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Everything posted by barvybe

  1. barvybe

    sex locations

    always the best outside with a chance of being caught - so in the cayman islands in the hot tub with my gf at night right off the beach...
  2. ...it was a pretty good experience. mine was pretty cool too. i was on a 5 day hiking thing with 10 people at this camp. one was my girlfriend. every night we would stay up and fool around at the camp fire or out near this stream, etc. we were pretty young - 15 and 14. the whole thing was all exciting and cool - you know when you're inexperienced or with someone new and you get that butterfly feeling just from kissing a girl? well, i had that all summer. we'd fool around alot, and on the third night of this trip she just looked up at me with this big shy grin and pulled a condom out. told me her older sister mailed it to her in a letter 'cause she really wanted to do this. well, it was awesome - outside, under the stars, the rush of water over rocks nearby. we just chilled together after for a while and then did it again - real romantic too. then took a dip in the stream and headed to the campsite where we slept outside. the next day everyone looked at us strange - I think we had that i just had sex look going on and some big stupid grins i'm just happy that the "adult" supervision was cool enough to let the kiddies have sex. lol thanks for making me remember this. what a great way to start the day
  3. seems a bunch of you are chillen at home to some mellow tunes and what not. so aside from that, what r u doing? after a double 8am weekend, i find my heads so full on sundays that i've just gotta start writing. definitely my most productive day that way (stories, etc.). but its not a good day for editing / revising (just gotta let it flow, no attention to details), just for starting new ones. anyone else find sunday to be creativity day? or is is brain repair day - no thinking at all?
  4. oops. just realized that wasn't you! i've got a forgetory...
  5. i always used to date older girls when i was in my teens - sometimes a lot older (relatively) - like 15 / 20, 16/19, 19/24. I had the best time and learned alot. Always hung out with older peeps. then i found people my age sort of caught up and the older girls moved on to different priorities. more recently, i was with a GREAT girl closer to my age but now i wasn't in the same mind set as her. older / younger don't matter a lick --> its how you can connect and if you can both bring a lot to the relationship. for me, i need a strong independent woman - i'm super social and crazy but also very introspective and need someone confident enought to give me my space. Other people want to be the stonger / weaker person or whatever so it really depends.
  6. ...a good answer to the why question, but i'd love to hear it...
  7. diving's fun, and the more scared you are the more powerful the experience. Lavender --> was real cool meeting you. See you guys' soon. (diving over Vegas would be better anyway)
  8. i will be there again on saturday. entertaining some out of towners by taking them to the chillest daytime spot in NYC. if you haven't been, GO GO GO!! for info they also have a link you can find at citysearch by searching for "P.S.1" in addition to MUGZ' great review of the place, they have beer, water, icecream, burgers and the best brownies ever if you need a munch! (and not tough on the wallet at all) also some pools and stuff, so if its real hot consider bringin' a suit. will look for y'all in our misty / hammock spot....
  9. those of you who know me wouldn't be surprised - i hate hurting people but have in the past made things worse by trying not to (does that make sense?) cool meeting you friday @ Fubar btw...
  10. ...but i can't find it. the results were most people thought it was over-rated. They have a fetish night that you should avoid / go to based on preference. I've found in general that its heavy on the asian crowd, the space is really cool (lots of large format screens everywhere with funky videos and shit), you can't dance - its very loungey, and it depends a lot on the music. i was there for an underworld release party and it rocked was also there some other times where i had a good time 'cause of people i was with. usually a pretty good looking crowd i'd plan on checking it out but with a later stop already planned... have fun...
  11. man, that's too funny! i wish i didn't sweat so much, but i feel worse for the folks that stink even if they only sweat a little. think it has a lot to do with diet all my vegan friends stink! and they fart stinky too. but then there are some people that are smelly but in a good way, know what i mean? hehe!
