend sleep deprivatin tour, i couldn't resist wandering into HMV and picking up Howell's Nocturnal Frequencies 3. If I close my eyes, I'm still jumping around near the speakers, stage right, all sweaty, smiling and happy as hell I'm sitting at my desking bouncing all around my space - he spun a lot of this jungly dark stuff at vinyl, and there's a cool but short interview at the end of disc 1. Right now Slam - Life Times is on. Totally digging the baseline. mmmmmmmm.
  9. now, i really do love the summer, but....WHAT? no more outdoors? what's better than lying in the warmth of the sun bundled in your hat and gloves out on the grass, maybe on the leaves, with the cold thin air on your face and the high blue sky up above? how about those perfect still mornings when you go for a walk and the world is so silent and cold you think it might break? or the warmth running thru your body as you get a good workout shoveling the snow mid storm with the big fluffy flakes falling soft and silent in the glow of the street lamps? and, ok, THIS is pretty hardcore, but, how about winter hiking / camping? snowshoes on, tromping through some drifts out in the country where the snow stays white, finding some little bunny prints and following them up a hill or down to the frozen stream. coming back after a few hours invigorated and needing that cream hot chocolate that's waiting for you.... OR really getting out there with a pack and a sleeping bag and spending a few days figuring out how to be a welcome guest in teh coldness of winter, melting snow for water, sleeping toasty warm with a cold cold face, getting to a quiet place no one else has been since before it snowed and sitting in the quiet of the woods thinking about stuff you never have time for back in the world.... Alright, so i'm a freak and i like every season and weather except 33 degrees and raining. and all this from someone born and bred in the concrete and steel of lower manhattan.
  10. I'll be the one with the big smile on my face dozing near the tree in the sheep meadow every sunday
  11. uh, read the label - whoop ass, once opened, really doesn't keep. your fridge is gonna get all stinky. hey, bring it tonight! --> bound to be at least one MTV employee with a big ass....
  12. there are at least 2 posts further down the board. he was great! could've stayed all day
  13. its wed. right? if i'm in town that was my plan. and ralph is pretty good too. might be heading out west though. btw, i never got hassled about not buying drinks back there on Sat. sorry 'bout that. i did head downstairs for a while because of the 'tude up there though. when its not so crowded i've had a great time.
  14. So i've become one with the rest of the oversexed male population, huh? u know i agree with you - wear whatever you want. just wondering if there was some runway show or something that had this on prominent display since it showed up ALL OVER on the same day. btw - guys still seemed to be wearing oversized pants and holding them up with their hands while they walked - now that's one that i never understood. personally i just bought the belt.
  15. OK, i skate in from brooklyn to midtown almost every day. over the brooklyn bridge, up west broadway, through NYU and up Park Ave. So today I noticed a few things: 1. what's up with pale blue undies under thin white pants????! Well, yeah, i skate pretty fast, and people walk pretty slow, so there's a little bit of assie watching going on (I've even learned how to avoid skating into the parked cars when i get distracted). So, I notice about 15 women, all ages, wearing thin whites with blues underneath. Does this look good? NO! Were the women of all ages? YES. Someone please explain. 2. NYU is def. back in session. All the cute little lost looking people walking around, looking the wrong ways at corners, too funny. OK, but 3 OF THEM were part of this white pants blue panties thing. Also, it seems we've got a conservative bunch for the first days of class - few if any shorts and no exposed tummies!!!! (or is that another fashion rule: no tummies post labor day? - like no white shoes?) OK, so there's been little sleep going on since Thurs. and this is pretty random, but its like someone flipped a switch and everyone started dressing differently today (I walked all over the city yesterday, so i know) Anyone else note this strange fashion behavior???
  16. CM? too early for me to translate acronyms!!! I was nearly outta fuel yesterday but recharged my batteries by wandering around the city all day after howells, napping in the park for an hour and asking for extra tobasco in my bloodies so....who, what, where, when, how, why? we should all chip in for one of those accountants that good at squeezing money outta stuff....
  17. summer over?!? HAHA! there are still three weeks left. 9/21 kids. now that i'm not in school anymore, the seasons don't have those events that really start and end them. gonna make the most of the next few weeks. Sept. - Oct. is my favorite weather time of the year here. one thing that does suck is how crowded this place gets on the weekends again. <sigh> some good september things: long sunny afternoons in the park low humidity fresh garden tomatos the first day you need long sleeves apples lots of friends back in town the last deck party of the year hearing all the peeps complaining about school!!! its been a great few months, but the next few will be great too
  18. That totally sucks!!!! They kicked us all out at 10 or 10:15. He was great. Don't know why they wouldn't have let anyone else in unless there was some weird law / regulation / permit thing about allowing entrance past a certain time. It seems that they had to kick us out because of something like that cause there were still serveral hundred of us left and Danny was having a great time
  19. Couple questions: - how old are you guys? - did she come and tell you, or did you find out and confront her? - extenuating circumstances (drugs, alcohol, etc.) like someone else asked? Why do i ask? Well, i've had some experience and reconciled in some cases. The age question is simple, and this is no dis, but when people are younger they tend to not understand / realize all the ramifications of what they do and have less self control. Having not gone through an experience like this before you don't know for sure what it all means or how serious its likely to be. I'm 29 and I'M still an idiot when it comes to some of this stuff. Did she come to you with it? In the couple of cases that this happened to me, when she came to me and was legitimately really upset about it the relationship worked out. Again, especially if you've found out that she doesn't usually cheat she's probably feeling truly guilty and guilt is a sign that she knows she was wrong and is a very strong inhibitor down the road. Extenuating circumstances: does she have any family shit going on? lots of stress? any chance she thought you were losing interest or had been ignoring her? how did she know the guy? etc. Not saying to give her a break, but you just gotta make a call based on how good a person you think she is ---> trust, respect and love. They take a long time to build and a moment to destroy. Good luck Some of the other folks here were talking about cheating that happened after multi-year relationships. That's totally different IMO.
  20. \ sorry....hairball too early in the am ahhhh. that feels better
  21. well, for me anyway. wedding that day. some guy i've known for 20 years but haven't gone out with in 2 years threw me in his wedding party. WTF? special tux, present, bachelor party.... I'd rather pay the %52 bucks!!! venue-wise - i went to a couple Lalapolouza's there and the pearl jam / soundgarden show. lots of fun in good weather. its big with lots of space. no containers though....
  22. details? link? something? know u posted 'em b4, but, well, i left my brain at vinyl...(and its really happy sitting right there next to the dj booth) oh yeah ---> BOO!
  23. Anyone ever slept in a room with someone with "sleep apnia (sp)"? Its this thing that really fat people get (mostly) sometimes where they can't breath properly, so they sound like they are choking all night. Had to share a room with someone on a business trip. With headphones on AND a pillow over my head i couldn't get a wink. just got up and got a paper and sat in the lobby. now that was a shitty night. couldn't imagine sleeping with someone like that on a regular basis <shiver>
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