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Everything posted by barvybe

  1. wow! that whole work / clubbing thing seldom seems to work but that chick seemed all freaky. i figure i must look totally harmless, so the freaky crazy ones feel comfy talking to me also had this weird girl just follow me around a club all night sipping her drink. wouldn't come up and talk or dance. my friends were laughing at her (girls and guys) cause it was just so silly. i felt bad for her so went up to say hi and she ran away!?! WTF?
  2. Walked out the door 3 times today and had to go back 'cause i'd forgotten THE SAME THING!! The shit of it was, when i got back inside, i couldn't remember what it was. Finally, on the last try, it rang so i picked up my cell (i've done dumber, but that's pretty damn e-tarded)
  3. YO MUGZY!!! You, lavender, atomicapples, dgmodel and anyone else coming out for drinks to-night? had a pretty fucked up encounter with my ex last night. totally different break up scenario, but the shit still has me all fucked up. so much so that i walked home the 6 miles to my pad in brooklyn late at night. its only 10am and i need a drink... seriously, i am heading out with some cool people (think you've even met some at Roxy), so pm me. i'll try to post the location later, but likely to be LES somewhere around 9:30. barvybe@hotmail or pm's...
  4. well, you get to see #5 on saturday night
  5. Was at Roxy 3 weeks ago, 3am, on the floor, eyes closed. Tap on my shoulder. It's this girl. Pretty cute i think, but i don't get a good look 'cause she puts a draft beer in my hands and runs off. Hmmmm. I'm an idiot so i take a sip and it tastes pretty good. I don't see her anywhere, but i drink about half and then feel a little weird and put it down and forget about the whole thing. dance with my friends, etc. i get home at 8am. my home phone rings. my parents don't even have that number. i pick it up. "Hi, its Mary" "Who?" "The girl who gave you that drink" <she sounds really young and nervous> "Oh yeah? How'd you get my number" "There were some other people there who knew you. I got your name and called 411" "Well, next time, just talk to me at the club." "I'm shy and nervous. BTW, it was really cool that you actually drank some of that." "Yeah?" "Yeah, i put some GHB in it" <i'm thinking "fucking cunt!"> "Really?" "Yeah. I'd love to meet you and do something with you." "Well, why don't you just come up to me at the club next time" <so i can slap the shit out of you!!! damn bitch feeding me that shit> well, haven't seen her. if i do someones getting punched in the face. learned my lesson - don't accept rides from strangers....
  6. True, but it wouldn't have been in this case. Too bitchy's when a guy's being a gentleman and you won't even give him a smile and say thanks (before introducing him to your boyfriend. lol) Sounds like you were having a good night though...
  8. i somehow need to make it thru the first three nights of this weekend! missed howells last time - if i can keep the head off the pillow i'm there.
  9. LMAO! they aren't too into raver gear though. tends to be very NOT guido. never actually seen them turn anyone away for dress code. last time timo dropped a serious doom's night mix right at the end of the evening. i'm staying till the closing bell. oh yeah, and then he hung out and said hi to people and stuff. very cool
  10. i'm gonna check into this place called Bahi on 3rd ave and 22nd street. its decent, cozy, has a couple bars, a loungy room, and BEAN BAG ROOM!!! they definitely do group things there and i know the manager decently. i'll see if they'd do a wrist band thing and cut us a deal on drinks. don't know about food though... oh yeah, they've got a dj booth thing, but i need to see if its turntables or not or if they could hook it up... no promises, but its right in the middle of NYC and all... i'll see what i can find out
  11. unbelieveable movie! the only DVD i own at the moment. amazing what a motivated marine and his rifle can accomplish...
  12. Hey, really nicely done. One of the reasons that i've always loved the club scene more than other nightly activities for, well for more years then i care to admit, is that is does break down barriers. We all walk around all day doing our things, in our worlds as corporate slaves, artists, service professionals, students, what have you, and most of us don't branch out beyond what we know well. On those really good nights, a dj gives us all a common ground. The energy and uplifting tiredness that we savor toward the end of a night gives us a shared experience and you look around (maybe with your eyes closed) and feel comfortable and comforted by a oneness with the place, the people, the music and the moment. On other nights when the dj can't catch or create the right mood or the mix on the floor is too judgemental or there for reasons other than the music, this doesn't quite happen. Then you've gotta create your own space and place and feeling which is still great, but not the same. Its unfortunate that alot of people NEED to use drugs to help them get this feeling and be part of this (not preaching, i'm an offender too), but if that's what people need sometimes to feel comfortable enough with themselves to really share something, i'm all for it. pkern ---> get touched by this mood more often. was a pleasure to read
  13. Hey buddy, glad that someone got around to pointing this out. As you pointed out yourself, your best friend was put in a really tricky situation. If i were he, i probably wouldn't have told you either but would have been working on my other best friend to break it off / tell you himself. As for the shityness of the whole thing, long relationships often break ugly. I also think she probably was just needing a change or maybe even reaffirmation that it was right being with you. While that sucks and is cheating, i know that often it leads to being back and stronger with the one your with. That didn't happen here, and she used really bad judgement in who she chose to sleep with obviously. Don't even think about friendship for now. It sounds really good, but is pretty impossible until you've established some distance and new stuff in your life that she isn't a part of. Lots of experience on this one. Just had dinner with my ex tonight and determined that 6 months isn't really long enough even though we both love each other and really want that friendship. oh yeah, one more thing: all this stuff happens for good reasons - better that its over now then you had limped along for another year or two and then had it end. don't diminish what you had, but now you are free to fly again, find other experiences, and grow in new directions. catch u on the dance floor this weekend
  14. its hard to believe the guy at the bar couldn't get the hint. just reach back and slap his dumb ass! if it went down just how you said he deserved it and the spectators would have been on your side. sometimes u nice girls need to be the bitch to keep these idiots from getting totally out of control. i'd have respect for a girly-girl who took care of herself like that instead of letting the gorillas grope her.