  12. well, a clean cut is the best, but since you guys were / are such good friends you can always use that route. Just tell him that you're more comfortable as friends and that its just not working out right now romance wise. It sounds like you sort of feel like you've lost something you used to have before sex weirded it out for you. Not sure if you should do this in person or not or if he can send you the *private* thing in the mail. If you're sincere about this he should realize -that you care about him a fair amount -you want to be honest with him so that you don't ruin the friendship relationship totally it sucks having to hurt the sweet ones, but its better to do it now then let him invest more and then get hurt more. since he'll be going away for a while he should have some time to figure this out away from you. if he contacts you while he's away, just respond like a friend - NO FLIRTING. depending on the personalities, this could work for 'ya! Good luck hon
  13. ...OK, this is cool - been listening since around 3 - -slept to Neil Young Unplugged -radiohead the bends -Nike Drake -DJ Marcel mix called WMC 2k1 Insomnia (Winter Music Festival...) - Tiesto, D. Trance, Tall Pall, Matt Darey, etc. -then Portishead Roseland NYC live -PVD - Radio 1 Essential Mix (live at London's Turnstiles?) -Swervedriver 99th Dream -a DJ Mauro disc that came in the mail yesterday - pretty decent and fairly mellow TRANSCEND --> get some sleep man!!! You obviously had a good weekend....
  14. it was on 13th west of 9th. was with shuga (hi there!) and agree with everything she said - great music, really good crowd. It was UNREASONABLY HOT though - literally couldn't stay on the dance floor. If they could have kept the windows and roof deck upen it would have totally rocked. People were coming off the floor like they'd been in the shower! definitely recommend going to their next one.
  15. it was cool meeting you friday (real briefly though) i had a buddy who used to chalk our id's all the time in highschool. this was a few years back when NY licenses were a different color, so i'm not sure how well it work now. All i know is that we never had a problems getting in anywhere. couple things to do (of course i've never done this - just what i heard from a little birdie): - get a second license - you don't want to get pulled over driving with a chalked license, and if you erase and redo over and over it looks like shit. - get chalk the same color as the license - cover up whatever parts of the date you need to change with the chalk - use a fine pencil to make the changes. practice making the numbers the right way first - spray some silicon or something over it so it won't smudge so easy. voila! and don't be nervous at the door. not sure about the shining the flashlight thing through or not, just know that no one ever had a prob getting in and we were 4 guys age 17 - 19 -
  16. Yeah, with it so empty, hard to imagine missing you - except that i couldn't see straight . This is like 3 near misses now - gonna try and sniff out your visored self from now on. got kicked out of the back too, then headed up to the "VIP" area, then back to the floor. yeah, farina's got mad skills - it sucks that no one turned out for him. JoeyD - sounds like you had a good night too - Anyone heard that Pavement song "I need to Sleep" - why won't you why won't you let me sleep? Well, saw the dawn again and still not tired. Gonna head into town and wander around.
  17. haven't gotten my refund yet. through SFX. 11 tickets. hate it when the man has my money give it back damn you!!!!!
  18. promise, we won't laugh at you too much MUGZ, sushi samba is great, but its $$$'s too. I don't care, but don't want to scare anyone off. How can we coordinate? I think you've got my number (Pete). After, there's an apartment party in the village we can hit for a while until figuring out the rest. What d'ya say Shuga and Stacey? Feel like i'm moving in our your organizing turf
  19. ok, i wasn't the only one that had a great time! nice work on the sweet talking Shuga! Set a date and we'll come out again. Where'd everyone go after? Me - a couple more hops, then the ROXY then some after partying. I even have a new hole in my body thanks to some ice and the evil bitch Janey MUGZ - you were there? Didn't see you or your dog's hairy ass! What'd y'a think? Did you stay till close? Horrible crowd for a great dj (when he finally came on). Really like how they've fixed the place - such a great space.
  20. yeah, real cool finally meeting you. and Rachel, Pete, Larry, billy, Donnie, Gina, Saisha, djmoonshine, and everyone who's name i forgot! damn what a bad memory for names - but i always remember faces. had a great time - nice way to start the evening off with a major buzz - took the people i met a while to catch up Thanks Shuga and Stacy for setting this up! later....
  21. could you possibly have made me crave something more? yikes! i can't think straight! how 'bout takahashi on A and 6th.... mmmmmmmmm
  22. lol! well its a toss up. the piercings take less time to do but heal slower....hmmm how about neither!! i'd need some maximum strength drugs to sit through either....
  23. not even sure if i would survive the procedure...yikes!
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