  15. How's this one: I walk up to the bar at the tiki lounge and order 2 beers at 3:30 in the morning. This girl sitting at the bar next to me looks at me and says "Pussy!". I'm like excuse me. She says, "Your ordering beers" as should points at her mixed drink. I say, "Well i've been out since 6pm. just kicking it mellow right now. How long have you been out?" She says an hour. I say, "Pussy!". Then my friend Janey comes over and starts talking and out of the blue this odd girl says, "Can you please not talk. Your voice is really annoying." So i look at Janey like what the fuck is this all about. I feel a tap on my shoulder and turn back to this girl who is right there and gives me a big kiss on the lips and says, "Just think you're really cool. I'm totally into you." Swear to god, that was the entire conversation! Now that's a freak! And she wasn't all drugged up or anything either. So, I think all the nice normal guys are getting hit on by freaky girls at the bar @ 3:30 AM
  16. hey, cause and effect is pretty tough to figure out. that was one cause (war debts), but of course you could just say that if WWI hadn't happened, then.... anyway, we can look at McCarthyism here in the US for scapegoating to. Oh yeah, about us all going to hell, i don't believe in it so i refuse And someone talked about religious followers manipulating the teaching of their religions, etc. Well, I think that's sort of true, but I think a bigger problem is that organized religion doesn't really teach people to think for themselves and question stuff. Now, i know that's a generalization, but you can't refute that the Catholic church and other highly organized powerful religious organizations encourage people to take things on faith, to trush their priests (or whomever) as understanding things better and being closer to the truth, etc. And all this about things that fly in the face of science that's hard to refute or the fact the 4billion people are thinking differently, and they can't all be wrong, can they? BTW, I'm jewish. Totally not religious at all. More like an agnostic skeptic or something. I think being jewish is more cultural than religious for a lot of people anyway. My point is that every religion has crazy people - so does any movement or organization if your extreme in your beliefs or views. One thing that i did like about jewish teachings is that they are based on questioning. Abraham questions God. Rabbi's tell us to question and challenge things until we are satisfied that the answers we get are true and make sense. Not saying that they're perfect in any way, but if religions taught people to question and learn instead of preaching "truth" a lot of the intolerance would disappear i think. Its really interesting if you study religions - some of the best literature in the world are the holy books of one religion or another - the book of mormon, old testament, koran, book of shiva (i think that's it), prose and poetic edda, etc. if you read them you start to realize (i think) that organized religion is largely a way for people to exert power and control over others.... again - agnostic skeptic
  17. yeah, its definitely a better venue than Vinyl for the sort of thing you're talking about. It hasn't been promoted well at all yet. It could pick up a lot after labor day though when more folks are in town. it is a bit more upscale, so lots of potentials are definitiely out of town right now. you know, i was there for Judge Jules on a Thurs. in May? or April? It was really good with a pretty decent crowd. They had performance stuff and dancing girls too. It was pretty hot. Not packed, but good. Its a big place is all. but it looks nice and there are lots of loungy spots plus the big dance floor and the stages and all. Let's see what they get lined up for mid - late sept. and try to get a shitload of people to go. they will comp and reduce for party's there btw...
  18. even better when you don't know the person that well so its all a surprise and you don't know what their boundaries are...yet
  19. Yo MUGZ! What up? I had to miss it this weekend - outta town finally! But the Roxy is great - sound, space, staff is really nice. They do need to figure out how to get more people in. DJ's aren't gonna keep coming if it stays empty. Still one of my favorite places to go, and i'll be back regularly so long as they keep it going on. All of you out there - come and check it out at least once. Its a really good atmosphere and they've had really good talent that just needs to catch more energy from a bigger crowd.
  20. hasn't even rained mice here yet, but i gotta walk home and its looking dark out! Whats up Stace? Give the donut to a cop and get your car fixed sugar! Hey, what's your trick for sleeping again? Evidently, my body forgot i needed any last night.... Damn and i was so well rested from my week off
  21. not knowing if /when you might be nibbled is half the fun
  22. dark short sleeved shirt with collar and buttons, brown green pants, black sneak/shoes (clean too! hehe) with white laces. hmmm. be chilling with the mugwumpian looking guy.
  23. goes on around 2am. i assume waxman will be first since bond is the headliner (i think) see ya there
  24. uh oh!!! now my name is out there. fuck! feel better man...
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